Friday, October 8, 2021

Love Like This

“What the world needs now is love, sweet love. It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of.”
I completely agree with the sentiment of this popular song first released in the mid-60’s. However, I also disagree with the premise that there’s too little love in this world because in actuality, love abounds in our Father’s kingdom so there can never be a lack of love.
So why is there such an apparent, widespread disconnect from this abundance of God’s love which he freely gives? In a word, independence. Whenever we don’t choose to eat from the Tree of Life, which is enjoying and yielding to the very life and love of Jesus within us, then by default, our flesh runs the show. This looks like fear, suspicion, meanness, arrogance, disconnection and judgment, to name a few of the damaging fruits of relying upon our own sense of what we think is right and wrong instead of resting in the goodness of our Father by trusting his ability to lead us perfectly in every situation.
But there is hope. There is always hope! Our tenderhearted Father has been intentionally growing us up in the ways of love during this difficult season, first by making clear to us where our own independent choices have taken us; and then, by drawing us back to his kind heart and inviting us into a 1 Corinthians 13:11 season—having us put aside childish ways and embracing genuine love.
What does genuine love look like, though?  We can look to 1 Corinthians 13 that gives us numerous practical examples. From the richness of multiple Bible translations and paraphrases, I’ve put together a list of some of my favorite descriptors from verses 4-8 that gives us a vivid picture of what our union with Jesus looks like, loving others with his love. Just to be clear, this is not a self-effort check list. There is nothing described here that you can do apart from Jesus and his love inside of you, so meditate on these with him. If Jesus highlights one of these as you read them, sit with him and rest in his ability to love with you in this way. Here we go:
  • Love is large and incredibly patient (Passion)
  • Love has no desire to make others feel inferior (Mirror)
  • Love gives in order to bless others (Remedy)
  • Love refuses to be jealous when blessing comes to someone else. (Passion)
  • Love does not brag about one’s achievements nor inflate its own importance. (Passion)
  • Love never does the graceless thing; never insists on its rights (Barclay)
  • Love is not spiteful and gets no mileage out of another’s mistakes (Mirror)
  • Love doesn’t look after No. 1 (Word on the Street)
  • Love does not play “one-up-man-ship,” nor does it react to those who do (Heart of Paul)
  • Love doesn’t fly off the handle (Message)
  • Love never nurses its wrath to keep it warm (Barclay)
  • Love cannot be provoked and ,does not brood over an injury (Knox)
  • Love is not touchy or fretful or resentful (Amplified)
  • Love doesn’t tally wrongs (Voice)
  • Love joyfully celebrates honesty and finds no delight in what is wrong. (Passion)
  • Love doesn’t revel when others grovel; It takes pleasure in the flowering of truth (Message)
  • Love is a fortress where everyone feels protected rather than exposed! (Mirror)
  • Love protects like a blockbuster hero and trusts more than a toddler (Word on the Street)
  • Love’s first instinct is to believe in people; Love never regards anyone or anything as hopeless (Barclay)
  • Love never loses it’s altitude (Mirror)
  • Love originates in God and therefore will never stop and never fail (Remedy)
Friends, there is no lack of love for us to tap into, partake of and freely give to others. To each one of you I say, “In your union with Jesus, love will always prevail!”
With Genuine Love in My Heart for You,

Friday, October 1, 2021

Would Jesus Get The Vaccine?

Now there’s an interesting question, don’t you think? Why would we be so compelled to know the answer? It could be for a variety of reasons:
  • Perhaps you’ve been holding off getting the vaccine and you’re still not sure if you should, but maybe if Jesus did, you would too.
  • Perhaps you’ve already gotten the vaccine and you’re not sure you should have, but if Jesus got it too, maybe you can breathe a sigh of relief.
  • Perhaps a more honest reason for most of us would be this: If you found out Jesus agrees with you (i.e. is on your side), you’d have some heavy ammunition to use against all those people who think you’re an idiot for making the choice to take or not take the vaccine. And, at the very least, you’d feel more comfort in your decision.
Why am I even bringing up vaccines? Because there will always (and I mean ALWAYS) be issues that arise in the world to divide and polarize us and this one is a doozy right now, tearing at the fabric of families, churches and workplaces. I doubt there are many reading this who haven’t been personally facing the sadness of a relationship that’s strained or disconnected altogether over this issue. This polarization (which looks like “us” vs. “them” and finding a bad guy to blame) is the fruit of eating the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. This looks like coming to conclusions of what each one of us “knows” to be true over and above loving and honoring each other in the way Jesus demonstrated.
So, back to the question. If you were to ask Jesus, “Did YOU get the vaccine?”, what response would you get? Have you ever noticed Jesus rarely gave a direct answer to a direct question? He understood life involves complexity and mystery and he was so aware of his Father’s focus on the deeper issues of the heart to help his children grow in the ways of love.  I rather suspect Jesus would answer your question with another question:
“Where are you choosing to place your trust?”
Or even more to the point:
“Where is fear clouding your ability to trust your heavenly Father who holds your life in his hands?”
Then the internal dialogue in your head begins:
Wait, are you saying that if I get the vaccine, I’m not trusting God but if I don’t then I am?? Or are you saying that if I don’t get the vaccine, then I’m not trusting God, but if I do, then I am??  Our mind is truly dizzying at times and Jesus will let the wrestle-mania battle within continue until it wears us out. Why? Because it’s part of our human condition that we must come to the end of ourselves before we’ll surrender to the simplicity and beauty of Christ in us. In other words, God is allowing us to clearly see the outcomes of our independent thinking so we’ll repent and turn back to eating the fruit of the Tree of Life—Jesus himself.
If you get the vaccine, God is with you! If you don’t get the vaccine, God is with you! The world is screaming at us that this issue (and the next one that’s inevitably coming) is the issue where you must make a stand and stake your life on. No, your life is in Christ alone. The issues our flesh gets so wrapped up in cloud the simple instruction given to us by Jesus: I want you to love each other in the same way I have loved you.
Friends, if the issue of vaccines/no vaccines has been straining relationships, I encourage you to give up your right to be right and choose the ways of love that can only emerge from your union with Jesus. What does this look like? I plan to share much more about this on Saturday at Blazing Fire because there is a way through this. You won’t be able to successfully navigate this minefield by thinking your own way through it. Remember, it’s not by your own might, nor by your own power, but only by God’s Spirit that you will walk in freedom and rest he has promised.
Praying God’s peace and rest and love to fill your hearts!