Monday, December 24, 2012

A Time To Trust - by Pastor Angela Ellis

Trust is something we all want to have with God. But what about when times are uncertain? When things seem pressing, or hard? What about when you have been disappointed or had  loss? How then do you trust? We all truly want to say “yes! I trust you God!” But in all   honesty, I suspect there is a good number of us that say it, yet there is something in the back of our minds or in the pit of our spirit that says “yeah, maybe not!”

As Lonnie and I have in faith, stepped into the depths of our new adventure, we are every other moment staring the big “T” word in the face. We have been forced to look at the word Trust and really weigh out the question “do we really trust you God?” Afterall both, Lonnie and I have faced great loss and disappointment individually in our lives.

The answer to this question is yes we do IF we choose to. Yes, it really comes down to a  choice. I don’t care if we are making that same choice every other moment of every day as the question surfaces in front of us. Time and time again we choose to trust God, even if we  choose it scared or unsure. Even, when I’m looking out my front window and watching a  homeless man urinating in my neighbors yard. And, when my mind wants to say ”yeah....  maybe not,” I remind myself of His promises and of every time he has been faithful.

How can it be as simple as a choice? Well, what are the options? I can choose to agree with disappointment and fear or I can choose to declare truth. This morning I was in the shower  going over this situation and that in front of me, when I felt fear creeping in. In that moment I had a choice to agree with fear or start declaring what I know to be truth. In that moment  I chose to declare how I know He will not leave me or forsake me. I agreed with heaven that if He takes care of the birds how much more will He take care of me (Matt 6:26)? I chose to declare “I choose to trust you God” whether things turn out as I think they should.

As I began declaring these things I quickly felt the strength rising in me and I felt the  confidence in my choice to trust the Lord. Though I have no idea as to the out comes of my  current situations that are pending in front of me, I could feel God’s truth begin to grip me  and give me blessed assurance in my beloved if even for that moment until the next time I  must face that question again!

What I do know is that I will continue to choose to trust. I may do it scared. I may do with  hesitation, but I’m doing it! And with it I will continue to declare what I know to be the truth  of the Lord and declare His word.

I have lived enough to understand that things don’t always turn out to be exactly how I have envisioned them to be. Life does not always take the course I thought it should, but I rest in  knowing that God really does love me. He knows the end from the beginning. He knows  what is best for my life. So, I choose at the end of the day to let God be the God He chooses  to be in my life. If His heart is for me and He knows the end from the beginning, then why would I choose any thing other than to trust Him?

In a time when things are seemingly uncertain with what some have predicted as the end of  the world or the possibility of us falling off some financial cliff, rest in the certainty that He is  always trustworthy, faithful and always for you! Remember, He is always working things for your good. Thanks be to God!! 2 Corinthians 2:14 Go back to His promises and declare His truth and make the choice to trust and watch your choice bare much fruit time and time again. I pray the Lord abundantly bless you with His peace, rest and joy in this Christmas season!


Friday, December 7, 2012

Realignment Brings New Assignments - by Doug Addison

The Kingdom Plan
God's Kingdom supersedes all structures built by man on earth. God is releasing a new agenda from Heaven that will unfold over the next few years. No matter how things look from the outside, God is at work through it all. He is setting things in place for an amazing, unprecedented move.

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 

On November 7, I received a visitation from the Holy Spirit and was shown God's strategic plan that will unfold over the next four years. Because I have more of a seer gift, I normally interpret things that I see in dreams, visions and in the Spirit. This encounter with the Spirit of Prophecy came partly spoken in the first person so the prophetic words below flow in and out of God speaking directly to me and with my interpretation of things I saw.

This is what the Lord says:
"My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts are not your thoughts. I am making a way and lining things up right now in this next season for a movement that is greater than any on earth. For I am calling the outcasts, the prodigals, the tattooed, pierced, the new age, and all the people and groups that have been rejected by My Church. I am calling them into My Kingdom and I will reveal Myself to them."

As the 44th President is taking office for another four years, understand that this presidency is no surprise to God but a prophetic sign of fulfillment of many prophetic promises happening right now similar to Isaiah 44:4. God is moving on people who have been wounded by Christianity and we will see the beginning of a new movement happen.

For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out My Spirit on your offspring, and My blessing on your descendants. They will spring up like grass in a meadow, like poplar trees by flowing streams. Isaiah 44:3–4

The Lord says, "Over this next four years I am going to do things that will surprise many people on the earth and set up an amazing movement and gathering in Jerusalem in 2017. I am going to raise up groups of unknown people to move in My power."

I saw that this is a time of fulfillment of the stadium prophecies. Stadiums and sports arenas will be full of people worshipping God. In some cases the stadiums will be full of people seeking refuge, like with Hurricane Katrina, but when they come for food and water, they will find power and healing!

The Lord says, "Do not fear. This is not a time to shrink back; it is a time to be bold with love and compassion."

This is a small portion of the word that Doug shared on The Elijah List dated Nov 19, 2012. This word will touch your spirit. You can read the full word by clicking on this link:

Friday, November 30, 2012

Little Girl, Big Dreams by Pastor Karena Lout

I recently attended a Global Forum where great leaders from all over the world came to speak on what is being done to stop human trafficking. Jeremy Affeldt, pitcher for the Giants, shared how God spoke to him on the mound during the recent World Series. During the 8th inning, he teared up as God told him, “I’m going to expand your platform.” Jeremy knew that meant he was going to increase awareness about child slavery and do what he could to stop this injustice.

Other speakers were a senior producer at CNN, a member of the Canadian Parliament, a federal prosecutor with the U.S. Department of Justice, filmmakers, businessmen, authors and a rapper. Each person doing their part to see an end to modern day slavery in our time whether it’s funding programs, passing laws, telling the untold stories or literally going into brothels to rescue tortured children. It was a beautiful thing to see the Body come together, using their unique gifts to bring Heaven’s justice to earth.

Among all of these courageous heroes, I was most impacted by a young spunky 8 year old girl I met named Vivienne. She skipped around the venue in her pink ballerina type skirt, giving hugs to everyone she met, while keeping an eye on her cutely decorated lemon-aid stand. In May, Vivienne saw a picture taken by a humanitarian photographer of two boys her age in Nepal. They were carrying giant rocks strapped to their heads, while holding hands to comfort one another, as they work 12 hours a day. In Vivienne’s words, “It hurt my heart so I decided to MAKE A STAND. A lemon-aid stand… and a stand against child slavery.” She has been at her stand, rain or shine, for 160 days, raising money to free children through Not For Sale (an organization that has focused on the root issues of human trafficking, helping countless survivors all over the world).

