Friday, June 8, 2012

A Life of Integrity by Pastor Brent Lokker

This is a page or two taken from my soon-to-be-published book, "Daddy You Love Me!". It's time for us to rise up, bouyed by the sound of our Father's voice, to walk as true sons and daughters!

Since we’re empowered to represent our Father’s very good heart here on the earth, the integrity of our lives is of utmost importance to God.  Fortunately this doesn’t mean God can’t or won’t use us until our character is perfect, otherwise none of us would ever get on the playing field!  However, developing your character to more clearly display His glory in you is hugely and strategically important to God.  So often, we want to charge to the top of the hill, consumed with doing great things for God.  He, on the other hand, is consumed with causing us to know who we are and walk accordingly!  In fact, when it comes to molding us into the spitting image of His Son, Jesus, He has all the time in the world!

Integrity refers to the state of being whole.  It means having the real substance through and through—walking in who you are because you know who you are.

Ephesians 4:1 in the Mirror Translation says it like this: “As one captive in the Lord, I urgently appeal to you therefore, with reference to your original identity, to conduct your life in such a way that your every move bears witness to the weight and value of who you really are!”

Paul isn’t saying, “Act like a Christian!”  He’s saying, “Know who you are!”  Your original identity is who God says you are.  Paul spent the first three chapters of the book of Ephesians going over it line-by-line.  Only then does he say, “Now that you know who you really are, be true to your real self!”  Paul’s saying, “You know that stuff the world is telling you to get messed up with?  It has nothing to do with you.  You are an integrous person—that other stuff isn’t you”

When we hear God tell us who we are and believe it, our hearts are changed bringing about integrity in our lives.  Just to be clear, integrity isn’t trying to be good and having the will power not to do bad things.  Integrity knows you were designed for freedom and greatness and won’t settle for less!  With this supernatural awareness, you will invite Holy Spirit to direct your life so you can receive all the benefits of your inheritance Jesus paid for on the cross.  Integrity is the natural byproduct of knowing you are Christ’s presence in this world.

Integrity is the opposite of hypocrisy.  Hypocrisy comes from a root word that means, ‘to be an actor.’  So hypocrisy means “I’m going to try and act a certain way around you so you’ll think a certain way about me, but it’s not who I really am.”  Integrity, on the other hand, is you being the real you to the core of your being.  The more you know who God says you are and hear it from Him, the more you believe it and agree,

“Wow, I’m really this great!  God’s made me an integrous person!”

Since this agreement comes by knowing and believing who God says you are, it’s imperative that you ask Him often, “Who do you say that I am?”  You can’t believe old lies about yourself and walk in integrity.  The way to battle those lies is to take them straight to Papa and ask him, “Is this true of me?”  I want to encourage you right now to get out a journal or write in your computer the answer God gives you when you ask Him this question: “When you look at me, what do you see?”

Please!  Stop and ask Him out loud and wait for His answer that will begin entering your thoughts.  Hearing God for yourself is completely transformational.

Write these thoughts down and keep them somewhere where you can review His words to you often, but never tire of asking Him to tell you again.  Daddy always has good things to say about you.  Always!  This is one of the layers behind the meaning of Jesus’ words when He said the Father gives us true bread from heaven that we are to eat of (John 6:32).  Every day you must hear his voice—especially what He thinks about you.

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