Friday, October 21, 2016

Be the Real You! by Pastor Suzanne Lokker

Be the REAL you!

How has the journey into your heart been this week?  I know, loaded question.  If it’s been temper tantrum-ish, remember God is holding you through it all—He can take it.  And He’s just waiting until you get so tired of you being not your real self.  When you’re ready, He’s there to gently remind you of the amazing you that He created—your faith-filled heart that reflects His love in a way that only YOU can. 

I think the following, that Shannon Heyman posted on facebook, encapsulates this struggle:
I saw a bound bird holding on to stuff, but once the bird let go, she could finally fly and soar. It is then that God's power indeed moves through us. I used to say I felt like my wings were clipped, but revelation tells me, "No, let go and you will be able to fly." It was I that clipped my own wings and it is God when I chose yes to heal them.
Be encouraged that Jesus is so in on helping you be who you really are!

“We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith!  (Heb 12:2, NLT)

“And patient endurance will refine our character, and proven character leads us back to hope.  And this hope is not a disappointing fantasy, because we can now experience the endless love of God cascading into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who lives in us!” (Romans 3:5)
I’ve felt more life surging through me as I choose to want to be the real me.  It is truly exhilarating. YAY, God!
Here are the links to the songs that were played during communion.  The lyrics unlocked that desire inside me to really be me.  Be blessed!

“Take Courage” by Kristene Dimarco

“Letting Go” by Steffany Gretzinger

To listen to Suzanne's podcast from Saturday's message at Blazing FIre, click here.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Healing Happens by Pastor Brent Lokker

Healing Happens

By Pastor Brent Lokker

God has given us astounding bodies that heal! 

Last Saturday, Dr. Susan Richards once again ushered us into this reality. (You can listen to her testimonies and healing prayer beginning at the 66 minute mark here: I believe that every single person there was touched by God and healing of many kinds progressed in each body, and in some cases, the progression was dramatic enough to notice a sudden change. One of the reasons Dr. Susan Richards sees so much healing is because she has an unyielding, child-like faith that says, Of course this person is going to heal!

However, the times we don't experience the "instant change" we can lose heart, thinking nothing is happening. But healing is a huge part of God's Kingdom plan and declaring healing over ourselves or others activates and accelerates that plan.  But an even greater struggle can come when those with life-threatening illnesses who we pray fervently for don't appear to be healed and their life in this earthly body ends, as in the cases of Alice Hortensius (Rolland's wife) and Carol Dew who were both battling the awful effects of cancer and both went home to be with Jesus during these past few days.

But what seems like a contradiction is really more of a matter of perspective.

To the baby inside the confines of mommy's dark yet secure womb, the birth transition into the brighter, busier "real world" is unwanted. Given the choice, most babies would stay put rather than face the unknown adventure of a life they're unfamiliar with.  In the same way, though we know heaven is Papa's ultimate destination for each of us as His children, the birth transition into that glorious Kingdom is unknown, so we cling to what we know here, including the ones we love.  Yet we will all go through that transition.

What I'm saying is this: God is our healer and He's given us bodies that heal, so healing is the norm.  AND there will come a time when each one of us experiences a complete healing and a glorious transition from what we thought was the "real world" into a place of perfect fulfillment that will truly feel like home in every way imaginable.  Only when we are there will we wonder why we were clinging so hard to this life.

But until Papa decides to bring someone home, healing is the norm and healing happens.  May God give each of us an unyielding, child-like faith that believes this to the core. 

Here are a few testimonies from this past Saturday to build your faith:

M.C. had pain in her knees for 15-20 years because of bone on bone that caused swelling and stiffness. She felt lots of heat when the healing team prayed for more cartilage and the pain left completely!  She's now more limber and can move quicker!

S.M. experienced a healing of deep peace inside.  For decades, she had anxiety over her sons and granddaughter which affected her sleep. Something shifted inside and there was an assurance the Lord was in control and she was able to trust in a deeper way!

