Friday, January 30, 2015

Living Whole Hearted - Restoring Your Original Design by Pastor Susan Fochler

God will never ask us to do something that He wasn’t willing to do Himself. So when He said it is important to love Him with all our heart and mind and soul(Mark 12:30), it was because He wanted us to receive His love from Him, in all those areas, first. Not by trying harder, or doing more, but by letting Him in, more. His desire is to be with and experience you in all your heart and mind and soul.

Recognizing the Walls
When I first got saved I think I invited Jesus in, not to the bottom, but to the front porch of my heart. And I don’t think the light was on, either. I was living in so much fear, so much shame and so much self-hatred that I would have probably freaked out if I thought someone, anyone, really wanted to know me, inside and out. But the interesting thing is that I appeared pretty functional, able to keep a job, balance the check book and look fairly together on the surface. But if you looked very close you could see a lot of defensiveness and judgment, because I felt so condemned. And down deep I assumed God condemned me too.

You Are Enough
One day many years ago as someone prayed a God-inspired vision over me, a new Truth came and landed in my heart. It began whispering gently and lovingly to me: that He saw me as enough, just being me. I had always thought something was missing, something so wrong about me that I was completely unlovable. The revelation that I was valued and accepted had a radical impact on my heart; but it took years of process for that truth and it’s implications to slowly work their way down, deeper and deeper into the fabric of my soul. I continue to grow in my ability to trust His love to be as good and unconditional as He says it is.

Becoming our True Selves
This journey to discover our true selves is the path of reconciliation: the reconciliation within our own heart and the reconciliation of our heart to God. As old misperceptions are enfolded by His loving truth we open up and allow our genuine hearts to be seen. You, just being you, is a one-of-a-kind treasure God delights in revealing to the world.

The Revealing of the Sons of God
The fullness of our true potential looks like this: living and moving and having our being in the Spirit. Feeling, thinking and making decisions in full partnership with Holy Spirit as the river of living water flows through us in power. The access you give to Him into your heart, will result in you accessing the limitless depths of His!

With love and great anticipation of the revealing of God’s sons and daughters;

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