Friday, May 30, 2014

Learning to Love by Pastor Susan Fochler

Some years back, my daughter Karen decided she really wanted a dog. Like REALLY wanted a dog, so she started praying and scanning the want ads. Russ wasn’t quite so sure as his experience with pet dogs hadn’t always been the best. Eventually Karen found a promising ad, so we all hopped in the car to visit a family wanting to give away their dog because of a new baby.

Maisie wasn’t much to look at when we met her. She was covered with dirt from living in a dusty backyard. But the first moment she looked at us with those infinitely deep brown eyes filled with affection and acceptance, we knew she was ours. Even Russ was amazed, she liked him! After we brought her home and cleaned her up, we discovered a beautiful sable and white silky soft fur coat, funky “yoda” ears and soft, fluffy white paws. And those eyes that never stopped smiling.

Unconditional Love Feels Like Something
From then on, everyone who met Maisie encountered a dog that communicated, head to toe, that she loved them and was happy to see them. Even the mailman! We had a neighbor who had never liked dogs yet found her irresistible, and was constantly sneaking her food, much to our chagrin. When people came for ministry, particularly during a tender moment, Maisie would snuggle up as close as she could to provide comfort. Her presence oozed “I want to be with you, feel with you and breathe your air!”.

Learning to Receive
The day eventually came when Maisie’s health was failing so much we had to make the heart-wrenching decision to let her go. I had never known how painful it could be to lose a pet. She had taught me so much, and ministered to my heart a level of unconditional love I did not recognize fully until it was time to say good-bye. I weep even today as I’m thinking of her; how easy it was to feel safe and completely myself with her, hugging her and feeling her delight in being so close. I am amazed that God would use a family pet in such a way to help my heart heal; I appreciate now, as never before, how legitimately important a pet can be to a person.

Needing to Learn is Normal
Like many of you, I didn’t experience this kind of love growing up. My parents hadn’t either. The practical needs of my physical body were addressed, but rarely did I feel enjoyed or valued at home. I tried to keep myself scarce and out of the way so I wouldn’t cause any problems. It has been a process over decades to learn that someone might actually enjoy my presence and look forward to seeing me. It started with marrying into the Fochler clan, where I began to let down my guard and be seen and known. Russ and his sisters have helped me learn how to engage in true fellowship, communicating with and not just talking over one another. And I am ever grateful for how much they have taught me about love.

We are on this Journey Together
Like my beloved Maisie, I am learning to enjoy and value each one who comes my way, no longer feeling so threatened by misunderstandings and differing perspectives. Receiving God’s tender love, with yielded heart, then allowing His river to pour through me to others is vulnerable and unpredictable yet so much more fulfilling than the relative safety of emotional isolation. This love of Jesus Christ is much bigger and ever-available than we can comprehend; and it’s ours for the asking. Don’t give up on yourself; we’ve all had a lot to learn on this journey. Our God’s great joy is in helping us learn the profound power of genuine love while we are still living on earth; He is the best teacher and most faithful friend we could ever ask for!

With much love and appreciation for you;

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