Friday, August 16, 2013

His Glory In You by Pastor Suzan Fochler

Dear Family;

We recently enjoyed time as a family visiting some of the most amazing sights California can offer; the mountains, trees, ocean and waves of Monterey and Santa Cruz. While there we went to the Monterey Bay and Seymour Aquariums, and enjoyed the vast array of species that dwell in and around the ocean.

Who Would Dream Up Such Creative Diversity?

For example, one of the species that amazed us was the Sea Dragon. It’s a kind of Sea Horse, but looks much more like a plant than an animal! Who would dream up such a weird, whimsical creature? There was also an exhibit on Jelly Fish, all kinds of sizes, shapes and colors. Altogether there are something like 2,000 species of Jellies.

Our Creative God Delights in His Creation!
I doubt all of those species of Jelly Fish are absolutely essential for keeping the ocean’s ecosystem in balance, but I think it says something about the heart of God. Clearly, He was pleased to create this incredible diversity of species. I think God must enjoy the surprisingly distinct colors, sizes, behaviors and shapes of all those Jellies just as we do. What a wild and crazy imagination He has! What a sense of humor and fun! It is clear that God loves life, thoroughly enjoys the work of His hands, and adores the fruit of His own imagination. It is evident that he takes great pleasure in His creation, and the deepest pleasure of all from His premier work of art: we humans, created in His own image.

Each One of Us is an Important Part of His Creative Genius
It started to dawn on me; as amazingly varied and unique each plant and animal species is, when it comes to humankind, each individual human being, one to another, is just as unique and one of a kind as each species of the animal kingdom is, species to species. There are millions upon millions of different kinds of species, but within each species, most of the creatures look and act pretty similar, if not identical. When we look at human beings, however, we see a completely different aspect of diversity.

Christ is In You: Illuminating His Glory from Within
Human beings not only have unique personalities, but everything else about us: our appearance, the sound of our voice, our food preferences, our talents and interests; all distinct and one of a kind. Irreplaceable and unmatched. God chose to fabricate each one of us from a unique facet of His own personhood such that He will never make any of us a copy of anyone else! We each reflect a piece of His glory, in our own way.

Being Who You Are Is Enough
That aspect of God’s glory that is reflected in your life is unique and indispensable. Who you are, how you think, what you enjoy. What makes you laugh, what makes you cry, what drops you to your knees. There is nothing about you that is a mistake, an oversight or an afterthought. Who you are, and how you do who you are, matters. It matters to God, and it matters, in some mysteriously and deeply interwoven way, to the rest of creation. The whole earth, including each and every one of His created beings, is filled with the Glory of God!

With Much Love, and enjoying Him in each of you;

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