Vivienne has raised over $60,000 and will be bottling up her special lemon-aid soon with all proceeds being donated to help children worldwide. She’s going to be featured in an upcoming Disney series that inspires other kids to do great things. And in a few weeks, Vivienne will be setting up her lemon-aid stand in the middle of Times Square!

If you’re like me, you may be thinking, it’s a good day if I can get to my meeting on time, spend time with the kids and get the laundry done. I don’t have time to change the world! But in the midst of busy, every day life, I also tend to be the type of person that wants to “be the change” I want to see. So what do we do with that tension? To quote little Miss Vivienne again she says, “Have compassion, be the change, smile and be happy. Gandhi was one person. Mother Theresa was one person. Why can’t you be that one person?” It’s so simple.

Be encouraged that your smile, your small act of kindness, your integrity is an undeniable, life-giving fragrance to all those who come in contact with you. Jesus is clothed in it like a garment. I also want to encourage you that if you have a dream in your heart, whether it may seem small or too huge to wrap your head around, God gives you 100% permission to go after it! Don’t listen to the voice that says you’re not qualified or you’ve messed up too many times to do anything. Let Jesus whisper His loving words of truth over you right now as you look into His eyes of approval. The more you rest in what HE’s accomplished for you, your deepest dreams become the natural overflow of your life.

“When the Lord brought back the captivity of Zion, we were like those who dream. Then our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongue with singing. They they said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them. The Lord has done great things for us.”
Psalm 126:1-3

Monday, November 26, 2012

Cultivating Gratitude By Susan Fochler

Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.  Henry Ward Beecher

At this time of year our thoughts turn to family and friends, and we gather together to connect and enjoy one another.  For some of us this is easy and fun; for others this can be very challenging.  Family is, well, family.  But whether it is easy or tough, we get to choose, with God’s help, how to engage with the people He has placed in our lives.

Choosing Life is Powerful
As sons and daughters of the One Most High, we are powerful people.  The source of our power is found in how we align our hearts with the heart of God.  The power is in partnering, in love, with the One who is all powerful.  As we choose His heart, the essence of heaven flows through our very bellies and the river of life invades earth, changing the atmosphere and bringing light into the darkness.  Even with family!  

A Spirit of Gratitude Changes our Lives
One of the most effective ways to align ourselves with heaven is to cultivate an attitude of gratefulness in how we approach our lives and relationships, from the big things to the very small details.  Thankfulness is fertilizer for our hearts, that softens and creates a renewed receptivity to God.  It is a quality that brings healing and wholeness, and aligns our thinking with heaven’s ways.  Philippians 4 encourages us to “have no anxiety about anything, but in everything through prayer and supplication through thanksgiving, let our requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”  The scripture goes on to describe many amazing virtues that begin to fill our thought life as we allow thankfulness to saturate our perspective.

Gratitude: Prime Ingredient of the Kingdom of God
So cultivating gratitude in our prayer life and relationship with God leads to peace, freedom from anxiety, and an enhanced ability to focus on truth, honor, justice, purity, loveliness, graciousness and excellence.  I don’t know about you, but that’s where I want my mind to live!  And allowing thanksgiving to fill our hearts helps us enter into God’s presence; we “come into His presence with thanksgiving”! (Psalm 95:2)  Who doesn’t want more of His presence?

A Thankful Heart can be developed
So although many of us weren’t raised in an atmosphere where thankfulness was modeled, we can learn, with God’s help, to incorporate this quality that will absolutely revolutionize your thought life.  Like any other “spiritual” muscle, this one can be developed with practice.  It is counter-cultural, as the world around us encourages us to complain and compare.  A grateful attitude makes us revolutionary in a world that says there’s never enough.  Our response: our Father says that everything He has is ours!  And we give praise with a thankful heart!

In love and gratitude;

Saturday, November 17, 2012

To Live Peaceful Lives - Praying for Our Leaders and Our Enemies by Pastor Russ Fochler

"I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. 2 Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity."
(1 Tim 2:1-2 NLT)

43 “You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. 44 But I say, love your enemies!  Pray for those who persecute you! 45 In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike." (Matt 5:43-45 NLT)

There are things that seem foolish and downright “hard to swallow” in the Bible.  The two passages above are among the hardest to obey for many of us.   But, I feel that Abba wants to help us see that these heart attitudes and prayers are additive, not subtractive to our life. 

Its also clear that these directions can only be embraced when our spirit is in communion with God’s Spirit (see 1 Corinthians chapter 2).

There are Bible stories that help us see the value of praying for leaders – and enemies more clearly.  I'm inspired by Daniel’s attitude towards Nebuchadnezzar and by Joseph’s attitude towards his brothers and towards Pharaoh.

There are modern stories too.   Last month (October 2012) was the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis.   As more of the background truths have emerged from that very scary time, we’ve learned how the courage of two men – one a leader of our nation and one an enemy submariner - saved us from nuclear destruction.   And yes, I believe that God’s Spirit empowered that courage.  And I also believe that God involved willing intercessors to agree with Him….

President John F. Kennedy gathered his “ExComm” to discuss and debate what to do next.   After aerial photos revealed there were Soviet nuclear missile sites being built on Cuba, the U.S. implemented a “quarantine” around Cuba – to try to keep further military supplies out.  The US prepared for an invasion of the island nation.   Private communications from Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev indicated that he was fearful of the awful destruction of nuclear weapons.  Mr. Khrushchev had lived through the horrors of World War II.  But his public communication was more forceful – and demanded the removal of the U.S. nuclear missiles stationed in Turkey.

Every one of President Kennedy’s ExComm advised him to invade immediately.   But the U.S. did not know that there were battle-ready tactical nuclear weapons already stationed on Cuba.  An invasion would trigger their use – and then nuclear retaliation….

Both President Kennedy and Premier Khrushchev were aware that once any shooting or bombing started, things could escalate quickly out of their ability to control.

But President Kennedy refused the pressure of his advisors and offered a secret deal via the Soviet UN Ambassador.   The US agreed to remove our missiles from Turkey in the future in return for the Soviets immediately removing their nuclear missiles from Cuba.  We would not publically acknowledge this part of the deal, but Kennedy would publicly promise that the US would never invade Cuba.  Thankfully Mr. Khrushchev believed Kennedy, took the deal and began removing the nuclear missiles.  (Whew!)

