Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Being Present With Jesus

For most of us, 2020 has been a year of challenges, sudden changes, shifts and acclimating to new ways of doing life. With that being said, one thing remains true that has not changed: God is good. I believe the Lord is continuing to take us deeper into His heart, causing our hearts to engage Him like never before.

In sharing with you this past Saturday, I have been in a season with Jesus, asking Him more and more to be the King of my heart and for my heart to lead from that place. I believe the Holy Spirit is inviting each one of us deeper into the reality that awaits His sons and daughters, a reality of being more present with Jesus, that we never miss what He wants to do in the moment we’re in.

Lord, we invite You in deeper, that You would be the King of our hearts, the King of our dreams, that we would look to Your Kingship, that we would look and believe what You already have created and spoken, for You are leading and guiding us by Your truth. We agree with Your heart that already tells us who we are. Holy Spirit, keep showing us who You are and who we are!

God is so for us!!

May your hearts be super encouraged and uplifted with this amazing
and awesome promise from Psalm 121 (TPT):

I look up to the mountains and hills, longing for God’s help. But then I realize that our true help and protection come only from the Lord, our Creator who made the heavens and the earth. He will guard and guide me, never letting me stumble or fall. God is my keeper; he will never forget nor ignore me. He will never slumber nor sleep; he is the Guardian-God for his people, Israel.

Jehovah himself will watch over you; he’s always at your side to shelter you safely in his presence. He’s protecting you from all danger both day and night. He will keep you from every form of evil or calamity as he continually watches over you. You will be guarded by God himself. You will be safe when you leave your home and safely you will return. He will protect you now, and he’ll protect you forevermore!

Love, Pastor Joel

Thursday, December 17, 2020

A Different Kind Of Christmas

I haven’t talked to a single person yet who’s planning to have a “normal” Christmas Day. You know, with the same people we would usually spend it with or go travel to see. For Suzanne and myself, it’s just going to be the two of us. Don’t get me wrong, just the two of us is a good thing—we not only love each other, but we happen to like each other a whole lot! But never in our 34 years of our married life together has it been just the two of us without at least going to see someone. And I know for some of you this Christmas, it’s just…you.
And then it really hit me all that Jesus came into. Though we’ve seen the Christmas story in plays and nativity videos that glamorize the birth of Christ into our world, the reality looks more like this:

  • Mary and Joseph are going about their “life” when God breaks into their world in a way others can’t possibly comprehend so they are completely misunderstood and judged.
  • They say yes to God’s plan, but that doesn’t mean everything happens smoothly. In fact, it’s quite the opposite.
  • Mary has to ride a donkey nearly 100 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem in extreme discomfort in her final trimester. Are you kidding me? You women who have borne children would know better than I just how miserable that would be.
  • She and Joseph are given zero choice in the matter because it was mandated by the government.
  • As Mary is about to give birth, they don’t have a real bed to sleep in. They don’t have any family or friends around to support them during the delivery or to celebrate with them after the birth. This is not what they envisioned.

Does any of this have a familiar ring to it?
But I thought God invited them into his “plan?”  Surely God’s plan can’t include all of this, right?  I mean, right??
And yet, this is the stage that is set for the entrance of the Prince of Peace and Savior of the world. This is God’s plan.
God’s plan is for Jesus to enter into our broken world and into our pain. Emmanuel, God with us, stands with us when we are judged and misunderstood by others.  He journeys with us in our discomfort. Jesus lifts our spirits up, up above any and every circumstance and invites us to sit with him at his banqueting table of love where you are seated at this very moment as he honors your choice to welcome him as your King. He assures you: “You will never be alone. I am with you. In this moment, and always.”
Without question, this Christmas is a very different one. We all feel it. Yet, each one of us is in the midst of God’s plan. Something beautiful is being birthed out of this time that we couldn’t possibly comprehend. Christ in us, the hope of glory, is emerging at just the right time.
Suzanne and I love you all dearly!

Friday, December 11, 2020

Rose - Colored Glasses

Recently, in a comments section of an article I wrote on the nature of God, a fella by the name of Don disagreed with my “God Lens”—on how I saw God and the world—and asked me a challenging question:

     “Jason, I wonder if your ‘god lens’ isn’t just a pair of rose-colored glasses. People have always made gods to their own liking. Historically, God has eventually pulled out His gun and shot them…”

In the article, I had asserted that Jesus is what God is like and He never once used a gun, He never once sought to punish or control us.

Don continued…

     "I can’t help but believe that what God says about Himself trumps all of our ‘god lens’ observations. I know this sounds harsh, but it takes a bright light to cut through all the smoke you’re generating. I know God loves you and I know you want to love Him, but can you love Him even if He offends your sensitivities? I don’t expect this comment to stay on your site for long but that’s ok. It was meant for you to read.”

