Friday, December 19, 2014
Embracing Growth by Pastor Karena Lout
“My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness. So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses so that the power of Christ can work through me.” 2 Corin. 12:9
“We will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, Who is the head of the his body, the church. He makes the whole body fit together perfectly.As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.” Eph. 4:15-16 (NLT)
When I was in labor with my son Josiah, I remember thinking, “Why didn’t anyone tell me this was going to be so painful?!” Todd was so comforting and patient with me throughout as I grabbed his arm and yelled, “I’m dying!” I didn’t have an epidural so I literally thought I was dying. No joke. I didn’t anticipate that kind of pain. Of course, the amazing gift of my son was far greater than any pain I endured.
In my journey I’ve found that it’s helpful to know that not everything is going to come easy. In a culture that looks to make things quicker, easier and predictable, sometimes we lose the value of process and mystery. As our kids were growing up, Todd and I let them know that life isn’t always gonna feel like “rainbows and butterflies.” As parents, we want to shield them from any harm and pain. But I also know that life can be challenging at times and I want them to gain the strength they’re going to need to face difficult things, relying on who Jesus is for them. We can’t always be prepared for everything that happens in life but we can choose how we will respond and what we believe about God in the face of it.
I recently heard this quote, “You can forget what hurt you but never forget what it taught you.” We have the choice to let difficult things define us and keep us stuck or we can choose to allow them to bring growth in our life. God has been encouraging me lately to take a look at some things that just aren’t working for me anymore, patterns and beliefs that He wants to transform. At times I feel stretched and uncomfortable but the reward far outweighs the cost. God isn’t looking to manage our behavior. He is more concerned with “why” we do what we do and wants to show us His way of doing things. When we begin to ask Him to show us what’s really going on in our heart, He brings healing and transformation that no law could ever bring. As we look at who Jesus is, we begin to see who we really are and then how we live will follow.
One way God inspires growth in our lives is by encouraging us to ask questions. All throughout the Psalms, we see David inquiring of the Lord and diving into the beauty and mystery of all that He is. God recently told me, “If you don’t find yourself asking questions, you may have to consider that you are too comfortable with already having all the answers.” Part of growing up is staying teachable, asking questions and realizing that our life with Jesus is a continual discovery. It’s in asking Him questions that we find how expansive and beautiful His love is. I encourage you to dive deep into the ocean of mystery where something new is always unfolding.
Growing up doesn’t mean we’re no longer childlike. “When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things.” (1Corin.13:11)
Embracing growth in our lives is allowing God to transform the way we think, leaving behind patterns that are no longer working on our behalf. It’s in becoming childlike that we actually grow in our relationship with Him. I encourage you this holiday season to allow the wonder and mystery of what Jesus did for you to capture your heart again. Look at life through the eyes of a child. There are mysteries and surprises waiting for you to unwrap. Take time to ask Jesus to show you what His strength and comfort looks like as you face some of life’s challenges. You can do this! Jesus already provided the way for you so enjoy the journey!
Love, Karena
Friday, December 12, 2014
Christmas PRESENT by Pastor Todd Benjamin Lout
Here, meditate on this: "Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10
Life is busy, for sure. So many of us have brains that have adapted to thinking of the next thing you'll be doing, the next person you're going to be with, the next day's activities and how to accomplish it, all while you're in a moment that should actually require your presence. Be still! Let's settle down our minds and allow God to have this moment...and the next and the next. There are treasures right in front of us, little surprises from a good Father, that we sometimes miss because we're not being present in the moment.
Often, when we jump ahead, we start leaning on our own understanding. We try to figure out how we're gonna do this or solve that and anxiety comes.
(see Proverbs 3:5 & Philippians 4:6)
When we have a tendency to look back a whole lot, regret tries to creep in....
"I should have said this", "I should have done it that way."