The other story was about one of four Soviet submarines sent to the Caribbean to support the struggle over Cuba.   Each one carried a newly developed nuclear torpedo.  And each captain was given authority (as long as their second in command agreed) to use those torpedoes if necessary without further Kremlin instructions….

The US fleet was energetically searching for any Soviet subs.  They had developed systems and processes for this very issue – and now they could show their capacities.   They located a Soviet sub (B-29) and began to “ping” it loudly.   They then started using “practice” depth charges to “encourage” it to surface. 

Inside B-29, things were desperate.  The batteries (it was a diesel electric submarine) were down to 5%.  The A/C couldn’t work, so the temperatures were unbearable.  The oxygen was running low.  The pinging and the depth charges were also unbearable.  With no new directions, the captain and his second-in command decided to go through the steps to use the nuclear torpedo against the US fleet.

But God.  But God had another leader on board that submarine.  Vasili Arkhipov had been the executive officer on K-19 when its nuclear reactor failed.  He had seen the men die of radiation poisoning.  He had braved the radiation himself to try to save the sub.   While he was equal in rank to the captain, Vasili was also commander of that fleet of four Soviet submarines.   Vasili ordered them to stop preparing to use the nuclear torpedo – and the captain grudgingly obeyed.  The submarine surfaced and began running it’s diesel engines.  The US fleet made no attempt to detain or board the Soviet sub.

Thomas Blanton (then director of the National Security Archive) said in 2002: "a guy called Vasili Arkhipov saved the world." 

Sometimes, what doesn't happen - makes all the difference.  There is a very high probability that most of us would not be here today if either of those two men (Kennedy and Arkhipov) had decided differently....

Further thoughts: Although it can feel diminishing to pray for leaders we don’t agree with or to pray for - and somehow love our enemies; our Dad does not see it that way.    As the scriptures quoted above teach; praying for leaders increases our likelihood of living peaceful lives.   And loving and praying for our enemies shows that we are living from our Heavenly Father’s values.  This is only possible when our identity as sons and daughters is securely anchored in Daddy God’s love for us.

Here is something to consider: How much spiritual authority and influence can Papa trust us with - if we live opposed to some of His core values?  I believe that this is why we’re called to stop letting narrow self-protection control our lives – and live by communion with Father God’s Spirit instead.

Russ Fochler

P.S. Much of my information came from these two PBS videos:
“Three Men Go To War”   
“The Man Who Saved The World” (Secrets of the Dead)

You can read more from the Wikipedia articles: and

Friday, November 9, 2012

Living in Greatness by Pastor Angela Ellis

Succcess is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome. - Bookker T. Washington 1856 - 1915

There are times in life where we will feel stretched beyond measure. It's in those times when we are presented with a great opportunity to respond in righteousness. What do I mean by that? Right thinking! God thinking!

God never looks at a situation and say's "oh my, this is bigger than me!" Nor does he say "this is way more than I can handle." Rather, He is a God of infinite possibilities. He is a God who ALWAYS has a solution. He is peace and He is ALWAYS at rest.

As Lonnie and I recently shared we are in the midst of a major transition from moving from the bay area to Sacramento. Along with the move, we are being challenged in other areas to grow and walk into things that we have no real experience in. I personally have moments where I have wanted to agree with the worship of Hell, as Graham Cooke recently so eloquently put it by murmuring and complaining.   

As believers there is a choice to be made in the midst of all our stretching and growing we will go through in life. I have recently had to make choices multiple times a day as to who I believe I am and what I am capable of. Initially, I wanted to go into my old way of thinking. Which says " I can't do this " or "this situation is impossible." However, it is in that moment that Holy Spirit seems to quicken my spirit to remind me that there is yet another way of thinking. A more excellent way. A way of thinking that brings me into my true identity and makes my impossible situations possible. 

It seems I am having massive amounts of opportunities lately to stop and choose what I'm really going to believe for myself these days.I could easily choose to stay at my old way of thinking that tells me lie after lie about myself. But in that thought process I remember the fruit of my old thinking and quickly realize when I ate of that fruit I felt discouraged, defeated and hopeless. I remember the fruit of my old thinking and remember that it really did not taste good.In fact it was quite bitter and actually made me heart sick .On the contrary, when I ponder God's way of thinking and deliberately choose to see things through His eyes and His perspective, His thoughts immediately bread life, confidence, courage and strength in me. His perspective always seems to brings me to a place of peace and rest.

In Him I am guaranteed that I am growing and maturing to be more like Christ in every situation. After all He is the great I Am! If He dwells in me than how can I be anything other than great? As I'm agreeing with Holy Spirit I realize my spirit is responding quicker each time I am faced with choosing the truth of who I really am in Christ Jesus. No longer am I pulling up a chair to feast on the old rotten fruit because that's what I had always been conditioned to. I have realized as I agree with heaven it is easy to pass right on by that rotten table and fix my eyes on the splendor of the Kings banqueting table that fills me and sustains me! His food is sweetness to my lips as I choose to declare the truth of who I am in Him!

I realize for some choosing to see from God's perspective is very common ground, but for those like me that may struggle with righteous thinking from time to time I want to encourage you to push the pause button and think about the fruit your about to consume as you choose what thoughts you will agree with. Are the thoughts your about to agree with life giving? Does it agree with your true identity in Christ? If not I want to urge you to choose from the fruit that is sweet and life giving. We ALL have greatness in us. The key is simply to believe the greatness in your life through Christ! He's proud of you and so am I!

Abundant blessings and love,
Angela Ellis

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Veil has been ripped by Pastor Lonnie Ellis

All may enter in

Matthew 27:50-53 (NKJV)

50 And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. 51 Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, 52 and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were
raised; 53 and coming out of the graves after
 His resurrection, they went into the holy
city and appeared to many

God so wants  to be with us (His creation) that in His perfect love He made a way for us to have full access to Him 24/7. A direct connection. No internet provider needed. His hearts desire is a cohabitation with us not a visitation.

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. He laid down His life so we can now enjoy the same relationship that He has with Papa God and Holy Spirit. Now that is GOOD NEWS! Jesus was the perfect and only sacrifice to make this all happen and He says. "You are so worth it".

The veil has been ripped and all may enter in.

This Saturday night November 3rd I have the privilege to share on: Walking out the Christian Life in Regards to The Tabernacle of God. Come and hear what Papa has been speaking to my heart and just maybe it might impact your life as it is radically impacting mine.

