Monday, May 18, 2015

Getting Past Our Past by Pastor Susan Fochler

One of the great mysteries of our faith walk is why Scripture does not seem to line up with our daily experience.  If we’ve spent any time at all as a believer in this unbelieving world, we have had to come to grips with this reality.  In my work helping people with inner healing, I am confronted with this issue continuously, in both looking at my own heart as well as seeking to help others.

New Creation???
I LOVE this scripture: “Therefore if any person (that would be all of us) is in Christ, he is a new creation (a new creature altogether): the old (previous moral and spiritual condition) has passed away.  Behold, the fresh and new has come!”  Amp 2 Cor 5:17.

Wow that is a wonderful and hope-filled promise.  Here is the problem: we want that scripture to mean things it doesn't.  So if I’m a new creation, life will be perfect and good and everyone will love me all the time and nothing hard or painful will ever happen to me again.  We certainly hope life will be like that, but it rarely is.

A New Creation that Needs to Mature and Grow
That scripture actually means this;  yes, you are a new creation.  Completely new, never seen before.  That means He put His DNA in you and created you to be 100% His son or daughter, with all the rights and privileges of heaven.  Incredible, brand new potential for fullness of life.  But this DNA is in seed form, and that will require watering, nurturing and care along the way.  We get “stuck” when there are areas of our old man that we don’t give God access to, and they remain encapsulated as the roots of the new man grow in other areas of our heart.

How Do We Let Go?
The areas we typically get stuck in are real, excruciating places, like shame, fear and self-pity.  It just seems so hard to live life without clutching onto these things.  How will I feel safe and cared for without them?  We know, in theory, that we can trust God who is Incarnate Love, but our heart struggles with walking out the implications of full surrender.  Surrender that requires we let go of control.

Facing Our Pain Takes Courage
God is willing to stoop low and come alongside us.  He won’t necessarily agree with our perspective, but His presence will not veer from the Love target He put on your heart the moment you said yes to Him.  Believe it or not, those parts of your heart that feel the darkest, loneliest, and most worthless are the most precious parts of your heart.  It’s scary and hard, but allowing Him just to be with us in our pain is the solution.  His presence carries nurturing power and tender kindness that transcends any measure of agony.

He Can’t Wait to Bless You
I would encourage you to continue to say this blessing over any area of your life where you know you are stuck, and allow the watering of it’s truth to go in deeper and deeper:

The Lord bless you and watch guard, and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon and enlighten you and be gracious, kind and merciful to you;  The Lord lift up His approving face upon you and give you peace and life continually.  Num 6:24-7 AMP

To your Papa God and Brother Jesus, you are lovable and irresistible.  All of you.  And knowing that, heals everything.

Looking forward to the Full Revealing of all The Saints (that would be us);



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