Thursday, October 8, 2020

Let Hope Hold You

I was recently reflecting on different things happening in the world right now. In that same moment, the Holy Spirit spoke these words to my heart, “let Hope hold you”. As I heard these words, I was reminded that there is no one or anything that can hold us and protect us, like Jesus can. He is longing and will always be available and willing to hold us, embrace us and continue to show us the reality of who we are and who He sees us as — His sons and daughters. Regardless of where you’re at on your journey in life, Hope wants to hold you like never before. Holy Spirit, we give you access and permission to go deeper in us, to the places where You are longing to encounter, experience and embrace of us in. 

May your heart and soul be deeply encouraged as you read the following passage of scripture taken from Psalm 91:1-4; 9-16 TPT.

“When you sit enthroned under the shadow of Shaddai, you are hidden in the strength of God Most High. He’s the hope that holds me and the Stronghold to shelter me, the only God for me, and my great confidence. He will rescue you from every hidden trap of the enemy, and he will protect you from false accusation and any deadly curse. His massive arms are wrapped around you, protecting you. You can run under his covering of majesty and hide.
His arms of faithfulness are a shield keeping you from harm.

When we live our lives within the shadow of God Most High, our secret hiding place, we will always be shielded from harm. How then could evil prevail against us or disease infect us? God sends angels with special orders to protect you wherever you go, defending you from all harm. If you walk into a trap, they’ll be there for you and keep you from stumbling.
You’ll even walk unharmed among the fiercest powers of darkness,
trampling every one of them beneath your feet!

For here is what the Lord has spoken to me: “Because you have delighted in me as my great lover, I will greatly protect you. I will set you in a high place, safe and secure before my face. I will answer your cry for help every time you pray, and you will find and feel my presence even in your time of pressure and trouble. I will be your glorious hero and give you a feast.
You will be satisfied with a full life and with all that I do for you.
For you will enjoy the fullness of my salvation!”

                                                                                     With Love,
                                                                                                      Pastor Joel

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