Be Blessed and Be A Blessing! 
Pastor Lonnie Ellis

Friday, October 19, 2012

Connecting the Dots by Pastor Russ Fochler

"It is the Kavod Elohim (glory of God) to conceal a thing, but the kavod melachim (glory of kings) is to search out a matter." (Proverbs 25:2 Orthodox Jewish Bible)

I have a friend named Patrick Curtin.  I’ve learned something from Patrick that I want to pass along to you: God enjoys sharing what He is “up to” with His friends.  And Papa delights with us - when we see the bigger tapestries; the living creative works that He orchestrates.  

Sometimes, Patrick would chuckle and exclaim: “I’m just a “dot connector!””

One of the great pleasures of life is “seeing” the connections between different things, different pieces of information that God is showing you – and then doing your part in His creative work.  It is like putting pieces of a treasure map together – and then digging up the treasure!

Sometimes, it is connecting people with some of the resources that they need to fulfill God’s call to them.  Sometimes, it is connecting people with "like passion and vision" from different streams or regions.  And sometimes, it is “seeing” the bigger message in a gathering where each one brings a “piece” – a song, a scripture, a vision, a prophetic word, etc. (see 1 Cor 14).

One of Patrick’s “dot connecting” adventures was helping a friend who was connecting prayer movements in different metropolitan areas in the U.S. with the prayer movements in different regions and nations of the world. 

It is a noble endeavor: To see with spiritual, creative eyes – the pieces of the Holy Spirit's handiwork; and how they are meant to connect and thereby reveal more of God's glory.


My talk last Saturday was called “Future Sense”.  I'd like to give you a few more “dots” from the story about the villagers of Kara Kala who believed what God showed an 11 year old boy – and moved to Los Angeles in the early 1900s before a terrible holocaust came upon Armenia.

Once they arrived in Los Angeles, there were many difficulties and some surprising encouragements.  One day, Grandfather Demos and Magdardich were walking down San Pedro Street, looking for work in the stables. 

“As they passed a side road called Azusa Street, they stopped short.  Along with the smell of horses and harness leather came the unmistakable sounds of people praising God in tongues.  They had not known that anywhere in the United States were people who worshipped as they did.

“Can we…in?” Grandfather asked.  “Of course!”  The door was flung open.  There were embraces, hands lifted to God in Thanksgiving, singing and praising the Lord, and Grandfather and Margardich returned to Boston Street with the news that Pentecost had come even to this distant land across the sea.” 
(“The Happiest People On Earth” by Demos Shakarian page 24)

Years later, God would lead Grandfather Demos' grandson (also named Demos in his honor) to begin a worldwide movement of Spirit-filled businessmen...


I bless you to enjoy noticing what God is "up to" - and making beautiful, fruitful connections.

Pastor Russ Fochler

Friday, October 5, 2012

Rooted in Christ by Pastor Suzan Fochler

This year I planted an Asian Pear tree in my backyard.  Like many fruit trees, it is a grafted tree.  With a grafted tree the branch of one variety of tree is grafted onto the trunk and root system of another kind of tree.  This is done in order to produce the desired fruit, but allowing it to be supported and nourished by a strong, disease-resistant root.  

We have been Grafted into Him: We are One

As believers, we have similarly been “grafted” into Christ.  We draw our life and sense of identity from the love that pours through the Father’s heart into us, His beloved sons and daughters.  We want to have “the roots of our being firmly and deeply planted in Him; being continually built up in Him, becoming increasingly more confirmed and established in the faith, just as we were taught, abounding and overflowing with thanksgiving.”  Col. 2:6,7.  

God gives lavishly and continuously of His life into ours.  The roots of our hearts sinking deep into His heart receive Perfect Love that deliver truth and holy perspective to our whole being.  The more aware we become of our utter dependence on God to be our source of all that gives life, the more pure the fruit of our lives become.  The good things of this world pale in comparison to the weightiness of what He pours out.  We have an abiding Oneness in Jesus; we abide in Him, He abides in us.  The result of abiding is much fruit!  Jn. 15:5

Our Source of Life that never runs dry

And His promise to us is that this source of Heavens living water flowing to us never runs dry but is ever and infinitely available to us.  A love so vast that we can never fully comprehend the fullness of it, but we are invited to try!  Paul encourages us to: “be rooted deep in love and founded securely in love, that you may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints what is the height and breadth and length and depth of it.”  Eph. 3:17,18.

Drink deep of the One who loves you more than you could ever love yourself; Taste and see how good He is!  

So, Family, lets never forget to keep drinking!


Friday, September 28, 2012

Crashing Waves of Love by Pastor Karena Lout

“Deep calls to deep at the noise of your waterfalls,
all your waves and billows crash over me.”
Psalm 42:7

My Dad used to take me to the beach a lot growing up. We had so much fun playing and just spending time together. As an adult, I find refuge in spending time with Jesus at the beach too. He often speaks to me through the crashing waves and reminds me of His unfailing love for me when life gets too noisy. I want to share something He gave me during a time of “being” with Him. Whether you read this during a crazy day at work or at home as your little ones are playing loudly, I pray Jesus encounters you and takes you into the deep ocean of His love for you.

Love, Karena

A gentle wind captures whispers of my Beloved’s voice
Oh, grace is poured upon your lips.
Sounds of wooing awaken a heart in slumber
And waves echo your every word.
Recklessly crashing, passionately shouting.
Creation sings out a song of devotion to You.
 Anchored in this moment, as the sun kisses my face.
I listen as the shore calls out to the depths of You.
The mystery unlocked in one glance, sweet union.
Tenderness unfolding, eternal beauty beholding.
Your love song embraces me.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hope Restored by Pastors Lonnie and Angela Ellis

A few weeks ago the Lord dropped in my spirit that HOPE is being restored. Since then I have had encounters with the word hope almost everywhere I go. After meditating about this I then realized this not just a personal word for me but it is a word being released into the earth for all who will "Only Believe".

This Saturday Sept 8, 2012 my wife Agela and I will share more on hope and hope being restored. Please come and join us. I truly believe this will be a supernatural encounter where hope will be restored in peoples lives.

There is a lot of negativity being spoken into the earth but God is restoring HOPE and HOPE is a person, Jesus Christ. If you can't join us then look for this message on Blazing Fire Church podcast @ Expect HOPE to be restored or increased in your life.

Isaiah 40:31 "...but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

Be Blessed and Be A Blessings,

Friday, August 31, 2012

No Limits to the Goodness of God! by Pastor Brent Lokker

(This is taken from chapter 2 of my new book, Daddy, You Love Me

In the garden of Eden, when Adam and Eve enjoyed deep closeness with God, the serpent came and challenged them to doubt His goodness. That tactic has never changed. The same question must be answered in the midst of the uncertainties of life to this day. “Is God really good?” Your answer will determine your view of life and will affect the degree of peace and joy you carry in your heart.

