Saturday, March 9, 2013

Encouraging Twitter One-Liners

TWITTER One-Liners
that will encourage you
and give you hope and courage!
For those of you who are not on Twitter, here are some examples of the type of Kingdom encouragement that are flooding the world daily.  If you ever want to follow me, I'm @BrentLokker.
Enjoy and be massively encouraged by some of the voices that we have had speak into the life of our Blazing Fire family (starting with my own):
From Brent Lokker:
* God is not looking for an excuse to reject us, but is looking for every opportunity to take us into His arms of love!
* Stop for a moment to listen to the heartbeat of the Father for you..."You're mine, you're mine, you're mine, you're mine..."
* God is SO much bigger than your mistakes! Get back in the game and engage your heart with His!
* Love crushes fear, demolishes hopelessness, trumps shame, pummels rejection and reverses destruction! Who can you love today?
* When you choose to see the best in others, you're looking with the heart of God!
* When we judge someone instead of extending the Father’s love and mercy, we disqualify ourselves from being the one to impact them.
From Kris Vallotton:
* When someone fails it's important that we don't make them feel like a failure least they spend their days living out a lie!
* If you believe you are warring with your old nature you can't win... you haven't engaged the real enemy. Our struggle is not with the flesh.
* Any thought that doesn't inspire HOPE in you is not rooted in the redemptive nature of our King, and is not worth dwelling on.
* Endeavor to be in secret what you appear to be in public, and God, who sees in secret, will promote you in public.
From Danny Silk:
* Truth is established through the exchange of truth. Truth isn't what I think about you, truth is what is going on inside of me.
‎* "Into-me-see" happens because I show you. Intimacy only happens when people take responsibility over their own emotions and courageously share with others.
* Remember, you don't control anyone else. On a good day you can tell yourself what to do and you'll obey you.
* Honor is about two powerful people in a relationship working together to meet the needs of one another.
From Doug Addison:
* Advancement in the spiritual realm does not always look & feel like you are doing great. Trust the process as God is at work
* If you are asking God for confirmation on something look no farther than God's peace in your heart. Peace is the best fleece
* God is full of fun surprises and happy endings! Don't let negative reports & news bring you down. God is at work in it all
* Taking small steps toward what God is calling you to will big big results quickly. Do something today and see...
From Graham Cooke:
* “When we return to a place of joy and laughter, the Lord will overcome your staleness and refresh you.”
* "Be overwhelmed. It's the only way you can understand God!"
* "The Lord has fullness that you need to inherit. You need to learn how to facilitate abundance."
* "We always give our way into our blessing and our future. See your life as a contribution."
* "My prayer is that we would never make any provision for mediocrity or dullness. We should live our lives astonished!"
From Bill Johnson:
* You can have a life of understanding and live in a small world, or you have heaven's peace and live in a world without limits.
* Living in regret will become your biggest regret.
* Many stop short of a divine encounter because they are satisfied with good theology. The word of God is to lead us to the God of the word.
* Outside of the presence of God everything is subject to distortion.
* We don't have the capacity to exaggerate God's goodness. We can distort it, or even misrepresent it, but we can never exaggerate it.
* Every loss is temporary. Every victory is eternal.
* The Law requires. Grace enables.
* It takes courage to expect the best. Anyone with unbelief can expect the worst.

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