This was my response…

     “Don, unkindness, offensive or graphic language, or argument just for the sake of argument are really the only comments that we would pull off the site. You haven’t offended my sensitivities.

      I think my ‘god lens’ is different than your ‘god lens.’

     Historically, man has given God the credit for all kinds of horrific things.

     Historically, and theologically, man has put a gun in God’s hand and given Him credit for all the pulled triggers: Natural disasters, wars, sickness, poverty; Historically man has attributed these things to God.

     But, historically Jesus revealed that God played no part in the destruction of man.

     Historically, Jesus revealed He had not “come to destroy men’s lives but to save them” (Luke 9:56).

     When it comes to what He’s like, my ‘god lens’ is Jesus on a cross revealing His heart for us and our value to Him.

     You are correct, it does take a bright light to cut through all the smoke. Jesus is that bright light. God is love, and He is way better than we think He is.

     The goodness of God has been offending the sensitivities of man’s understanding since the fall.

     There is one constant in my life: God is love, just like Jesus, and better than I think He is. If those are rose-colored glasses, then I’m guilty as charged.

     Don, I am wide open to being offended by God, but in my life, when I have been offended by God, it’s not been by how bad God is, it’s been by how good He is in light of how poorly I thought of Him.

     Whenever I have been offended by God, it’s because He is better than how I have historically perceived Him. And when that’s happened, I’ve repented. And then somewhere along the way, I’ve written about my discovery.

     I continue to grow ever-more convinced in His always-good love. And I’ve found that sometimes it’s offensive to folks. But I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and hope my response doesn’t offend you.

     God bless you!”

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Your True Voice Is Needed More Than Ever!

"The voice God has in Christ he now has in us. We are God's ambassadors.
Our lives exhibit the urgency of God to persuade everyone to realize the reconciliation of their redeemed identity."

2 Cor. 5:20 (Mirror)

If there was ever a time when a voice of hope was needed, it’s now.
If there was ever a time when a voice of encouragement was needed, it’s now.
If there was ever a time when a voice of kindness was needed, it’s now.
If there was ever a time when a voice of grace was needed, it’s now.
If there was ever a time when a voice of love was needed, it’s now.
You have that voice because Christ is in you! Your voice of hope and encouragement and kindness and grace and love matters. It’s making a difference. Now, more than ever!
Heaven is our homeland. As an ambassador of God’s Kingdom, you are releasing heaven’s culture here on the earth. You are God's voice and God's heart! In union with Christ, you get to show up again today and be Jesus to a world of people that needs him!
Do you remember the Dr. Seuss story of Horton Hears a Who? In the end, what saved a tiny civilization from extinction was the voice of one seemingly insignificant little boy using his voice. The final line of the story was this: A person is a person, no matter how small.
An even truer kingdom truth is this: There’s no such thing as a small and insignificant person.
Do you know who you are and what you carry? Do you know that you are so significant that God chose to put his glory inside of you?
Not just any voice is needed right now. The world doesn’t need more resounding gongs and clanging cymbals. The world doesn’t need more noise, noise, noise, noise.
The people of this world need the peace of Christ dwelling within you. They need the joy of Jesus welling up from you. They need the real hope Holy Spirit continuously fills you with. The world needs the true voice of Christ in you.
The voice God has in Christ, he now has in us!

“We are ambassadors of the Anointed One who carry the message of Christ to the world, as though God were tenderly pleading with them directly through our lips.”
2 Cor. 5:20 (Passion)


                                                                                 Love, Pastor Brent

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Guarding Our Hearts

Several days ago, before I was fully awake, I heard Holy Spirit say, “Guard your heart.” If you haven’t noticed, this year has brought about many differing opinions in our world, whether it be who to vote for, wearing masks and the list goes on. I’ve had my own convictions and thoughts but I haven’t voiced them much; except with close friends and family. I didn’t think I was allowing offense or divisive thoughts in. But in His kindness, Jesus began to show me ways that my opinions have become walled cities. This “fortress of personal opinions” slowly gets built around us and around the church and the world has no desire to see what’s behind it. Jesus has been asking me to lay down any need to be right for the sake of relationship. After all, only He is always right and thankfully He is bigger than the boxes we try to build around Him.