God is our present help. He is right here, right now to help us make the most out of every opportunity. (see Ephesians 5:15 & 16) When we stay present we have more to give and more to receive. Your friends and family will certainly be thankful to have the actual YOU with them, instead of the shell of you while your brain is in tomorrow. Your perfect Father will enjoy having your gaze and you, yourself, will certainly be enriched, more peaceful, more solid as you allow Him to meet you in this moment. You'll even have more ideas, more energy and more love in approaching those "next" things.
Try it today!
Your presence will make even the busy Christmas season a whole lot merrier!
Friday, December 5, 2014
Contending for Advancement by Pastor Susan Fochler
Stewarding our own Hearts
Accessing those resources is something we need to learn. Now that we are His, it is our turn to step up and steward what has been so generously provided for us. Stewardship means cherishing and nurturing the territory of your heart that Jesus purchased with His own blood. We cannot do this in our own strength and understanding, however; we need to co-labor with the One who created us and knows us better than we know ourselves. Russ and I are planning to put in a new garden in our backyard. The plans look fabulous! It’s a bigger job than we can do on our own, so we are hiring a landscape company to put it in for us. But we also know, after the initial work is done, the long term work to maintain that beauty will be on us.
Is not about Knowing Everything, but Knowing the One
In medical school, students are told that becoming a brilliant doctor isn’t a matter of knowing everything, but in knowing where to go and how to get the understanding that is needed. Similarly, as believers, our goal is not to know everything there is to know about God, but to discover where to go and how to get what we need from Him. One of the best “where to go” in God places I know is in discovering an aspect of His personality expressed by one of His Names. In the essence of Who He is, we encounter every answer for any problem or deficit we could possibly have.
Here is an a excerpt from an article that came across The Elijah List this week from Angela Greenig, where she exhorts us to Contend for the Top of the Mountain:
It is time for the tearing down of strongholds and, even if you can't see your promises right now, believe that darkness is crumbling under your feet in the name of the Lord Jesus. It is happening!!! We are as in Isaiah 45:1-3 where the word decrees:
"Thus says the Lord to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have held to subdue nations before him, and I will unarm and ungird the loins of kings to open doors before him, so that gates will not be shut. I will go before you and level the mountains [to make the crooked places straight]; I will break in pieces the doors of bronze and cut asunder the bars of iron. And I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, so you may know that it is I, the Lord, the God of Israel, Who calls you by your name."
What Does God Need to be for You?
He is our Healer, our Peace, our Provider, our Shepherd, and our Friend. Our Comforter, our Teacher, our Deliverer, our Helper and the source of all our Wisdom. Our Strength, our intercessor before the throne, our Strong Tower around us and our Almighty One. And many, many more. 365 at a minimum according to John Paul Jackson. Who do you need your Jesus to be for you? How does your heart need to shift in order to make that space available for Him? What would it mean for your life to discover that He really does want to help you in your area of need?
I Love Being on this Journey Together with All of You!
Saturday, November 29, 2014
The Original Black Friday by Pastor Brent Lokker
It's interesting that when Jesus was born at night, the sky lit up like day with a bright star. Then when Jesus was crucified during the day, it became as dark as night for three hours. (Matthew 27:45)
What happened on the cross was a divine exchange. Jesus was made sin so we could be made righteous (2 Corinthians 5:21). Righteous means we were made to be a perfect match for God.
On the original Black Friday, Jesus did all the purchasing and we did all the receiving. He bought everything we would ever need for a life of purpose that's filled with hope and saturated in love. And he did it all in a day...
"For you know that the price of your ransom from the futile way of life handed down from your ancestors was paid, not in anything perishable like siler or gold, but in precious blood as of a blameless and spotless lamb, Christ." (1 Peter 1:18-19)
Retailers have used the term Black Friday to indicate the sales making their ledgers black (not in the red) with the profit. Jesus' purchasing power was infinite and He used it to forever put you and me on the positive side (in the black) with God!
