Thursday, October 29, 2020

What Is The Hope Of His Calling?

"I pray that the light of God will illuminate the eyes of your imagination, flooding you with light, until you experience the full revelation of the hope of his calling that is the wealth of God’s glorious inheritances that he finds in us, his holy ones!"

In this passage, Paul is praying over the ecclesia (God's called out, the ambassadors of Christ on the Earth).  He's issuing a plea that the scales of the mundane would be removed from our vision for our lives so that we would see the earnest expectation of the good God has called us to.  Mainly, that call is unto Himself. It's a prayer that we would understand that we are what God wants, His own inheritance.  This calling is the epitome of not only our life in Him, but our life altogether!

Here's a little picture I see to help describe this in some other terms.  We are like a radio, designed to tune into the most clear frequency.  But this radio has the option of being completely battery operated, or to plug into an ongoing and much stronger power source.   We run on those batteries that wear out, causing the frequency and volume to weaken. But, we decided to take that extra step to get that power chord out, plug it in and operate at full capacity. So it is with the hope of God's calling. If we see it and say, "YES!", we will be much much better equipped to produce fruit, make wiser choices that will enhance our lives and carry on with those other mantles we each carry. 

Under our foremost calling to God's side, we do have mantles or mandates on us as well. Some, from the start, are so drawn to the medical world because they are going dabble in the realm of healing and how God intricately fashioned our bodies. Some smell dirt and feel the urge to grow life, like our Father.  So many mandates out there and each unique to every individual. 

If we ignore these "passions" (if you will) because of fear, doubt, lethargy, trauma, or whatever reason, a part of us will feel so much less alive.  However, we can go right back to the source of energy and excellency, get His heart and gain momentum.

Very recently, our gracious Father illuminated to me that over time in my mind, the mandate as a worship pastor has become reduced to the task of preparing sets and teams for our services.  He reminded me that part of my call is to provoke my community to see God's goodness, enormity and worthiness to be worshiped.  It's to inspire hearts to turn their affections toward Him.  I heard this phrase, "the hope of your calling", in this moment.  My prayer then?: "God, open my eyes again. Set my heart on fire and help me with the zeal and insights for this. I'll do whatever it takes!"

It's in my heart to encourage us all to wake up to the hope of His calling to be His, and all that encompasses.  I promise He will then enlighten your spirit-eyes about whatever else He's got in HIs flawless mind for your life.

Big blessings and energy on you today! - Todd 

(DISCLAIMER: I used the word "epitome" because it sounded epic and grown up,
and I had to google it to insure what it even meant.)

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