 “So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are.
Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life.”
Proverbs 4:23

In John 2, Jesus tells the religious leaders to destroy the temple and He will raise it up again in three days. They were offended and scoffed at Him since it took them 46 years to build. But Jesus was referring to His death and resurrection. The temple is His body. Like the religious leaders, it can feel painful to realize we’ve spent many years building something that we thought was substantial, of huge worth, only to find that it wasn’t really built on the solid foundation of Jesus. This can be our dreams, ideas, thoughts, opinions or our belief system. God has been revealing things in my heart that I unknowingly built on sinking sand. This is a season of rebuilding for many. But take courage! Jesus has given Himself as our new foundation that won’t crumble under the weight of any shaking.
God only reveals the vulnerable areas of our heart because He’s so faithful to heal them. He knows how offense, judgements and criticism can damage our hearts and cloud our vision. It doesn’t usually happen overnight. It slips in there subtly over time. This is a great time to be much more intentional in guarding your heart. I’ve been checking in with Jesus daily and asking if I’ve gotten off the path He has for me and away from His way of doing things. 
I gave a challenge during our livestream last Saturday that I’d love to encourage you with too:

Ask Jesus to show you how He sees and feels about someone who is completely different than you. This may even be someone (or a group of people) who you’ve judged or been offended by.
We all have different life experiences and stories that shape how we view the world but there is room for all to have a seat at the table. You are each needed, valued, loved.

“It is in Him that we are ONE and at peace with everyone; He dissolved every definition of division. In that He died mankind’s death, all grounds for tension and hostility were entirely removed. The peace He proclaims reveals one new human race, created and defined in Christ, instead of two groups of people separated by their ethnic identity and differences.”
Ephesians 2:14-15 (Mirror Study Bible)

With so much love and gratitude for you, Karena

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Gaining God's Perspective

Last Saturday at Blazing Fire, we enjoyed a beautiful family time together with intimate worship, communion, the deep sharing of hearts and a profound word the Lord had given Susan Fochler about how He’s inviting us into the process of removing old structures and old ways of perceiving ourselves and others. He’s doing this in order to build upon the foundation of Jesus something in us that knows our true self and that will hold the weight of His glory as He will reveal it. Several more people then shared spontaneously about engaging in this process of giving the Lord access to the deepest places of their hearts. In today’s email, we wanted you to be encouraged by another such story by a courageous one among us. Here’s Shannon’s story:
I am finding out quickly that no matter how you feel, no matter what you are going through, no matter how many jackhammered-turned-temper-tantrums you have, no matter how distant from God you feel, He still speaks to you, He still gets your attention and He still loves you. I’ve literally been asking for this, but I didn't think it would look like this. It’s terrifying at times to be face to face with your deepest emotions, good or bad. The pendulum swinging of the eruption within the foundation of your true self, the tearing of the old thought patterns, the changing of perceptions, and embracing who you really are can be challenging when wading through the junk of the past. The enemy only remembers where you have been, God knows where you will be. The challenges I have personally faced are the demons of the past. Oh, how the enemy wants to destroy me, but I am forever holding the strong hand of a Father who cherishes me deeply. It is His strength going through every fiber of my being to remain faithful to His word, His truth, and embrace deeply His love.
My entire life, from the womb until present day, all I have known is to fight. Conceived out of wedlock, born to a young married couple, I literally flew into this world with the doctor arriving just in time to catch me in his hands. That was the foundation—the beginning of my fight to live in this world. I was born six weeks early, weighing 3 pounds 7 ounces. According to the doctor I wasn’t going to make it. My father's words were, “Let her die here, I don’t want to get attached and have her die at home.” Two days later the doctor declared I would live because I was a girl and fought for my life. When I reached 5 pounds, I was able to leave the hospital. Little did they know this was just the beginning of my fight to fit into this world!
Because my mother had Rubella (German measles) I was a sick baby. I was born with a cataract in my right eye, leaving that eye blind. I was born with all my baby teeth falling out one by one and a few adult teeth growing in its place. When I was three, they found I was profoundly deaf.
To Satan, I am a threat to this world, so he tried to shut my mouth, my eyes and my ears. Silly thing, didn't he know that spiritually I can function well in all three? What the enemy stole in the womb, God knows how to restore. He did, He has and He will!
The enemy tried so hard to shut me down in so many ways. Yet I stood and remained in the fight for my life, for the world I live in, for the love I so needed, and for the embrace of God. Do I want to give up? Yes and no. Hiding is not an option, neither is fleeing. In my continuing to fight, finding rest and peace has not been easy as everything within me is being remodeled to have that stronger foundation the Lord is building upon. So, I continue to keep my eyes focused on HIM. As the whispers of the enemy come and go, I lean in to hear my Father's voice, clearly. Thank God He doesn't have a mask on! It is His crisp and clear voice that speaks while I go through the shakings of my inner being. I get to truly see with a different perspective and know that He is my hope, He is my strength, He is my lover, He is my friend, He is my biggest cheerleader and He fights for me. With that being said, the piece I wrote is called Perspective. Enjoy and be encouraged!

