Friday, February 5, 2016

Faithful With Little, Lord Over Much by Pastor Todd Lout

MATTHEW 25:23 His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’

Usually it’s money that first comes to mind when we read this passage.  After all, Luke 16 has the same theme and is in reference to “mammon”.  But this principal that Jesus spells out is a principal that is next of kin to seed time and harvest, which we all know is certainly God’s set up in the Kingdom.  This applies to every facet of our lives.  How are we going to steward what we’ve been entrusted with?

Here are a few more areas we should consider when we read Matthew 25:23:

*The calling on our lives
Our highest call is to actually be His and know that He is ours.  To sit at the feet of Love, Himself, and allow ourselves to become love too.  Out of this flows plans for our lives, carrier, ministry and such. 

Let’s be faithful with this.  Let’s give Him time to be with Him and gain understanding of purpose from the One Who knows the depths of us.  If we will be good stewards here, He will certainly make us master of much.

*Relationships / Friendships
We all want to be important to another person in our lives.  It’s in our nature to be wanted and to have human relationship that is rich.  So often, though, people will sabotage relationships by not stewarding well the ones they already have.  We become co-dependent because of fear.  We become paranoid and accusatory and eventually push people away.  Or, sometimes we don’t value the other above ourselves, thus honor is a missing component. 

But what if we take whatever relationships we have and steward them very well?  Surely God’s truth, here, will come into the picture and create a richness in relationships like with never even though possible.  We may even loose some only to gain deeper ones.  God will honor our faithfulness in relationships.

*Material Things
If a person has a beat up old car and really desires a better one, it would be silly to let the old one become even more trashy.  Take charge and become faithful with that old thing.  Clean it.  Repair whatever can be repaired.  Get tune-ups.  Even with Earthly, temporary possessions, this principle of being a good steward comes into play.  In the natural, if I had a new car to give, but the person I was thinking of giving it to just trashes the lesser one, I wouldn’t want them to own this new car.  There’s clear indication that the new one will soon become a trashed car too.

God sees it all and knows how we manage things.  But He is very willing to help us be faithful with these little things if we get rid of complaining and laziness and allow Him to energize us in stewardship and innovation.

By the way, here are some powerful scriptures on laziness / slothfulness that will cause us to get up and take care of things:
                                                          Romans 6:11 & 12
                                                          Proverbs 13:4
                                                          Proverbs 20:3 & 4
                                                          Proverbs 26:13-16
                                                          2 Timothy 2:15-17
                                                         Hebrews 6:11 & 12

Bless us all as we co-labor with God in stewarding the smaller things.  He has increase in mind if we will be faithful with what we’ve already got.

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