Thursday, November 12, 2020

Getting Ready For His Glory

A few days ago I opened up my journal and invited God to speak.  I was surprised at the impressions that started to form in my mind.  Initially I thought it was just for me but then as I pondered further I realized it was for the body as well.    
So I offer this word as a way to understand the process we’ve been undergoing during this season.   Yes, it is unto something!  No, it has not always been fun or easy.  The dying process never is.  Your Father is at work on your heart, and you are invited into the demolition and rebuilding, otherwise known as the renewal of our mind (Romans 12:2)  We may not yet understand all His plans, but we are coming to trust that His ways really are higher, and better, than ours.
He has a goal for your life and it is really, really good: to create in you a beautiful bride so captivated by His love that your heart beats as one with His.  (Rev. 22:17)
1. He is building in us a new foundation, rooted in His love, and clearing away our tendency to be independent in our opinions, expectations and understanding.  This new foundation is building deep, solid girders into Gods heart.   Just as a two-story house requires a stronger foundation than a one-story home, what is coming will require a stronger foundation.  For we, His kids, are to be the containers of His manifest glory He would radiate through to the world.   (Rom 8:19)  And yes, that is each one of us!
2. He is asking us to be patient to wait as He does His work in us, for the work will build a new awareness of the essential need for the Holy Spirit to empower us in all things.  (Jn 14:26)  We are becoming more sensitive and tuned into the ways of the Holy Spirit.  Just as a sail is utterly helpless without the wind, so are we learning complete dependency on Him.  To think with Him, love with Him, and breathe with delight every breath with Him.  (Acts 17:28)
3. This process is an unlearning of what has been familiar and a surrendering of what has, in the past, kept us secure.  Without realizing it we have erected boundaries in our hearts that He has respected.  He would have those come down so He can enter in as never before.  Beyond what we can yet imagine, partnering in power, in love, in revelation as we live from heaven to earth.  His Voice would reign supreme in our hearts.  (Ps. 29)  Holy Spirit would become the greatest influence of our lives.
4. He delights in our worship and our desire to know His heart.  And he seeks to satisfy these deep desires for more of Him; what’s coming is beyond anything we could expect.  We are to surrender our expectations, lay down our limitations and let all of who He is have full access to all of who we are.  He would inhabit our hearts as one in inseparable union. (Eph 4:24)  He asks you: Do you want that?
With Love;
Pastor Susan

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