When you turn to a new perspective
When you change your mindset
You no longer see what you thought
You believed
No longer are you in the shadow
Of the night
You are now in the shadow under
His wings
Reach up and hold His hand
Let His strength run through
Your veins and
Help you to stand again
Lift up your head, Child
Upon His face, is a beautiful smile
Melting away all the pain
No matter where you have been,
Where you are or will be
He will always love you
Every tear that you cry
Falls upon your heart
He holds it to soften,
to heal,
And be made whole
Oh, Child,
He fights for you
No matter the journey
You are on
He is always for you
His love runs deep
Setting your heart free
Never forget who you are
Child of God
Oh, Beloved
Child of God
© Jennifer Shannon

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Getting Ready For His Glory

A few days ago I opened up my journal and invited God to speak.  I was surprised at the impressions that started to form in my mind.  Initially I thought it was just for me but then as I pondered further I realized it was for the body as well.    
So I offer this word as a way to understand the process we’ve been undergoing during this season.   Yes, it is unto something!  No, it has not always been fun or easy.  The dying process never is.  Your Father is at work on your heart, and you are invited into the demolition and rebuilding, otherwise known as the renewal of our mind (Romans 12:2)  We may not yet understand all His plans, but we are coming to trust that His ways really are higher, and better, than ours.
He has a goal for your life and it is really, really good: to create in you a beautiful bride so captivated by His love that your heart beats as one with His.  (Rev. 22:17)
1. He is building in us a new foundation, rooted in His love, and clearing away our tendency to be independent in our opinions, expectations and understanding.  This new foundation is building deep, solid girders into Gods heart.   Just as a two-story house requires a stronger foundation than a one-story home, what is coming will require a stronger foundation.  For we, His kids, are to be the containers of His manifest glory He would radiate through to the world.   (Rom 8:19)  And yes, that is each one of us!
2. He is asking us to be patient to wait as He does His work in us, for the work will build a new awareness of the essential need for the Holy Spirit to empower us in all things.  (Jn 14:26)  We are becoming more sensitive and tuned into the ways of the Holy Spirit.  Just as a sail is utterly helpless without the wind, so are we learning complete dependency on Him.  To think with Him, love with Him, and breathe with delight every breath with Him.  (Acts 17:28)
3. This process is an unlearning of what has been familiar and a surrendering of what has, in the past, kept us secure.  Without realizing it we have erected boundaries in our hearts that He has respected.  He would have those come down so He can enter in as never before.  Beyond what we can yet imagine, partnering in power, in love, in revelation as we live from heaven to earth.  His Voice would reign supreme in our hearts.  (Ps. 29)  Holy Spirit would become the greatest influence of our lives.
4. He delights in our worship and our desire to know His heart.  And he seeks to satisfy these deep desires for more of Him; what’s coming is beyond anything we could expect.  We are to surrender our expectations, lay down our limitations and let all of who He is have full access to all of who we are.  He would inhabit our hearts as one in inseparable union. (Eph 4:24)  He asks you: Do you want that?
With Love;
Pastor Susan

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

A Sound Is Rising

As I write this article, the election of the next President of the United States hangs in the balance.
The Father of Lights and the King of the Universe does not.
No matter how this election turns out, half our country will be bitterly disappointed and the narrative for those disgruntled, fearful ones will begin of how horrible the next four years and beyond will be. Are you going to buy into that narrative or believe in a superior King and His Kingdom? Honestly, you do have a choice.
The enemy is doing his best to lure us into finding any reason to divide and to see another human being as less than how God sees them. Don’t nibble on this and certainly don’t bite!
We have a choice daily, not just every four years, to find our hope and peace in Jesus alone. Not Jesus and the president any one of us thought in our very limited understanding was going to be our hope for the next four years. Not Jesus and anything else in this world’s system. Just Jesus.
In pondering this, I remembered a scene from the Christmas cartoon many of us grew up with, “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.” I’m sure you know the story well. After stealing all of the Whos’ Christmas presents, decorations and food, the Grinch couldn’t wait to hear their sad despairing “boo hoo” voices. But he never heard them! No matter what earthly riches were stolen, no matter how their rights may have been violated, the Whos down in Whoville did not take on a victim spirit or plan a way of revenge. They simply gathered as a family, a community who had love for one another, and they worshipped!

--The Grinch did hear a sound rising over the snow.
It started in low. Then it started to grow.--

They worshipped with sincere joy. The kind that comes from something deep within that can’t be taken away. You may be thinking, I don’t remember them worshipping. Weren’t they singing something like “Fahoo fores, dahoo dores”?  The point is, the words themselves weren’t the essence of their worship. Their worship in that moment was to cling to joy, to hold fast to the hope within, and to love each other deeply no matter what. Holding hands in a circle, seeing the light within each other, nothing could be stolen from them! 
This is who we are together in Christ and this is our moment to worship in the way we love each other and hold onto hope. This is what the world will take notice of!
This Saturday, we are going to gather to worship. And it won’t necessarily be about the lyrics we sing, though they will be significant. The essence of our true worship will spring from the very Spirit of Jesus within us rising up in this moment with hope and joy because we live in an unshakable kingdom and we trust in our very dear Father. 
We carry the heart and sound of our good, good Father and that sound is rising up from within and growing!