E.J. has a slipped, bulged disk with painful flare-ups for the past 30 years (pain was at a level of 8/10) and had knee pain for the past 12 years (pain was 6/10).  All pain left her back and knee (0/10)!

W.H. had broken her arm 5 years ago and was in constant pain (8/10) with heaviness and weakness in her arm ever since.  As she was prayed for by one of the healing prayer teams, she felt heat, lightness and all strength returning. She was able to use her arm to pull herself up! All pain was gone!

C.M. experienced seizures for the past 4 years that caused loss of his memory, consciousness, and thought process. The anxiety of these returning was high. Through prayer agreement, something shifted. His faith soared and he knows they're gone!  All worry and anxiety left!

Can we take time to thank Jesus for these stories of healing and agree in our hearts that healing happens because it's part of God's wonderful plan?! 

For those who want to be present when we celebrate Alice Hortensius' life, we'll have that service on Saturday, November 12th, at 1 pm at our current location, 6533 Sierra Lane, Dublin, CA.

Life is precious and meant to be enjoyed! Embrace the adventure day by day and choose to love wholeheartedly.

With Much Love,


Friday, October 7, 2016

There's Something Bigger Going On! by Pastor Brent Lokker

There's Something Bigger Going On!

By Pastor Brent Lokker
Sunday was Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. It ushers in the 10 "Days of Awe," a time to intentionally reflect what God is doing on the earth and ask how we need to align ourselves with His purposes. 

I shared this word last Saturday night at Blazing Fire, taken from Tony Cavener:

The year we've just entered, 5777, will be a breakout and breakthrough year! Five is the number of grace and the number of government, and the five-fold expression of God. Seven is the number of rest; it can symbolize a sword, and it represents the perfection of the finished work. This year we will begin to exercise His authority and government in a way like we've never experienced before, as we enter into a rest in Him like we have never known.

We, the new covenant people of God, are poised for a moment in the Kingdom of God like the days when Joshua and Caleb went into the Promised Land and took the land that was their inheritance. We are moving into a 7-year period of great favor, provision, and victory in the Body of Christ! Don't look at the giants in the land, or the fortifications of the enemy, for the Lord is with us! This is a time of completing purposes and bringing them to fullness. Let the Sword of the Lord be placed in your hand so that you can cut your way into the future!

This is a year that we will see the "triune" sword of the Lord released against His enemies and continue through this new season!

And this word about the year 5777 from Johnny Enlow:
The REST that God has for us is the inheritance of the nations (Ps. 2:8). The REST He has for us is seeing the reformation of society. This is our Promised Land and it is "His REST" He has provided for us. It simply means He has already done all the preliminary work of securing total victory of the mission and all that remains for us is the courage to show up where He told us to show up.
In REST the children of Israel took Jericho. They did not have to develop explosive weapons to blow up the thick walls of Jericho. They did not need to hope for helicopters. The victory was already assured; they only needed to show up with the intent of obeying the commandment to inherit the nations. Yes REST is also learning to do ministry in balance, not burning out body, soul and spirit; but beyond that the REST of 5777 is that we are assured victory, after victory after victory – if we will finally connect to the correct narrative that He has for us.

We are now accelerating towards where we will be known for our love, for our healing power, for our societal solutions, for our kindness, for our innovation, for our wealth, for our patience – almost entirely of things we are not presently known for. The good news is we are all going to shift or be shifted. This Hebraic year becomes a reset year even for the Church. She will begin to be more Kingdom than ever, as the Holy Spirit pours out Himself in all of the right places and on all of the right people, in all of the right measures.

This Is An Exceptional Time to Be Alive!

There's never been a time in history as alive with the purposes and intentions of Papa God as the times we are living in.  It's time for our spirits to be awakened by His Spirit so we can wholeheartedly say "Yes" to being part of all He is doing on the earth!  To hear my message from last Saturday, There's Something Bigger Going On, click here:

With Much Love,

Pastor Brent