"Now that we are set right with God by means of this sacrifical death, the consummate blood sacrifice, there is no longer a question of being at odds with God in any way." (Romans 5:9, The Message Bible)
As we enter into this Christmas season, giving and receiving gifts, let's do so honoring the One who willingly came to pour out his life for us as a a gift beyond comprehension. The highest honor we can give Jesus is to receive His gift of love and forgiveness with open hearts and to freely give to others what we have freely recieved from Him.
Declaring over you this Christmas season all of the peace and joy that Jesus purchased for you in full!
With much love,
Saturday, November 22, 2014
God's Promises & Our Response Pastor Brent Lokker
On Monday, Nov. 17th, Blazing Fire turned 13--We're officially in our teen years now!
Last Saturday night I shared the significance of the number 13 (A number of great blessings from the Lord) and how that ties in with the journey Suzanne and I have been on. From the bottom of our hearts, we truly thank those of you who have chosen to travel on this journey with us. Each of you are a priceless treasure and an important part of the Blazing Fire family!
I want to strongly encourage you to listen to my message from last week because in it, I am laying the ground work for where we've been (the promises God has given us over the past 25 years here in the Bay Area) and where I see us going (our response together as a family), including an update on Blazing Fire's search for a place of our own to host God's presence 24/7. Part 2 of this message is coming up tomorrow. I ended last Saturday's message with a prayer for God to breathe on the promises you have received from Him through the years. If you've been discouraged about the timing of the promises you've been waiting for, you will be greatly encouraged listening to this message! You can listen by clicking here:
Bill Johnson of Bethel Churh in Redding recently proclaimed that God is about to pour out the greatest measure of FAVOR, RESOURCES & AUTHORITY that believers have ever seen!
He declared that we are in a Psalm 67 time:
1 May God be gracious to us and bless us
and make his face shine on us
2 so that your ways may be known on earth,
your salvation among all nations.
3 May the peoples praise you, God;
may all the peoples praise you.
4 May the nations be glad and sing for joy,
for you rule the peoples with equity
and guide the nations of the earth.
5 May the peoples praise you, God;
may all the peoples praise you.
6 The land yields its harvest;
God, our God, blesses us.
7 May God bless us still,
so that all the ends of the earth will fear him.
God has every intention of blessing each of us as His treasured children in a big way SO THAT the nations will be saved! These are the times we are living in and this is why we have been allowing God to prepare our hearts for the increase.
I bless you in this season of giving thanks to the One who has outrageous plans for our good. It's a great time to be alive!
With much love,
Pastors Brent & Suzanne
Last Saturday night I shared the significance of the number 13 (A number of great blessings from the Lord) and how that ties in with the journey Suzanne and I have been on. From the bottom of our hearts, we truly thank those of you who have chosen to travel on this journey with us. Each of you are a priceless treasure and an important part of the Blazing Fire family!
I want to strongly encourage you to listen to my message from last week because in it, I am laying the ground work for where we've been (the promises God has given us over the past 25 years here in the Bay Area) and where I see us going (our response together as a family), including an update on Blazing Fire's search for a place of our own to host God's presence 24/7. Part 2 of this message is coming up tomorrow. I ended last Saturday's message with a prayer for God to breathe on the promises you have received from Him through the years. If you've been discouraged about the timing of the promises you've been waiting for, you will be greatly encouraged listening to this message! You can listen by clicking here:
Bill Johnson of Bethel Churh in Redding recently proclaimed that God is about to pour out the greatest measure of FAVOR, RESOURCES & AUTHORITY that believers have ever seen!
He declared that we are in a Psalm 67 time:
1 May God be gracious to us and bless us
and make his face shine on us
2 so that your ways may be known on earth,
your salvation among all nations.
3 May the peoples praise you, God;
may all the peoples praise you.
4 May the nations be glad and sing for joy,
for you rule the peoples with equity
and guide the nations of the earth.
5 May the peoples praise you, God;
may all the peoples praise you.
6 The land yields its harvest;
God, our God, blesses us.
7 May God bless us still,
so that all the ends of the earth will fear him.