Love, Pastor Brent Lokker

Thursday, October 29, 2020

What Is The Hope Of His Calling?

"I pray that the light of God will illuminate the eyes of your imagination, flooding you with light, until you experience the full revelation of the hope of his calling that is the wealth of God’s glorious inheritances that he finds in us, his holy ones!"

In this passage, Paul is praying over the ecclesia (God's called out, the ambassadors of Christ on the Earth).  He's issuing a plea that the scales of the mundane would be removed from our vision for our lives so that we would see the earnest expectation of the good God has called us to.  Mainly, that call is unto Himself. It's a prayer that we would understand that we are what God wants, His own inheritance.  This calling is the epitome of not only our life in Him, but our life altogether!

Here's a little picture I see to help describe this in some other terms.  We are like a radio, designed to tune into the most clear frequency.  But this radio has the option of being completely battery operated, or to plug into an ongoing and much stronger power source.   We run on those batteries that wear out, causing the frequency and volume to weaken. But, we decided to take that extra step to get that power chord out, plug it in and operate at full capacity. So it is with the hope of God's calling. If we see it and say, "YES!", we will be much much better equipped to produce fruit, make wiser choices that will enhance our lives and carry on with those other mantles we each carry. 

Under our foremost calling to God's side, we do have mantles or mandates on us as well. Some, from the start, are so drawn to the medical world because they are going dabble in the realm of healing and how God intricately fashioned our bodies. Some smell dirt and feel the urge to grow life, like our Father.  So many mandates out there and each unique to every individual. 

If we ignore these "passions" (if you will) because of fear, doubt, lethargy, trauma, or whatever reason, a part of us will feel so much less alive.  However, we can go right back to the source of energy and excellency, get His heart and gain momentum.

Very recently, our gracious Father illuminated to me that over time in my mind, the mandate as a worship pastor has become reduced to the task of preparing sets and teams for our services.  He reminded me that part of my call is to provoke my community to see God's goodness, enormity and worthiness to be worshiped.  It's to inspire hearts to turn their affections toward Him.  I heard this phrase, "the hope of your calling", in this moment.  My prayer then?: "God, open my eyes again. Set my heart on fire and help me with the zeal and insights for this. I'll do whatever it takes!"

It's in my heart to encourage us all to wake up to the hope of His calling to be His, and all that encompasses.  I promise He will then enlighten your spirit-eyes about whatever else He's got in HIs flawless mind for your life.

Big blessings and energy on you today! - Todd 

(DISCLAIMER: I used the word "epitome" because it sounded epic and grown up,
and I had to google it to insure what it even meant.)

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Transformed In The Glory

I recently had a dream encounter where I saw the church, His sons and daughters, being led into a new realm, a realm where it was bright and luminous. The only focus we had was on Jesus, alone. The Lord begin to show me that He is taking us from glory to glory (2 Cor. 3:18) and this past season of what we have found ourselves in (COVID, racial injustice, politics/election season, personal and family issues). God is coming and breaking in with joy and bliss, where He is transforming us, at the depths and core of who we are.

I believe there is a greater glory God is leading us into, amidst all of the things going on in the world right now (COVID, racial injustices, election season, personal and family issues). This glory we’re entering into couldn’t have come any other way. It’s from the old to the new, Jesus is taking us. He has prepared new wineskins for the new wine He is pouring out. God is coming to anoint us, again, with fresh oil on our heads, to give us the oil of gladness (Isaiah 61).

I believe because of our willingness to go with Jesus to the deep places in our hearts, we are setting ourselves up for another glory transformation. It’s what we have been praying and believing for, what we have prophesied time over again and have declared for so long.

What does being transformed from glory to glory actually look like? I believe this not only encompasses the spiritual, but manifests and impacts us in the natural as well.

Below are 19 Living from the Unseen Declarations by Wendy Backlund. Through declarations, God has given us a powerful, relevant tool to renew our minds and direct the path of our lives with our words. Declarations have the power to increase our level of faith to launch us to experience all that Jesus has won for us. As you read and declare these, may your heart and spirit receive the fullness of not only who God says you are, but the transformation of outpouring and breakthrough.


  1. I anticipate good coming my way every day.
  2. My peace is a powerful weapon to change circumstances.
  3. The light of God dwells in me and destroys the works of the enemy.
  4. The supernatural is not something that happens to me, it is who I am.
  5. God and His realm have greater weight than my circumstances for this natural realm.
  6. I am aware of the unseen realm and I influence people and atmospheres with my spirit.
  7. My spirit is a powerful substance that is a force of light and revelation.
  8. Holy Spirit is communicating with my spirit and I easily hear Him.
  9. I get my identity from my future, not my past.
  10. I can do what my Father does, because I have His DNA.