The enemy doesn’t want you to know the truth that you are never separated from God’s heart of love (Rom 8:38-39). Since Jesus already disarmed the devil by stripping him of his sham authority (Col 2:15), the only card the enemy has left to play is the deception card. If you believe one of his deceiving lies, he gains power over you with it. Your champion, Jesus, came to shine the light of His glorious truth into you, incapacitating the enemy’s lies. Jesus continuously reveals the truth of the Father’s heart by reminding you of who you really are as a son or daughter of the King.

By hearing and agreeing with the genuine voice of your Father who adores you, the old tapes of inadequacy will lose their power to hurt you. And you will be certain of the right answer to these questions that may have plagued you in your past:

Is God fed up with me or enamored with me?

Is He just putting up with me, or is He truly proud of me?

Is He looking to put me in my place, or is He a Father who’s pleased with me and looking to build me up?

Does He enjoy watching me squirm and punishing my failures, or is He fulfilling His promise to victoriously lead me through this life into His awaiting arms?

Is God mad at me, or mad about me?

Personally, I’ve made my mind up about the goodness of God, with the overwhelming support of the Holy Spirit. This issue of God’s unfailing, massive goodness is completely settled in my heart. That doesn’t mean that I have all the answers to why certain things happen. Instead, I have a knowing in the depth of my being that God’s goodness is far better than I can imagine and far bigger than I can see with my limited perspective.

If you are thinking that God is a little bit better and kinder than the best person you know, you are a billion miles short of the actual truth. Our Father is altogether other than anybody we know. He is perfectly good, perfectly kind, perfectly loving, and always for us, with infinite power to back it up.

One practical application of agreeing with God’s goodness is choosing to disagree with your own assessment of yourself and your circumstances whenever it doesn’t match up with the truth of God’s goodness.

It’s important that in your pain you don’t build a case against the extreme goodness of God. It’s equally important that you not tear yourself down, because you would be criticizing the one whom God adores and has perfectly crafted just the way He wanted. It doesn’t glorify God one ounce to put yourself down or to feel bad about yourself. When you do this, you are agreeing with the accusing lies of the enemy. Once you get this truth of God’s goodness for yourself, you will see others with His eyes, and like God, you will go on a faultless-finding mission!

One day all will be made crystal clear. And when it is, the goodness of God will never, ever be in question again. Until then, trust His promises:

My joy will lie in them and in doing them good. (Jeremiah 32:41 NJB)

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us ... (Ephesians 3:20 NKJV)

I am the Lord, I do not change.(Malachi 3:6, NKJV)

Listen to His heart for you today:

I am a good Father and I will always be good to you every day of your life.

I am unlike any earthly parent you have ever known—nothing whatsoever

like an abusive or neglectful parent

and far better than the best dad or mom you have ever seen.

The more you know Me, the more you will love Me and trust Me.

But even as you are learning to trust, My love for you never changes!

Listen to Papa's Blessing over you:

This is the video I showed last Saturday night--it's taken from the last chapter of my book. Enjoy His MASSIVE love for you!

Friday, August 17, 2012

The Ways of God's Voice by Pastor Susan Fochler

I am so grateful for those times when I have really needed to hear God, and He has revealed Himself faithfully.  He has not always told me what I expected to hear, but it has always been what I needed.  Those “aha!” moments so flood us with life and light!  And the impact of His truth continues to reverberate through our being like ripples on the water.
The Ways of Gods Voice
by Pastor Susan Fochler

God’s voice comes to us in many different forms.  We might simply “hear” Him.  We might also see, sense; even smell, taste or just “know”.  It is all those things, and more.  Hearing God comes through our spirit, so we perceive in a different dimension through our spiritual senses than we do through our natural senses. 

Communication between people consists of both verbal and non-verbal messages.  Psychologists say that non-verbal communication makes up at least two thirds of our communication.  So it follows that much of what we “hear” from God would also be non-verbal.
Psalm 29 has a lot to say about God’s voice.

God’s voice is tangible, omnipresent, mighty and awe-inspiring:
The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders...
The voice of the Lord is power; the voice of the Lord is majesty; the voice of the Lord breaks cedars...v. 3-5

His voice fills us with joy, releases freedom and child-likeness:
He makes Lebanon skip like a calf, Sirion, like a young wild ox. v. 6

His voice is a creative power that accomplishes the impossible:
The voice of the Lord kindles flames of fire; the voice of the Lord convulses the wilderness;  v. 7-8

His voice causes new life to come forth in our lives; and fills us with awe and wonder at His tender compassion, together with the beauty of His holiness:
The voice of the Lord causes hinds to calve...while in His temple all say “Glory!” v. 9

His still, small voice
Elijah was a mighty prophet who was accustomed to hearing God’s voice clearly, and often saw Him show up with amazing signs and wonders.  But as we read in 1 Kings 19, shortly after Elijah took on the prophets of Baal,  he was running for his life in fear of retribution.  God came to Elijah.  This time, however, when God came, He wasn’t in the wind, or the earthquake or the fire.  He didn’t come with power.  This time He came with a “still, small voice”, a “gentle whisper”.  But it had such a radical, tenderizing affect upon Elijah that he pulled his cloak over his face before approaching the Lord.  He didn’t do that when God sent fire down from heaven!  His heart was touched; he was humbled and in awe.  There was something in that voice that helped Elijah remember who he was, and awakened him from his stupor.  God spoke with Elijah in an intimate, nurturing way to let him know how loved and precious he was, on a day he wasn’t being the conquering prophet of power.  Elijah was just needing to know his Dad really cared.

Yes, God will sometimes show up with acts of power and awe-inspiring might.  But He will always be that still, small voice in your life; illuminating, calming, bringing forth life.  As powerful and all-knowing as He is, in His love for us He chooses to make Himself small and comprehendible.  The challenge for me has been learning to position myself to hear Him.  I believe the secret to hearing that voice with consistency is in allowing our own inner voice to be stiller and smaller than His.  My main hindrance to hearing His voice is typically that internal “white noise” of cares and distractions that can over-ride the nuance of His gentle ways.

I encourage you to often take the time to still and quiet your heart before the Lord.  As you position yourself to hear His quiet whisper, your “aha” moment will come!