God has every intention of blessing each of us as His treasured children in a big way SO THAT the nations will be saved! These are the times we are living in and this is why we have been allowing God to prepare our hearts for the increase.
I bless you in this season of giving thanks to the One who has outrageous plans for our good. It's a great time to be alive!
With much love,
Pastors Brent & Suzanne
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Hope For All Seasons - Todd Benjamin Lout
Here it is folks! We’ve arrived, again, at the wonderful holiday season. Amazing how fast it comes and goes and comes back again. Many have nicknamed this time a, “season of hope”, and rightly so as there’s such a focus on Jesus and all that was born into the world with Him.
Interestingly, though, our common use of this word, “Hope”, is reduced to a wish. Often it’s even used in a negative connotation rather than a positive one: “Gee, I sure hope I get a raise.” (said with rolled eyes and no expectancy at all). BUT, this glorious aspect of our perfect Father, this promise that we can open and keep, is a wonderful one because true hope is the joyful anticipation of good!
Abraham and Lot were both referred to as “righteous men”. In 1st Peter we see something interesting: “Righteous Lot was oppressed by the sensual conduct of unprincipled men.” As Lot looked around and saw his surroundings, hopelessness crept in, swallowing hope and allowing himself to become defined by his surroundings. BUT, Abraham, (Lot’s uncle), hoped when things seemed hopeless, (Romans 4:17). He defined his surroundings by painting it all with hope. Both men considered righteous, but Abraham was called God’s friend and was given much more than an honorable mention when the entire chapter 4 of Romans is dedicated to him. God is recognizing the value of hope here.
Hope and Faith are married and we know that God loves faith operation. Hebrews 11:16 even tells us that we just can not please Him without faith. In fact, it looks like promises come to us because of our faith, (Hebrews 6:12).
Dare to apply…no, baptize, your dreams, your burning desires, in Hope. Get your hopes up, as they say. The desires of your heart, whether ending human trafficking or sending an encouraging note to someone, are real-estate that God occupies when hope is there. Hope becomes the atmosphere that faith grows in.
If you’re feeling like hope has been swallowed up by hopelessness, I urge you to let hope arise again. As hope is stirred up a little bit more in this time of year, grab onto it! It is infectious, you know. Let it skyrocket all through the year, every year!
Say, with hope, “I am who God says I am!”
Friday, November 7, 2014
Three Chairs, One Papa! by Pastor Brent Lokker
Last Saturday at Blazing Fire Church I further explained the three chairs that Leif Hetland had described two weeks ago. You can listen to my message and see the accompanying keynote here:
Everyone on the earth is sitting in one of three chairs:
Chair #1 is the chair of commitment to the Lord, based on His covenant with us--promising to work all things for our good all the time. In this chair, shalom is your companion--God restoring you in all ways, making you whole and complete. Those who sit in this chair know that they are Papa's sons or daughters who live from heaven to earth, who see challenges as promises to be received, who think brilliantly with the Lord, and who experience rest!
Chair #2 is the chair where believers in Jesus compromise love and integrity for the sake of convenience. In this chair, the "frogs" of distractions overtake the shalom of the Lord that is your promised inheritance. Those who sit here behave as orphans who are in lack, who live from earth to heaven, who see challenges as problems to be acheived, who perceive life as continual limitations, and who live in striving and stress.
Chair #3 is the chair of those who are not yet saved. The god of this world has blinded them from seeing the glory of Jesus as well as the glory they carry as those made in the image of God. (2 Cor. 4:4)
Believers can move back and forth from chair #1 to chair #2, but we were designed to operate out of chair #1. This is our inheritance in Christ! By living life in the Spirit instead of letting our soul lead the way, we actually will choose life and love every time!
“Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.” Romans 8:5
Here is the 28 day challenge I extended to you: To wake up each morning for the next four weeks and pray a prayer like this:
Holy Spirit
Today, I choose to be led by You!
