Saturday, November 15, 2014

Hope For All Seasons - Todd Benjamin Lout

Here it is folks! We’ve arrived, again, at the wonderful holiday season. Amazing how fast it comes and goes and comes back again. Many have nicknamed this time a, “season of hope”, and rightly so as there’s such a focus on Jesus and all that was born into the world with Him.

Interestingly, though, our common use of this word, “Hope”, is reduced to a wish. Often it’s even used in a negative connotation rather than a positive one: “Gee, I sure hope I get a raise.” (said with rolled eyes and no expectancy at all). BUT, this glorious aspect of our perfect Father, this promise that we can open and keep, is a wonderful one because true hope is the joyful anticipation of good!

Abraham and Lot were both referred to as “righteous men”. In 1st Peter we see something interesting: “Righteous Lot was oppressed by the sensual conduct of unprincipled men.” As Lot looked around and saw his surroundings, hopelessness crept in, swallowing hope and allowing himself to become defined by his surroundings. BUT, Abraham, (Lot’s uncle), hoped when things seemed hopeless, (Romans 4:17). He defined his surroundings by painting it all with hope. Both men considered righteous, but Abraham was called God’s friend and was given much more than an honorable mention when the entire chapter 4 of Romans is dedicated to him. God is recognizing the value of hope here.

Hope and Faith are married and we know that God loves faith operation. Hebrews 11:16 even tells us that we just can not please Him without faith. In fact, it looks like promises come to us because of our faith, (Hebrews 6:12).

Dare to apply…no, baptize, your dreams, your burning desires, in Hope. Get your hopes up, as they say. The desires of your heart, whether ending human trafficking or sending an encouraging note to someone, are real-estate that God occupies when hope is there. Hope becomes the atmosphere that faith grows in.

If you’re feeling like hope has been swallowed up by hopelessness, I urge you to let hope arise again. As hope is stirred up a little bit more in this time of year, grab onto it! It is infectious, you know. Let it skyrocket all through the year, every year!

Say, with hope, “I am who God says I am!”

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