Sunday, August 5, 2012

Unlocking your Dreams is easier than you think by Pastor Angela Ellis

Dreaming with God is exciting and exhilarating. But for many the birthing of a dream has been difficult. Sometimes the dreams we dream with God seem so big that we stay in a place of wonder. We wonder how in the world we will ever accomplish the vision before us!

The good news is no dream is too big for God! After all, He is the co-creator of our dreams. It's His very heart to give us the blue prints to our dreams, but often we are so caught in the wonder we forget the practical side of things such as the simple steps that could propel us forward into those dreams.

I believe in this season we are being beckoned by our Beloved to progress from dreamers to doers of His dreams.

To do this there are some practical things we can do, baby steps. The key is that we do something and keep moving in forward motion.

I encourage you all to ask Holy Spirit what is one thing I can do today that would take me one step closer to the dream I have dreamt with you?

Angela Ellis

Friday, July 27, 2012

This I Believe by Pastor Russ Fochler

If someone asked you what you believe; about what some of your core values are – what would you share? 

Recently, I was intrigued to learn about a national project that solicited and broadcast brief essays about what individuals believed:

During its four years on NPR (National Public Radio), This I Believe engaged listeners in a discussion of the core beliefs that guide their daily lives. 

Now, “This I Believe” is an international organization engaging people in writing and sharing essays describing the core values that guide their daily lives. Some 100,000 of these essays, written by people from all walks of life, are archived here on their website, heard on  public radio, chronicled through their books, and featured in weekly podcasts. The project is based on the popular 1950s radio series of the same name hosted by Edward R. Murrow.

As you consider this question about your own core beliefs, you may be surprised by the deeply-felt values that now rise to the surface.  They may be as earthy as believing in the transformational value of growing a garden.  Or community focused, like the man who believed in inviting a new group of strangers to his house for dinner and conversation each week.   They may be as practical as a strong belief in the value of keeping things organized and neat….

One of my favorites essays in “This I Believe” was by 6-year-old Tarak McLain of Texas.  Here are seven of the 100 beliefs that Tarak came up with:
·      I believe we’re all equal.
·      I believe we can help people.
·      I believe everyone is weird in their own way.
·      I believe we should be generous.
·      I believe I should not whine.
·      I believe that God helps us to have a good time.
·      I believe people should go outside more.

So, what core beliefs guide your daily life?

When we consider what we believe in and what we value, we then make more room for them in our daily life.   What are we “tuning into” in the moments that we have?  What are we planning for and sowing into for the days, months, and years that we have on this earth?

One of the things that I received last summer through almost dying, was a heightened sensitivity to the gift of each moment: To cherish the ones I love and to “drink in” the beauty around me. 

And I’m convinced that one doesn’t need a “close call with death” in order to live more aligned with our deepest values....  

Years ago, the original Blazing Fire Elders recognized and wrote down the core values of this fellowship.  These core values are not what we’re “supposed to believe” in order to please God.  Rather, they reflect our understanding of Father God’s heart for us.  And we embrace them as keys to living well in Father God’s family. 

You can read these core values at:
Do they resonate with what you value in a spiritual community?

To further encourage you to write down your own “This I Believe” statements, here are some of mine:
  • I believe that not all truth in the Bible has equal priority.  Some things are more important to God’s heart.  As I read the Bible with the Holy Spirit, He helps me understand how all aspects of life-giving truth fit together.  (Thank you to Kris Vallotton for passing along this revelation)
  • I believe in being authentic with everyone.  And I seek to be vulnerable with people to the degree that they value and receive my vulnerability.
  • I believe in "drinking in" the glory of sun-lit leaves in the late afternoon.
  • I believe in keeping grace and truth together.
I’d love to hear from you about the core beliefs that guide your daily life.   I invite you to send me some of the ones that speak most uniquely and powerfully to you. 
And keep in mind Tarak’s observation:
I believe everyone is weird in their own way.”   ; )

Russ Fochler

Friday, July 20, 2012

Unrestrained Extravagant Love by Pastor Karena Lout

When Todd and I were engaged, he'd often put his affection for me on display by extravagantly proposing to me over and over again when we were out on a date. But if you know Todd, this probably doesn't come as a surprise. Whether we were at a restaurant or a park, onlookers would applaud every time as I said, "Yes!" Love makes you do crazy things. You want to shout it out across every mountaintop. Embarrassment and restraint are pretty nonexistent.

I revel in the unrestrained, radical love that Jesus continually lavishes over me. Love tore the veil and broke down any wall that would separate. Christ took death upon Himself to guarantee that we would enjoy inseparable union together for eternity. Our hearts can't help but respond in sweet adoration and abandoned devotion.

"Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil." John 12:3

Mary of Bethany was a young single woman, with no known public ministry. She unashamedly spent a year's wages, her whole inheritance, as she poured her costly perfume out over Jesus. This was simply her response to love. She was mocked for what was considered a "waste" but Jesus openly received it with love and honor. He says in Mark 14, "Wherever the Gospel is preached throughout the world, I want what this woman has done to also be told." This is His value for intimate relationship. Mary wasn't known in the courts of men during her lifetime, yet her devotion would be remembered all throughout history. Mark 14:8 says, "She has come beforehand to anoint My body for burial." Mary saw the cross before it happened. Her heart was postured in a way that she could recognize her inclusion in Christ's burial and resurrection. The sweet fragrance of her love would forever be intertwined with her Beloved's.

I love the song "Dress Us Up" by John Mark Mcmillan. As you read some of the lyrics below, I encourage you to dive into this uncontrolled, uninhibited ocean of LOVE with Jesus right now:

"Dress us up in your righteousness

Bring us in with a ring and a kiss

When you walk into the room you know we can't resist

Every bottle of perfume always ends up on the floor in a mess"

Jesus is the author and finisher of this kind of intimate relationship. He can't take His eyes off of you. You ravish His heart in a way that causes the earth to sing out and the heavens to resound with the heartbeat of His love for you. If you're feeling apprehensive or afraid to let Him that close, I encourage you to ask Jesus to show you what it would look like to have this kind of intimacy with Him. And I pray you feel the sweet kisses of His love and pleasure over you like never before!

Love, Karena

Thought Provoking Questions by Brent Lokker

Last Saturday during Blazing Fire's worship service, I asked many questions to provoke people into higher places with the Lord (The Lord often asked questions in the Scriptures to invite us into deeper places with Him).  I have included some Scripture verses, not as proof-texts, but as a starting point for you to explore greater truth with the Lord.  Enjoy the journey with Him!  Rather than just zipping through these, stop at the ones that hit you and talk with Papa about it--He loves the time with you!

