Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Submerged In The Deep End

In a backyard swimming pool there is a shallow end and a deep end. We have been in the shallow end slowly moving toward the deep end. He has been drawing us close. As we experience the Holy Spirit and enter into His presence we are now getting into the deeper end. We are waist high and can chose to lie down into it and float or submerge. I felt like the Lord was saying that soon we will be shoulder high and then it will be so deep that we will always be submerged. We are entering into an era of always being submerged in the deep end no matter where we are. Worship, prayer, ministry, power anointing, works of power, healings etc., will be easy to enter in to.

We are entering into an era where no one ministry or person can say they were the fire starter to this new move of His Spirit. No one will be able claim they have the new plans or ways of doing things in the Spirit. This new move of His Spirit is His move and not a movement started by any church. He will increase His Presence here and there and no one can claim any glory because He will spontaneously appear increasingly across the globe to individuals, ministries and churches. It’s happening now. No one place will have so much outpouring that people will be making pilgrimages to it. We will have an outpouring of His glory in our own backyards. We will all have the goods, the anointing, the open heavens, the presence of angels, the outreach, the new songs.

He wants to make it clear that it’s His glory, His blessing, His anointing, His move, His Holiness that is being established. It will not be about man’s plans, but about His plans. His plans are the deep end. The deep end is coming where we will be submerged fully into His outpouring. The unction of His Presence is in the air. The revival is transforming from seedling to full fruition.

Love, Bill Hernandez

Friday, June 4, 2021

Holy Spirit Testimonies

Last Saturday night I shared a few testimonies of how Holy Spirit has manifested in my life. I praise God that these few stories stirred the pot of desire / hunger for more activation in others. As we've been focusing on Holy Spirit, since Pentecost Sunday, we've actually seen more activation. 

When we talk about Holy Spirit, does that make him move more? Here's what I fully believe is happening: Our recall of how Holy Spirit has moved on us, guided us, filled us, revealed Jesus to us and so on, activates a true prophetic atmosphere in our own sphere.  We become hungry and thirsty again, thus we become more open and intentional again. This rolls out a welcome mat, inviting Holy Sprit to come do more in us and through us.  Truly He wants our invitation and not our walls, though He patiently waits for the walls to come down.  Simultaneously, when our own hunger grows, we become much more acute what Holy Spirit is already doing.  

We see in Revelation that the mere retelling of the things God has done, Jesus has done, Holy Spirit has done, can and will bring about the same reality into our situations.  Not only did I get to hear of others being stirred up again to welcome Holy Spirit's friendship and activity, but my telling my own stories stirred me up as well!

This brings me to encourage you go into recall from time to time and not too far in between. Write down those things for you to see. Tell your stories.  Maybe it's simply time to recognize how certain things that turned out in your life were actually the work of Holy Spirit. I'd say that some "kudos" to Him will go a long way in your coming days.

And I will ask the Father and he will give you another Savior, the Holy Spirit of Truth,
who will be to you a friend just like me—and he will never leave you.
The world won’t receive him because they can’t see him or know him.
But you know him intimately because he remains with you and will live inside you.

John 14: 16 & 17

Love, Todd