Friday, June 15, 2012

The Palace Is Your Playground by Pastor Karena Lout

"You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation," 1 Peter 2:9.  

Last Saturday night, I took our awesome kids (the Swordbearers) to the playground after worship. After awhile of running around and playing catch, one of the girls and I decided to play "Princesses of the Playground." It was very easy for her to assume the role of princess. It is obvious that she knows her worth as a daughter of the King and doesn't need to make apologies for it. A few other kids joined in the fun and soon dragons were being slain, imaginary ice cream appeared on command and the playground became our Kingdom.

I love the way children look at the world with such awe as their creativity and imagination is encouraged. It is probably one of the reasons why Jesus said in Mark 10:14 "Let the children come to me for the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. Whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it." Children are a constant reminder to look at the world through the lenses of pure faith and trust that nothing is impossible with God. During our healing service a few weeks ago, one of the kids had a word of knowledge that God wanted to heal cancer. She told me with such assurance that Papa was going to do it without question. As Princes and Princesses, we've been given authority to rule and reign with Christ. Sometimes we tend to complicate things. But truly, beauty is found in the simplicity of the Gospel.

As His beloved children, the Father has given you the keys to explore His Kingdom. Several years ago at Blazing Fire, I remember one of the kids would point out all the angels in the room to me during worship. She would describe their appearance in detail and explain why they were there and what they were doing. I got so much joy watching her giggle as she played and danced with them. This is our inheritance as sons and daughters. We get to see into the unseen realm and receive it with childlike faith and abandon. There's nothing you need to do to make it happen. Our efforts to gain something that is already ours are futile. In The Chronicles of Narnia, young Lucy had eyes to see Aslan, simply because she BELIEVED.

As a little girl, my Dad used to take me to the beach where we'd play for hours on end. We'd swim out into the ocean where he'd toss me high in the air and I'd come crashing down with a huge splash. I felt like I was flying. Everything was an adventure and anything seemed possible. I want to bless you right now to return to that place of childlike faith and innocence. As a new creation, you really are born again into a life of freedom, supernatural exploration, awe and wonder. The palace is your home. Your significance rests in the truth that you are the Father's beloved son or daughter and He takes so much pleasure in you.


Much Love, Karena

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