What if we knew we were Daddy’s favorite ALL the time?
(Luke 4:19; John 1:16; 2 Corinthians 6:2)

What if we were absolutely certain God wasn’t disappointed with us in any way?
(Romans 5:1-8)

What if we gave ourselves the exact same value and worth God does?
(1 Peter 1:18-19)

What if we always knew that God was good?
(Psalm 106:1; Romans 8:28)

What would our relationship with God be like if we were convinced we were blameless?
(1 Corinthians 1:8; Ephesians 1:4; 5:27)

What if we always operated in our true nature of perfect love so that fear did not exist?
(1 John 4:16-18)

What if we really believed we died to sin and sin wasn’t our master anymore?
(Romans 6:6-7; 17-18)

What would happen if we always lived as free people under the covenant of grace?
(John 8:36; Romans 8:2; 2 Corinthians 3:17)

What if the only addiction we had was to the all-consuming love of God?
(Ephesians 5:18; Matthew 4:4; Romans 8:38-39)

What if shame and condemnation were feelings we knew nothing about?
(Romans 8:1; 10:11)

What would happen if we actually believed we hear the voice of God?
(John 10:3; 16)

What if we saw money as a powerful tool in our hands for the sake of the Kingdom instead of something that would save us?
(2 Corinthians 9:8-11; Luke 19:17)

What if we lived with no impossibilities, knowing that we would never die?
(Mark 10:27; Philippians 4:13; John 11:26)

What would our lives be like if we continuously rested in God, never working for what’s already ours in Christ?
(Matthew 11:28-30; Galatians 3:2-3; Hebrews 4:1-11)

What if we were never tempted to doubt that Jesus is totally infatuated with and love-struck for his bride?
(Song of Songs 4:1; 7)

What would the family of God look like if we never got offended at each other?
(Colossians 3:3; 13)

How would husbands and wives treat each other if we always knew we were one flesh?
(Ephesians 5:25-33, especially in The Message Bible)

How quickly would the world believe in Jesus if all the Believers valued each other as God does?
(John 13:34-35; 17:21)

What would happen if we extended the same forgiveness, grace and mercy to each other that God has extended to us?
(Colossians 3:13; James 2:13)

What if we believed God that each and every member of the body of Christ is completely indispensible?
(1 Corinthians 12:12-26)

What if we believed that every single person in this world all had the very same Father?
(Ephesians 3:14-15)

What would we be doing if we believed God all the time?
(Hebrews 11; 1 John 5:5)

What would the world look like if the sons of God were revealed?
(Romans 8:19)

What would our lives be like if we always believed Christ lives in us?
(Galatians 2:20; 3:27)

What would happen if we trusted God with our whole heart and didn’t lean on our own understanding?
(Proverbs 3:5-6)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

What We Do for God's Heart by Pastor Susan Fochler

In the Song of Solomon 4:9, the Shulamite’s lover says to her, “You have ravished my heart, my sister, my bride; you have ravished My heart with one look from your eyes”.  It astonishes me that our God, dwelling in heaven in all perfection, could be so touched by us finite, sometimes struggling human beings.  His view of what is beautiful and desirable clearly is far beyond mine.   I began processing these thoughts with Papa.  And I recognized how at times I have compared myself to others in my insecurity, and wondered what He could possibly see in me that so touches Him.  He started sharing His heart with me.  So this is a little stream-of-consciousness from my journal:

We are each uniquely special and known to God
“How can I compare one sunset with another?  A radiant moonlit night, a majestic waterfall, one with another?  All have intrinsic beauty and worth.  They are incomparable.  So are My children.  Each of you, incredible, with intrinsic beauty and worth, individually created with unique facets of My glory integrated into your life.  I love those things that touch your heart and make you cry.  I love how you think and approach issues; I adore how you enjoy the beauty of your world.  I even appreciate those moments when offense comes and your heart hardens; for in those times I see ahead to the instant your heart will melt again as My kindness and truth warm you and insight comes.  I’m not expecting, ever, that you figure everything out.  I am with you; that’s enough.

“You are all beauty, all desirable to Me.  I never tire of watching and enjoying you.  I enjoy you with all My senses; I see you, I smell you, I taste you, I hear you.  I listen to your every word, as well as your unspoken thoughts.  I have given my whole heart to you, without reservation.  I am not capable of feeling rejected; I will never be offended in those moments when you forget I am there because I understand your human limitations.  So please do not be so quick to judge yourself.  I am ever eager to help you; however, my desire to help will always be tempered by My wisdom to choose the best way, even at risk of being misunderstood.  I understand your misunderstandings.

“My love for you flows with the same holiness, the same tenderness, the same firey passion that inspired Me to plan your life from before the beginning of time.  I so desire that you would see yourself as I do!  The colors, the hues, the sounds, the melodies; the unique, indescribable aroma of your life fills My senses.  I can actually taste your life...truly a feast that satisfies My heart!  Your life flows as a river to Me, as My life flows as a river to you.

Being with us is God's deepest passion
“You really do ravish Me, dear one; with one look of your eyes.  One small effort to invite Me in touches Me so deeply that My passion rises up fresh and new all over again.  Every day my thoughts toward you are re-invigorated and newly inspired.  For Me there is no mundane, “same old, same old”.  Every contour of your soul, every yearning of your spirit fascinates and draws a response of deep affection from Me.

“Never underestimate the power of your attractiveness to Me.  I so look forward to our eternity together, yet I see it all in every present moment.  To be with you is My hearts delight.  It doesn’t get better than this for Me:  to have your thoughts, your desire focused upon Me, acknowledging whatever you can of My essence, to whatever extent you are able.  My infinite, all-knowing and all-powerful Self is satisfied by your finite love.  Your small measure, poured into My measurelessness meets Me.

"I am your consuming fire, a fire that burns holy but tender, and I’m all yours.  I hold, with you, all the passion we need, together.”

Friday, June 29, 2012

Living Whole-Hearted by Pastor Russ Fochler

The word “courage” comes from the Latin root “cor” which means “heart”.  Courage originally meant “To speak one’s mind by telling all one’s heart.”
During a recent trip with Paul Manwaring to the U.K., Paul frequently talked about and lived-out before us the “keys” of authenticity and vulnerability.  “Keys” to what?  I believe that authenticity and emotional vulnerability are keys to living whole-hearted and connected.
As humans, we are “wired” for connection.   Babies instinctively look for a human face, for eyes that are happy to see them - and then seek for the heart behind those eyes to connect with.  Our greatest joys and our greatest griefs have to do with the quality of our attachments to others.  Authenticity and a healthy vulnerability make it possible for us to live connected - with God, with loved ones, and indeed with our own heart.  

