Sunday, November 17, 2013

7 Keys to Successful Living by Pastor Brent Lokker

My spiritual papa, Kris Vallotton, recently wrote these 7 keys to successful living that I thought were phenominal.  Ask the Holy Spirit to take a look at these with you and to to help you walk them out.

1-Put God 1st in your life and have no 2nd, so that your entire life is walked out in a way that honors the King.

2- Keep a list of the works of God in your life and meditate on what He has done...not what He has yet to do.

3- Don't take yourself too seriously. When you do something stupid laugh at yourself and tell others so they can laugh human. If you sin, repent honestly and quickly than forgive yourself! Get over it!!! Don't live in sucks and it's an insult to the Cross.

4- Remember that there is always enough time in the day to do everything Jesus has called you to do. So remind yourself that you are not the Savior of the world. Living to meet the expectations of people instead of God will kill you. It is IMPOSSIBLE to please EVERYONE!

5- Keep short accounts with people...forgive them quickly. Unforgiveness invites every kind of evil into your life. People will fail you at times. Give up punishing them. It's not worth the grief!

6- Live with a servants heart and a kings/queens mind. Be humble...there is no job beneath you. Yet carry yourself as royalty...manage your inner world nobility. You are a son/daughter of the King! Think like it!!!

7- Be ridiculously always comes back to you. Your lineage gives you unlimited resources.

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