Friday, July 17, 2015

The Lord Will Fight For You by Pastor Karena Lout

There are a few things about this scripture God has been highlighting to me that I want to encourage you with. In this context, the word salvation in Hebrew is yasha which means, “to make room or space.” The Israelites were under great pressure, squeezed between the Red Sea before them and the armies behind them. God sent salvation to come and relieve the pressure. Some of you have been under suffocating pressure lately. I pray that as you receive God’s yasha, you would experience wide, open spaces where you can breathe freely. Stress, worry, and anxiety can’t live in that space.

The other thing I felt to encourage you with is to allow the Lord to fight for you. Over the years, I’ve had to learn to ask for help when I need it. That can feel unfamiliar and even vulnerable for some of us who grew up believing that we need to take care of ourselves. But it’s important that we pay attention when it’s time to take the boxing gloves off and rest.  Laying down your sword can feel scary. If you’ve been fighting for a long time, it can be difficult to imagine what life would be like without it.  I encourage you to ask Jesus how He’s going to protect you and fight for you. One of the most comforting truths in this life is that we don’t have to face challenges alone. I pray that you can rest in that today.

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