Friday, August 3, 2018

Knowing the True Heart of God by Pastor Brent Lokker

I gave my heart to Jesus when I was 12. I discovered on that day that Jesus was so much more than a historical figure who had done amazing things. He was alive and he loved me and gave his life for me. By God’s grace alone I was able to recognize him as my Savior, and so I began a journey with him that’s traversed more than 43 years. I wish I could say that because of my brand new life in Christ, I was completely done with my old ways and that I never made any more poor choices that hurt myself and wounded others around me. That just wouldn’t be true. The truth is, I’ve needed the grace of my Savior Jesus each of the nearly 16,000 days since giving my heart to him.

In Luke 15:4-6, Jesus tells a story describing the true heart of God. It’s a story of a shepherd who leaves 99 sheep in the field to go find one who is lost. He paints a vivid picture of our heavenly Father’s heart who will go to any lengths to search for and find a wandering child of his. This story also conveys the joy of heaven (not punishing or shaming) when that lost one is brought back again.

So just who is that lost sheep Jesus is talking about? As I’ve tried to convey, we all need a Savior each and every day of our lives. And what does a Savior do?  He saves us!  The Greek word for salvation (sozo) is not a “once and done” word, but it is an ongoing action of One who continually saves, delivers, sets free and makes us whole in every way imaginable. Jesus didn’t just save us at one point in our lives, such as when I was 12, Jesus saves us and saves us and saves us. Each of us is that lost sheep on more occasions than we even know.

Every time we forget who God has made us to be as carriers of light and we allow the hiddenness and shame of darkness to creep back into our lives, we’re that lost sheep. Every time we cut ourselves down and get mired in discouragement, hopelessness and despair, we’re that lost sheep. Every time we refuse to forgive another, we’re that lost sheep. Every time we go back to trying to figure our lives out on our own, we’re that lost sheep. This description could go on and on but I’m sure you get the point.

There is a Savior who is seeking you out at this very moment!  Respond to his love!
Jesus, I need you! Carry me back to safe places. Tell me again why you died for me and why you chose me. Remind me how much you love me. You’ve always loved me! You see the treasure in me. You have good plans for me. I can’t do this on my own. Thank you for saving me and saving me and saving me. I choose to rest in your embrace of forgiveness and grace and love!

Lean into this promise from Jesus to you:
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”  (Matthew 11:28-20, Message)

What’s our response to such grace and kindness?  Love and gratitude to our sweet Father, our sweet Jesus and our sweet Holy Spirit. Oh, and there's one more response: the privilege and joy of carrying his heart of forgiveness and love to a whole lot of lost sheep out there who are looking for hope and needing a Savior just as much as you do.

With Love,

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