  1. I carry the substance of favor and I don’t need to perform for people to like me.
  2. I live from my spirit, and let my spirit have a voice.
  3. The substance of Gods love and peace overwhelms people everywhere I go.
  4. I am a partaker of the divine nature, and I look like my Father.
  5. I easily rest and receive in His presence.
  6. I know my past, but I imagine my future according to the power that works in me.
  7. I attach great faith to everything I do; therefore, everything I do creates life and change.
  8. I have unseen resources and spiritual blessings to overcome every negative circumstance.
  9. The eyes of my imagination are enlightened to see the glorious inheritance and power that I have been called into (Eph. 1:18-19).

                                                                         Pastor Joel

Thursday, October 15, 2020

The Good Journey We're On

We are on a journey. It’s a good one!
Sometimes we’re aware of that and often times we aren’t. Our awareness or lack thereof doesn’t change that each of us is on a beautiful journey with Papa God.
We were created in the heart of our Father long before we were born, secure in His heart at this very moment, and safely in His heart for eternity! This can never change.
Our Father loves us and tenderly cares for us in every moment, even through the moments and seasons of our worry, anxiety, regret, anger, addictions,
self-induced pressure, temper tantrums, self-punishment (and the list goes on).
All of this negativity is the toxic fruit of eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil—the forbidden one that Adam ate from. This is the “independent, fleshly, do-it-yourself yet you-are-never-enough, leading to hopelessness and despair” tree. Does that description hit too close to home? Don’t worry, it’s a problem that every person on the earth shares.
Our Father already knows that and has provided a way for us to ascend with Him and leave the destructive perceptions behind on your journey. Don’t worry or fret that it’s taking a while. God already knows that too.
Our Father gives us fruit to eat from the tree of Life—Jesus himself—the Risen Christ in us! The Overcomer who is one with us! Our hope and certainty of glory! Eating from this tree is the Spirit-filled and Spirit-directed life which is simply Jesus in us and leads us into the sheer joy of belonging solely to the Lover of our Souls!
God orchestrates our lives in such a way that even moments of crisis bring us to a place of surrender, wanting His life in us instead of trying to be the director of our own play. This is the part where, in humility, you ask Holy Spirit to show you, moment by moment, when you are eating of destructive thought patterns and to teach you how to choose life instead. This is the part of your journey where you learn to trust, moment by moment, that you have everything you need from your very dear Father, and you willingly choose to submit yourself to His good and perfect will for your life.
And the outcome? You traverse more and more on the part of the journey called rest—an ongoing place where you cease from striving and know that God is.

God is here.
God is enough.
God is for you.


Proverbs 4:18 (TPT)
“The lovers of God walk on the highway of light, and their way shines brighter and brighter until they bring forth the perfect day.”

Galatians 5:16 (Mirror Bible)
“Engage your spirit to be the dominant influence in your daily walk
and see how it defeats the cravings of flesh.”


Psalm 46:10 (NIV)
“Be still and know that I am God”


 On the Good Journey With You,

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Let Hope Hold You

I was recently reflecting on different things happening in the world right now. In that same moment, the Holy Spirit spoke these words to my heart, “let Hope hold you”. As I heard these words, I was reminded that there is no one or anything that can hold us and protect us, like Jesus can. He is longing and will always be available and willing to hold us, embrace us and continue to show us the reality of who we are and who He sees us as — His sons and daughters. Regardless of where you’re at on your journey in life, Hope wants to hold you like never before. Holy Spirit, we give you access and permission to go deeper in us, to the places where You are longing to encounter, experience and embrace of us in. 

May your heart and soul be deeply encouraged as you read the following passage of scripture taken from Psalm 91:1-4; 9-16 TPT.

“When you sit enthroned under the shadow of Shaddai, you are hidden in the strength of God Most High. He’s the hope that holds me and the Stronghold to shelter me, the only God for me, and my great confidence. He will rescue you from every hidden trap of the enemy, and he will protect you from false accusation and any deadly curse. His massive arms are wrapped around you, protecting you. You can run under his covering of majesty and hide.
His arms of faithfulness are a shield keeping you from harm.

When we live our lives within the shadow of God Most High, our secret hiding place, we will always be shielded from harm. How then could evil prevail against us or disease infect us? God sends angels with special orders to protect you wherever you go, defending you from all harm. If you walk into a trap, they’ll be there for you and keep you from stumbling.
You’ll even walk unharmed among the fiercest powers of darkness,
trampling every one of them beneath your feet!

