Friday, March 9, 2012


Last Saturday night at Blazing Fire I preached a message entitled "I Belong!" explaining that we belong not only to God but also to one another. We watched a very moving video of the song "I Belong" by Kathryn Scott. We actually watched it twice that night--once at the beginning of my message in agreement with the truth that we fully belong to our heavenly Papa and never separated from his love, and once at the end of my message while standing and holding hands across the sanctuary as one big family agreeing with the truth that we belong to each other. There were many moist eyes as we were moved by the spirit of love and acceptance that was thick in the room. Here is that link for you to watch it right now:

A noticeable and powerful shift took place last Saturday night in the Spirit. Without question Papa was very, very pleased with our desire to intentionally pursue his dream for us to experience family together the way He has designed it. If you were not there, I strongly encourage you to listen to the podcast that is already up and running (Thank you, Patrick!) Here is the link:

For over a decade, Blazing Fire has been a place to experience and enjoy God's tangible, loving presence. That will never change! But Father God is inviting us to take that same love and go deep with each other just as Jesus spoke of--with a oneness and love for each other that would cause the world to believe we are truly followers of the Messiah. (see John 13:34-35 & John 17:21-23)

Each of us has a deep need within to belong and to be part of a meaningful family. Many people did not experience what God had intended for family when they were kids growing up. But God's intent for us to be part of a genuine family remains--one with love, fun and encouragement, but also one with conflict resolution and believing the best about each other when offence tries to rear it's ugly head. There have been some good aspects of family already in Blazing Fire, but what we have been doing intuitively, we are now on a course to do intentionally!

Exciting and even a little scarey, perhaps, but it's time to grow up together in love! It's going to be a process, so choose to hang in there as part of the family. The payoff of truly belonging will be well worth it!

Speaking of Family, this Saturday night, my spiritual Papa, Kris Vallotton will be speaking! He has played a huge role in my spiritual journey of wholeness over the past 12 years. Because Kris needs to leave Blazing Fire early to go to another speaking destination, he will be speaking BEFORE the worship time and not afterwards, so be on time, or better yet, early! We will enjoy our worship time after Kris leaves.

We will also be ordaining Angela Ellis as a pastor and elder of Blazing Fire Church! That will happen right at 6:00 pm with Kris preaching immediately after.

Angela and Lonnie Ellis

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