Thursday, September 14, 2023

LOVE NEVER FAILS - by Elijah & Sierra Breon

There are so many things to do each day, each week, each month. We can get so focused on the tasks that are in front of us that we miss connecting with the people around us, especially those who don’t know Christ.

The only thing that is eternal in our everyday lives is the love that is given and received in relationships. Love is eternal and when we choose to give even the smallest bit of love that we have to those around us, we invest into eternity.

“Love never fails...”

‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭13‬:‭8‬a NKJV‬‬
There are so many people around us everyday who have never known the love of Christ, never experienced the kindness and intentionality of our Father. We seek the kingdom first when we choose to turn our hearts outward to serve the needs of those around us how ever shall they might seem. It can be as simple as having a conversation with those that we work with, praying for the homeless, or giving space for people around us to be vulnerable. 

Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭25‬:‭40‬ ‭ESV‬‬

When we choose to love another, we are choosing to love God. 

So, the challenge for us, love-filled children of God, is to turn our hearts in affection towards a world in pain and darkness, and to trust that as we give, God will bring the fruit.


“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,
and all these things shall be added to you.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭33‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Friday, September 8, 2023


Even the title of this article implies that you have something to overcome. That something would be the enemy’s lies and accusations to you about who you are and about how to process what is happening in your life.
Let’s begin with the truth:

  • God is exceptionally kind and everything he does is good—Always.
  • He is light and in him there is no darkness—Ever.
  • You belong to God—Eternally.
  • No one can snatch you out of his hands—Not the enemy and not even you on your worst day.
  • All things are being worked into something good in your life—All things means all things.
The enemy will try to plant ideas in your mind that are contrary to what you just read. Not to fret—Jesus has already overcome the enemy and you are one with Jesus!
So, our greatest obstacle to joining Jesus in his overcoming victory is simply to agree with the Trinity’s assessment of truth even when we have a thought that is contrary. Only the problem is that doesn’t always feel so simple when the lies feel so real.
Lies and accusations can sound like a myriad of things, but it might sound something like this:
  • “Why is everything seem to work against me?” (Poor me! I’m a victim.)
  • “How come evil is winning?” (We’re doomed! Nothing matters.)
  • “How can you put up with me, God?” (I’m damaged and unlovable )
  • “Aren’t you sick of me by now?” (Let me sabotage this relationship before you cut me off!)
  • “If you really loved me, you would change this or that in my life.” (Why don’t you care?)

So, what do we do with thoughts that are contrary to God’s truth? We bring them to Jesus and allow him to show us what is real and what is a fraud, because on our own it’s impossible to do. Remember: “Apart from me, you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)
Here’s Paul’s description of what that looks like to bring those faulty thoughts to Jesus:
“The dynamic of our strategy is revealed in God’s ability to disengage mindsets and perceptions that have held people captive in pseudo fortresses for centuries. Every lofty idea and argument positioned against God’s knowledge of us is cast down and exposed to be a mere invention of our own imagination. We arrest every thought as spear point—anything that could possibly trigger an opposing threat to our redeemed identity and innocence is taken captive. The caliber of our weapon is empowered by the revelation of the ultimate consequence of the obedience of Christ.”
2 Corinthians 10:5-6 (Mirror)
In your struggles, don’t try harder, but instead give in quicker to Christ-in-you. “Jesus, I can’t do this, but you’ve already won every battle for me, so I trust you to lead me into a place of freedom from the thoughts that have tried to hold me captive.”
Exercise: Sit with Jesus and ask him what lies you’ve been believing. Wait until you have a sense of what that is. Now, agree with Jesus-in-you that these lies have no hold on you and renounce them (“I don’t agree with the lie that…” speak it out loud)
Next, ask Jesus to reveal to you what the truth is instead. His truth is the only one that sets you free! (speak out loud the truth he reveals)
Remember that this freedom comes over time as we agree more and more with the truth of who God sees us as, so give yourself plenty of grace and choose to trust that God is bringing to completion what he begun in you just as he promised he would!
With Love,
Pastor Brent