For here is what the Lord has spoken to me: “Because you have delighted in me as my great lover, I will greatly protect you. I will set you in a high place, safe and secure before my face. I will answer your cry for help every time you pray, and you will find and feel my presence even in your time of pressure and trouble. I will be your glorious hero and give you a feast.
You will be satisfied with a full life and with all that I do for you.
For you will enjoy the fullness of my salvation!”

                                                                                     With Love,
                                                                                                      Pastor Joel

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Learning To Love Well

Todd and I celebrated our 28th anniversary last Saturday, which was also Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. It’s a time of renewal, reflection and repentance. I decided to spend time with God last week reflecting on areas that I’ve grown and other areas that I’m continually walking out in my life and in my marriage. More and more, Jesus reminds me that His plan for our lives is simply learning to love. (Although it’s not always simple or easy haha!)

For so many of us, God has been highlighting areas in our hearts that He wants to heal.  I really appreciate what Graham Cooke says about this,

“When God looks at you, He doesn’t see what’s broken. He only sees what’s missing from your relationship with Him and He is totally committed to giving you that encounter.”

He wants you to experience Him in every area your heart needs more truth. When there's pressure put o our relationships, it often reveals those "hidden fault lines."It’s the grace and mercy of Jesus to show us those areas before there’s an earthquake in our lives. 

I wanted to share a few things God has shown me as I’ve been on the journey of learning to love well. These things often come up with couples when Todd and I do premarital counseling but they also apply in all of our relationships. 

* If you search for your “better half” instead of a wholehearted spouse, you will expect that person to fill a void they were never meant (or able) to fill. Only God can do that. We are all at our best when we can fully show up in relationship, not half way or half hearted. 

* Laying down your life for someone else isn’t popular in a world where self sufficiency tells us we need it to survive, but it’s the most beautiful way to live. 

* The more we value self awareness and take responsibility for areas we need to grow, the less we’ll project our own wounds onto those we’re in relationship with. 

* Love is so much more than a good feeling. It’s clinging to what’s true when our changing emotions try to take the driver’s seat. 

* Listening to understand those who think and see the world differently than we do, expands our capacity to empathize. 

* Marriage (and relationships) can be messy. But God is never put off by our mess. In fact, you’ll find Him right in the middle of it!


“Let the inner movement of your heart always be to love one another, and never play the role of
an actor wearing a mask. Despise evil and embrace everything that is good and virtuous.
Be devoted to tenderly loving your fellow believers as members of one family.
Try to outdo yourselves in respect and honor of one another.”
Romans 12:9-10 (TPT)

How we view ourselves directly affects how we interact in our relationships so I pray that you would see yourself rightly: Loved, Highly Valued, Whole. We can only love with the love Jesus has given to us first so I also pray you will receive that in all its fullness!

                                                                                           Love, Karena

Monday, September 21, 2020

The Tenderness of God's Timing

In these times that feel so uncertain, where any sense of normalcy has long since departed, our only safe place is to rest in the assurance of God’s ability and desire to care for us and lead us step by step, moment by moment into the places of His choosing. We’re going somewhere good—that’s our Father’s promise—it’s just that we can’t fully see it yet.
A few days ago, God gave Pastor Susan Fochler a vision of an hourglass that had just been turned over. She saw grains of sand dropping through the hourglass one at a time. God was highlighting each grain of sand and emphasizing His purpose and glory contained in each moment.
She got the sense through this vision that God is teaching us how to walk with Him in the moment, just as Jesus did when he was walking on the earth, beautifully in tune and perfectly in step with what His Father was doing. And in that dance with his Father, incredible things happened—the Kingdom of heaven burst forth—because of the flow of the Father’s heart through Jesus, moment by moment. The same is true for us when we are present in the moment with the Lord—an anointing flows, allowing His life to flow through us.
With the free will we’ve been given, we have a choice in this season and in this very moment to trust God, listen to His voice, and believe how good He really is.  There are a lot of things we don’t know about our tomorrows, but this we can choose: “God, I trust you with my heart in this moment.”
And in this moment, somehow God is orchestrating something beautiful that will draw a great harvest of his children back to His heart!
Tomorrow (Sept. 19), we’re going to gather as a family together and celebrate a brand New Year on the calendar God gave to His people thousands of years ago. It’s called Rosh Hashanah, which literally means, head of the year.  All around the world, this holiday will be marked by the blowing of the shofar which is like a waking up to the Lord’s purposes for the time we are in! Please come join us as part of the family of God living in this moment together.

"Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts!"
(Hebrews 4:7)

It may not always feel like it, but time is the gift we have been given right now. Be mindful and tuned into what the anointing is for this season, this time. There will be a supernatural grace to accomplish it in this now time. Today may we hear his voice, keep our hearts forever soft and enter that promised land into rest and that everything we do would flow out of that place of rest!
My prayer for each one of us, friends, is that we would be convinced of the tenderheartedness of our very dear Father who only has good plans for us as His cherished children!