Jesus lived His life on this earth whole-hearted – truly authentic and vulnerable.  And He got exasperated with those who taught and modeled a religiosity that was full of pretense and hard-heartedness.   Jesus was consistently authentic about who He was – even though it was sometimes offensive for many.   Jesus was vulnerable to those who were close to Him.   And we are invited to live like Jesus.

And while its tempting to think that if we had the same power that Jesus had – that vulnerability would no longer be a challenge for us; this is clearly not true.  Jesus lived with vulnerability.  So did His powerful ambassadors including the apostles Peter and Paul.  Leif Hetland lives in great faith and power - and also with vulnerability.

There are powerful forces that work against authenticity and vulnerability.   These include shame and fear.  How we respond to these forces either limits or expands the realms of our lives.

During our UK trip, the Holy Spirit showed me several people who were locked-up by a fear of disappointment.  It was scary for them to trust God because of past disappointments.  I could relate.  I’m chagrinned to acknowledge that for most of my life; I’ve limited my hopes and endeavors so as to avoid being “devastated” by failure or disappointment.   But, it turns out that failure and disappointment are just part of living – not a “life sentence” upon our identity.  The whole-hearted do not live in fear of failure and disappointment – and that frees them to be “present” and engaged with the gifts and opportunities of each moment.

Invitation to go deeper:

Do you have “no go” areas in your life because of fear of disappointment (or another fear)?   Simply acknowledging this to someone will remove most, if not all of the shame.  And then, I encourage you to ask Jesus: “What would it look like for me, if I gave You my fear of disappointment?”   Then wait and watch in your imagination what He shows you (or the feelings He releases).   With the truth that Jesus reveals, I’ve seen many people now choose to reach inside and hand over that fear to Jesus.  Declare: “I break all agreements with “fear”.  I will no longer look to fear to keep me safe.  Instead I look to Jesus to be my protector”.  Sometimes, people feel something like tendrils of fear trying to hold on.  Simply ask Jesus to remove those tendrils.   After that fear (and often associated spirit of fear) are removed, ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with His light, His love, His power, peace, and clear thinking (from 2 Tim 1:7).   You can also ask Jesus what He would like to give you in exchange for the fear.   Jesus is wonderful and often surprising in how He responds.

Engaging with our vulnerability - or trying to "numb" it:

Author and speaker Brene Brown writes:
“Vulnerability is not weakness, and the uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure we face every day are not optional. Our only choice is a question of engagement.”

So, I invite you to reflect about how you respond to the uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure of your daily life.   Many of us react by trying to “numb” or distract ourselves with food, TV, shopping, the internet, drugs, alcohol, or video games.  We crave control, certainty, and a “safe” distance.

Experiencing the Truth that frees us:

How do we find the strength to live authentically and vulnerably instead?  Only in experiencing the truth that we are eternally loved and celebrated by our Abba.  Only in experiencing the presence of our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty (Hero) God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace (Is 9:6) do we receive the continual grace to live whole-hearted.   And where our hearts are still fragmented, Jesus has come to restore our hearts to wholeness.  (Is 61:1)

Our heart connection with the Trinity empowers us to live authentically and vulnerably.  And being real and vulnerable enables us to have deeper heart connections with God and with each other.  It starts because He loves us first.

His love gives us courage!

Russ Fochler

Friday, June 22, 2012

Living as True Sons and Daughters! by Senior Pastor Brent Lokker

"I have called you by name~You are MINE!" Isaiah 43:1

My spirit is more alive and energized about the days we are living than ever before!  Sometimes in my alone times with God, I'm so "amped" I can barely stand it!  It has everything in the world to do with my status as Papa's favored son who He's chosen to be alive at this time and place in history.  My spirit is super excited even though I don't know all of what it means yet.  What I do know is I'm not missing my appointed destiny and neither are you!  I also know that It's a very, very good time to be alive in the Lord!!

Doug Addison recently wrote, "There are things that God is calling us to do over the next year that will bring an amazing amount of blessing and purpose into our lives, but first we need to complete things that have been left undone.  Over the next fifteen weeks, from June 12 to September 25, we have a strategic window of opportunity to finish things that have been hanging around undone or that God has been calling us to do. This is time to work hard toward completing things and tying up loose ends, as God is releasing new assignments this September. It is time to find anything that God had asked us to do and get it done! It is an exciting time of accomplishment toward your destiny!

"A good thing to do in response to this word is to take a look for things that are unfinished, even if it's as simple or mundane as cleaning out the garage, signing up for school, or updating your resume.

"June is a time that we will need to work hard to break through old mindsets and ungodly thinking. God is removing all limits. The major limitation we face is our own thinking. Watch on June 20th, a window of opportunity is going to open that will allow us to see more clearly. By July, we will begin to understand and gain insight into God's new plans that are being established in us

Shifting out of an orphan mindset into True Sons & Daughters

One of the huge shifts in our thinking happening right now is from the old orphan mindset to the new mindset of living in the fulness of being Papa God's sons and daughters!  Last Saturday night, the title of my message was  "Entrepreneurial Sons and Daughters of the King!"  An entrepreneur is an innovator who is highly creative with a tendency to imagine new solutions by finding opportunities for profit or reward--An enterprising individual who builds capital through risk and/or initiative.

That's you and the Lord together thinking brilliantly for the sake of bringing heaven to earth with solutions not only to your own problems, but also to those of the world around you.  In a nutshell, here was the content of my message from last week:

Living as true sons and daughters of the King means:

    * No more orphan mindset for you!

    * No more entitlement mindset for you either!

    * You have an entrepreneurial spirit and the mind of Christ!

    * You continually ask God for His brilliant solutions and then act on them!

    * You are here to represent Jesus and nothing is going to stop Christ in you from impacting this world!

    * It's time to think Brilliantly!!

God won't let me put this down.  This Saturday night at Blazing Fire I'm going to build from last week and take this deeper still.  We MUST get this identity as Royal Sons and Daughters to the core of our being!  Even the earth itself is counting on it...

"The whole creation waits breathless with anticipation for the revelation of God’s sons and daughters." (Romans 8:19, The Common English Bible)

Why don't you stop and ask Him right now in whatever situation you are facing, "Papa, if you were me, what would you do in this situation?"  He has the answers and He longs to share with you as His favored son or daughter.  It's time to think brilliantly with Him as true sons and daughters!