Saturday, December 12, 2009

There Is A River - Dec 12, 2009

Daddy approves of you! Yes, YOU! You are the delight of His eyes and you are exactly what he wanted when he made you! If you do nothing else today, take time to snuggle up to your Heavenly Papa and take in the love! That is the ONE THING that will truly make your heart merry this season! Oh, and then go spread the love the first chance you get! Papa loves it when you do that!!

Last Saturday during and after our time of worship, I sensed and felt a huge, strong River that was flowing through the church building and, subsequently, right through each person who was present! The Lord led me to play my Native American double flute while encouraging each person to receive from that heavenly River exactly what they needed: love, mercy, healing, peace, forgiveness, strength, hope--absolutely anything and everything we needed was available!

Here is one testimony from Cheryl Field, who was there that night:

Pastor Brent,

I have to tell you want happened Saturday night! When you asked us to stand for healing, I stood up for my brother who has hidradenitis and my 16-year-old nephew who has Crone's disease, even though I have been in constant pain in my shoulder. On the way home, I asked Papa to heal my shoulder and take the pain away. Later, around 11:30 pm, I was laying in bed re-reading Blazing Fire's Core Values, and my heart started to race and I felt Holy Spirit's presence...all of a sudden my shoulder started quivering and shaking like I have never seen before! The pain was gone!!! This morning is the first time in I don't know how long that I didn't wake up in pain or have to take any Tylenol! Papa is so awesome! Thank You Holy Spirit, and Jesus for making it possible!!!

In Papa's love, Cheryl

Thank you, Jesus! We are seeing more and more miracles of people being completely healed and set free! And do you know why? Because the river of God's love and presence and power and joy is flowing mightily from his throne and it's getting deeper and wider all the time!! (see Ezekiel 47) The Source of that refreshing, cleansing Water from Heaven is nothing less than the Father's heart, and let me tell you, His heart is infinite and it is unlimited! God's supernatural world is totally invading the natural world that we see with our eyes and ears. And it's only going to increase because the Kingdom is always advancing!!

Psalm 46:4 says, "There is a River whose streams bring joy to God's city. It sanctifies the dwelling of the Most High."

That river is not just a fun concept--a nice idea. It's REAL!!!

So, I declare this river of supernatural joy to gush upon you and within you RIGHT NOW! I declare that river to break forth from you, bursting out from your belly (John 7:38) to saturate a hurting and severely malnourished world with blessing and encouragement straight from God's heart--through you--to theirs!

Anyone for some River rafting?! The water level is UP...again!!

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