With Love in My Heart For Each One of You,
Pastor Brent

Saturday, September 12, 2020

A Party Like No Other

A Party Like No Other

I felt like the Lord impressed upon me that the coming move of His Spirit was going to be a party like no other. This was going to be something new and fresh. It was not the party of shaking and baking, swooning, and laughing even though some of this would happen, but this new party was about effective doing or effective ministry.

The party is going to be about miracles, healings, profound understanding, generosity, enthusiastic and eager helps. These things will be commonplace. Expectation and absolute assurance of answered prayers will be fulfilled quickly or on the spot. There will be a high level awareness that the Kingdom has come to Earth as it is in heaven. There will be no hype, speculation or nonsense because the real will have come. There will be no wishing or hoping because when we pray, it will be done.

So this will be a different kind of party. It will be a party that brings deep lasting satisfaction and joy. It will be dreams come true to see the lost saved, the sick healed, justice in the land and darkness easily dispersed. It will be a world where we don’t dream of miracles because they will happen again and again as an everyday thing in our lives and the lives in the world.

“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father. “Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. “If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.”
John 14:12-14

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Wed To Jesus

Many of you witnessed the joy of Sierra (formerly Lout) marrying Elijah Breon last Saturday. If you missed that tender ceremony, watch it here:
Sierra & Elijah's Wedding
As Elijah started to become interested in Sierra (they had already been friends previously), he talked with God about her and God asked, “Is this the one you want?” Clearly his answer was yes and thus the journey to their married life together took its first step.
I picture the Father with Jesus before time on the earth began, asking Jesus the same question as they looked together upon us, his future bride.
“Son, is this the one you want?” Father asks.
With love in his heart, Jesus responds, “Yes, Father, she’s beautiful! I want her!”
After a weighty pause, Father continues “It will cost us everything.”
Through tears, Jesus whispers, “I know, Papa. She’s so worth it!”
As is typical with many courtships, Elijah was the one pursuing Sierra initially—not that she didn’t notice him, but she wasn’t quite ready for a relationship at first. Her heart needed some convincing along the way.
Jesus, our Groom and Good Shepherd, chases after us with his love and tender mercies every day of our lives (Psalm 23:6). Our eager response, or lack thereof, will never alter his choice to continually pursue us with his good and kind heart. Jesus knows our frail hearts need convincing and he’s all to happy to show us his devotion as we can hear in these words from Jesus to you from the Song of Songs:
You are so beautiful—you are beauty itself to me! Your eyes glisten with love, like gentle doves behind your veil. What devotion I see each time I gaze upon you. When I look at you, I see your inner strength, so stately and strong.(4:1,4)

Jesus sees in you what you don’t see in yourself!
Now you are ready, my bride, to come with me as we climb the highest peaks together. Come with me through the archway of trust…for you reach into my heart. (4:8-9)
This is the invitation to do all of life together, forging a deep trust that sometimes has to wind its way through self-awareness that he will bring to you.

What a perfect partner to me now that I have you. I can’t resist the passion of these eyes that I adore. Held captive by your love, I am truly overcome! I could have chosen any, but only one is my beloved dove— unrivaled in beauty, without equal, beyond compare, the perfect one, the only one for me. (4:12; 6:5,8-9)
Wow! How it is that we are, and always have been, his choice?!

And just as Sierra opened up her heart to Elijah over time, the more we encounter the genuine love and kindness of Jesus, the more our hearts open up to see and believe, He is the One we’ve always wanted!
We respond to Jesus just as the Shulamite Bride did in the Song of Songs:
You have reached into me to unlock my heart. How my soul melted when you spoke to me!  You alone are my beloved. You shine in dazzling splendor yet you are still so approachable—without equal as you stand above all others. If you ask me why I love you so, it’s because there is none like you to me. Everything about you fills me with a pure desire! And now you are my beloved—my friend forever. Now I know that I am filled with my beloved and all your desires are fulfilled in me. (5:4,10,16; 7:10)
When we only know about Jesus, we’ll get caught up in religion’s snare, but falling in love with Jesus is another world altogether!
This would be a great time to exchange your vows of love and devotion to Jesus!
     Jesus: Fasten me upon your heart as a seal of fire forevermore.  My love is stronger than the chains of death and the grave, all-consuming as the very flashes of fire from the burning heart of God. (8:6)
     You: As for my own vineyard of love, (which are the deepest places of your heart) I give it all to you forever, my beloved, one with me in my garden. (8:12-13)
     Jesus: Arise, my darling! We will dance in the high place of the sky. Forever we shall be united as one! (8:14)
May I encourage you to take time right now with the Lover of your Soul, Jesus?
With Love,