Thursday, August 5, 2021

Age of Enlightenment

Like when you turn the light dimmer up, so will there be an increase of light across the world for all people and it’s getting very close. He showed me there would be a suspension of darkness to a degree and I could see a great light above the Earth shining more brightly on the world. There will be an increase of grace, hope, tolerance, cooperation, understanding, insight. He said love is light that illuminates the darkness. He showed me that this will happen in all beliefs and all sectors of life. There will be a raising of conscience and mindfulness.

The great move of His Spirit will be less about Christians and more about them who do not believe, never believed or denied His existence. This will be about sweeping billions into the kingdom as this will be the tipping point for them into salvation and being brought before His throne. I could see congregations bursting at the seams with new believers. For them that already do believe, we will be overwhelmed with joy and awe as many souls before us come into His kingdom.

An increase in light will make the fields ready for harvest. This is more than just the prodigals, but for them who never had any spiritual connection or inkling and who presently walk unawares, oblivious and in complete darkness. Let there be light. Amen.

I felt like He said that this would last for decades and not just a temporary outpouring. Society will change across the board for a very long time.


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