Thursday, August 6, 2020

Walking Upstream

Last Thursday was World Day against Trafficking in Persons, established to raise awareness about human trafficking and to encourage survivor support. This year the United Nations highlighted first responders who identify, support and seek justice for victims. Seeing God move in this area has been a passion for many years. I’ve been really impacted spending time with survivors over the years but God began to shift my focus to prevention and bringing awareness, especially in high schools. I was reminded of a high school in Oakland I spoke at a few years ago. Almost every student shared about their personal experience with abusive relationships or of friends who were victims of trafficking. Of course my Mama heart broke as they shared. I became more angry at this injustice and at the same time, encouraged by their passion to bring about lasting solutions. If you haven’t noticed, our younger generation is rising up, becoming more and more compassionate and determined to do their part to see change in many areas of injustice.

David Batstone, the founder of Not For Sale, said something many years ago that really challenged and inspired me. He said, “Pulling drowning people out of the river is compassion, but we have to walk upstream to solve the reasons they are falling in. That’s justice. I believe Holy Spirit wants to give us solutions that will impact those around us and bring transformation in every area of life. Even in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, where so many are experiencing a lot of fear and lack, my prayer is that the church will be a beacon of hope to those who are searching. 

“Your lives light up the world. Let others see your light from a distance,
for how can you hide a city that stands on a hilltop?
And who would light a lamp and then hide it in an obscure place?
Instead, it’s placed where everyone in the house can benefit from its light.”
Matthew 5:14-15 (TPT)

My prayer is that as you “walk upstream,” God would begin to reveal the answers you are seeking for challenges in your own life. I pray you would feel the compassion of Jesus over your situation. I also pray He would show you the light inside of you that He wants to shine in your family, your workplace and your community. May you have peace and confidence knowing He took those very steps upstream as He went to the cross. He became justice for us. He is the answer to every heart cry, every disease, every injustice on the earth. Let that be our source of hope!

                                                               Love, Karena

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