Friday, June 28, 2013

Enduring Hardships by Pastor Angela Ellis

In my life I have endured many hardships. Some I can say honestly because of my choices and others because of other peoples’ choices that directly affected my life. Some hardships felt uncomfortable others that felt at the time, life shattering.

Whatever the case, I have to say I have learned much through every hardship I have had to face. I have learned to a deeper degree the Love of the triune God and many, if not all of the fruits of the spirit have been refined in me throughout the trials. Not that I’ve mastered any of them, but I can say some I have done double time in for sure!

Why do I highlight what seems to be a negative? Well, because I’ve come to a place where I would not trade those seemingly negative things for anything! I have through these trials and challenges come to a place of actual rejoicing over them. I rejoice because through them I have learned a piece of heaven that only I can release through my perspective and my truth. I have been made more like Christ through them and more than anything I have learned to value things that I didn’t value before. I’ve learned that I can overcome anything with Christ and more important, I’ve learned to truly lean on my beloved in all things.

Really, there are endless lessons that have come through what seems to be a negative. So my question is, if so many positives come out of hardships or challenges then why do we still consider these as negatives? I believe perspective has a huge role in how we see or view things. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe we have to necessarily like every situation we are in, but I think if we can somehow remember to ask Holy Spirit how He see’s things in the midst of our different situations, I believe our limited earthly perspective can quickly become a heavenly perspective. And while we may not be able to overt the situation we can stay steady in walking through them asking Holy Spirit to reveal all the hidden treasures in them along the way. We can learn and grow without challenges or hardships throwing us out of the game or making us stuck.

As we move forward into a new season lets try going through things with heavens perspective. Let’s stay steady and steadfast believing always the Lord is for us and He really is working all things for good! As we go let’s look for the treasures in the lessons we are learning along the way, while handing out our pearls of wisdom to others that are put on our path. Imagine what it would be like if we changed the old way of thinking from these challenges or hardships are “hard” to instead thinking“ I’m gathering treasure…pearls even!” When we look at it that way suddenly we have no lack but actually can see our abundance we have to freely give away!

May you be abundantly blessed in ALL things!

With much love,

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