Saturday, June 20, 2015

Freedom by Misha Quezada - Blazing Fire Overseer Team

Tonight I got home late after a looong day. It was about 11pm and I was very excited to crawl into bed. As I unlock the downstairs door to my dorm hallway I think I see a small bird at the other end of the hall trying to get out. I quickly go back outside and go around the building to open the door. Inside I see a small paper moving around and assume I was tired and obviously am now seeing things, but after almost reaching the door to the staircase I see the little bird flying straight for me! The next 45 minutes are spent frustratingly trying to free the bird. It must have been there for a while because it was having trouble flying for the extent of the hallway. Back and forth it went, letting me at times get close but then quickly hopping or flying away. I eventually used my purse to prop open a door, and got it out the door. Just as I felt victorious and was reaching to close the door, the silly bird turned around and flew back in!

About 30 minutes in, I felt God giving me nudges, asking if anything about the situation felt familiar. I watched as the bird went back and forth, struggling as it reached the door, but not being able to get out. I often find myself feeling like that bird. I see where I want to go, or emotionally feel where I want to be. It’s in site, but I keep sensing walls in my way. God is there trying to help me get out, in His loving gentle way, racing in whichever direction I head, opening the door for me. I have trouble trusting that He knows the way; that He isn’t there to sweep me in the wrong direction. I start to head to where He points, but then second guess it and turn in the other direction. Sometimes I even get right to the edge of it, as if standing at the edge of a cliff, ready to take the leap, but my own fears or lies get in the way of seeing the truth.

The story has a good ending though….The bird finally made it out! I gently closed the door behind it, thinking it was over but I returned a few minutes later seeing it still hopping around outside the doorway. Sometimes we make it out of our situation, but don’t know what to do next. It’s uncomfortable to step into something new. A bigger, freer world can be intimidating, and we don’t believe we are totally out. God told me to go outside and watch. The bird sat there flying, but returning. Then suddenly I felt my heart leap as I watched it fly high to the top of the building, turn, and fly away toward some trees.

God is calling us into breakthrough. He knows what we’ve been longing for, the freedom we desire. It has felt like a struggle for many, feeling like you can’t trust what’s on your heart, like you’re going to be stuck in the place you’re at forever. You may even be mad at yourself, seeing that you had a chance or s moment where you felt out of it, but now you find yourself feeling as though nothing changed, like you’re right back where you are.

I hear God saying FREEDOM!!!! The door is wide open, He is standing there, beckoning you out. He is a loving, patient Father, who is willing to stand there for however long it takes. Your wings are ready, the door is open, so turn around and feel the wind beneath your wings!!!

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