Friday, May 14, 2010

Hope is Stirring!

Hope, the way God defines it, is not wishing for something to happen, but it's a giddy anticipation of knowing that what God promised is absolutely going to happen! It's a feeling of almost not being able to contain yourself because you can't wait to see how God is going to come through for you! Huge deposits of hope that have been stored up within you--hope that may have been so hidden you didn't even know it was there, are beginning to burst forth as newfound excitement is overtaking old circumstances!! RISE UP and AGREE with the increased hope that is present! Proverbs 13:12 says, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." God knows that you cannot go too long without that fire of hope rekindled in your soul, so he continually fulfills your longings from the inheritance that has been marked out for you through Christ, our perpetual Tree of Life!

The enemy's job is to get you to focus on what has not happened yet, rather than on celebrating the goodness of God and what He has done for you. You are blessed beyond measure and you are God's success story!! Don't fall into the trap of discouragement, thinking that difficult circumstances will never change or that you won't find your way out of a more challenging season of your life. God has chapters of your life prepared for you that would make you do flips in the air and squeal in delight, it's so good! Allow yourself to believe what I just said and you will start experiencing the hope that is already within you.

Yes, God is far better than you can imagine and he has mind-boggling plans for you that are unfolding at this very instant. Why? Because he is a Papa who ADORES you and who loves to do for you what you cannot do for yourself. Sometimes, we are afraid to hope because we don't want to be disappointed, but if you do not give yourself full permission to hope, you have already lost the battle.

So, the Lord says to you: "Let the hope I have placed inside of you find its expression in the child-like joy of being mine and the certainty of knowing I am working all things out for your very best. Get excited about what I have in store for you because it's much better than you think!"

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart!" (Psalm 37:4)

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