Friday, February 12, 2021


Social media can, most certainly, be an avenue for horrendous division, gossip, misinformation, accusation and all kinds of stressful balderdash.  If it's seriously dragging you down, stressing you out or causing you to feel addicted to nonsense, it's time to break away!  If it seems like it will tear you apart to do so, then it's REALLY TIME!

HOWEVER, like any other tool or powerful thing, there can be really great uses for the same thing that can be used for such yuck.  There's so much opportunity to spread good news online.  Usage like this actually stands out more than ever because of how much negative is out there.  

One tiny little corner of the web is the hashtag #toddsfaithmemes.  A "meme" is an idea or behavior spread around from person to person, technically.  It's also been shortened down to a simple saying (usually humorous) with a photo for reference. I decided to use that word, "meme", for photos and designs with scriptures, inspiring quotes and sayings.  On our church instagram, @blazingfirechurch, we have some informational posts. Even our weekly email is posted there.  Mostly, though, it's filled with these "faith memes", accompanied by a short devo to go with it.  Now that you can actually follow a hashtag, you can always be informed when a new one is posted.  These can be bright lights somewhere in your day.  Soon, many of them will be available for purchase as refrigerator magnets and postcards.

By the way, I've gotten much great feedback from folks, even strangers, about how these little words have changed an entire week, and so on. Praise God!

You, too, can bring light into areas that seem to lack such. Let's ask the Lord what that might be this week and makes some moves on it! After all "this Living Expression is the Light that bursts through gloom - the Light that darkness could not diminish." (John 1:5)

Here's some examples of #toddsfaithmemes below:
Let no anxiety about anything distract you! Rather, translate moments into prayerful worship, and soak your requests in gratitude before God.

Definitely a whole lot of anxiety going on out there. You don't want to let it get in you. God knows what's going on a billions times better than we do, AND He knows how to resolve it all. The distraction of anxiety causes us to forget that. But He is faithful, always inviting us into a place of peace.  

This will truly change everything for the better.
It's not too late to make the switch either!

Jesus actually commands this in John 15. He’s so wants us to experience being loved and loving. He also wants us to have lots and lots of joy!

Simply lining ourselves up with God’s way of doing things (righteousness) will automatically cause us to see Him, and His realm, more clearly. It transforms us. Then we realize just how unconditional
His love truly is.

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