Because my spirit is engaged with you,
My spirit will lead and my soul will follow
As you show me the frogs that distract,
I will give you access to my heart
and receive your Shalom
Finally, I want to remind you of this: Our heavenly Papa loves every one of His children with the same intensity. He doesn't love the children who reside in one chair over those who are in another, but with His whole heart, he wants all of His children to enjoy the fulness of His passion for them and to be saved through Jesus' perfect sacrifice to enjoy the inheritance that Jesus paid for!
Friday, October 31, 2014
Walking in Shalom by Pastor Russ Fochler
“Of the increase of His government and peace (shalom) there will be no end,” Isaiah 9:7a
Last weekend we had the joy and remarkable privilege of being with Leif Hetland.
Leif inspires us with the messages he brings – and many of us are touched by way he ministers so personally. We’re inspired by Leif’s example - that human beings who carry God’s love and light - really can go into impossible and scary-dark situations – and many hearts will fall in love with Jesus!
Leif brings more than what he speaks, and even more than what he does. The best words I can find at the moment: Leif brings an apostolic influence when he comes to visit us. Leif talks about partnering with God to shift the spiritual/emotional atmospheres around us. This becomes a matter of great importance if, like Leif, you found yourself facing a suddenly very hostile crowd. It’s no longer a “nice to have” capacity – it is a question of “life or death”!
Leif carries the peace of being a loved son of Father God first and foremost. And Leif has learned to draw upon this internal reality and to call upon his Father to shift the spiritual/emotional atmosphere around him. Many of us sense things shift in our own emotions and spirit when Leif or someone with a similar capacity are around us.
And yet, Leif himself is seeking an increase of the government and shalom of the Son (Jesus) in his own life – and he invited us to go on our own 28 day shalom walk.
Leif talked about “Superheroes, Shoes, and Frogs”. While Jesus is the only Super-star but we are all called to live as “super-heroes” – as daughters and sons of the Most High. But, even the super-heroes of comic book fame have nagging issues in their lives. Leif calls these “frogs” – like the frogs that kept him awake night after night during a trip to the Philippines.
Walking in the “shoes” of the gospel of peace (see Eph 6:15) is our birthright as daughters and sons.
But what about the “frogs”?
Leif shared keys from King Solomon (whose name means “Shalom”). Father God planned for and empowered the reign of this man of Peace. He had peace from enemies on every side. It was Solomon’s father King David, a man after God’s heart who prepared the way for Shalom in Israel. For the sake of his people, David fought and won many wars and also joyfully prepared for the magnificent temple that Solomon later built. And it was then Solomon’s relationship with God – including the supernatural understanding and wisdom he received - that extended and deepened the Shalom of God.
We need Father God’s wisdom and Holy Spirit’s power to deal with the “frogs” in our life. As Bill Johnson says; we have authority over the storms we can sleep through (have peace in) (from Matthew 8:23-27 and parallel accounts). Yet, many of us have tried to ignore the “frogs” – the nagging issues in our own hearts, issues in our relationships with family and friends, and in our work life – and the result has not been shalom (well being). So, there is a difference in how we deal with “storms” vs. how we deal with “frogs” : )
I encourage you to accept Leif’s invitation: Ask God to show you the “frogs” that you’ve been trying to ignore but are robbing you of Shalom. Invite Holy Spirit to heal your own heart issues – and then give you loving wisdom in removing the “frogs” that are undermining Shalom in you, in your relationships, and your work life. Leif encourages us to focus on this for 28 days.
Helpful to keep in mind:
- Choose to love without an agenda. This means loving without seeking to control the other person/push an outcome.
- Seek to stay or return to “Seat #1” the seat of living in the New Covenant with God – trusting Him to counsel you and work on your behalf. Seat #2- the place of compromising love and integrity for the sake of convenience – makes the full Shalom of the Son impossible.
Pastor Russ Fochler
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Walking Upstream by Karena Lout
“The light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it.” John 1:5
Last year at this time I made a trip to Cambodia to help at a rescue home for young girls. I’ve been thinking about those precious girls a lot. It was a challenging experience but also life changing. Unfortunately, girls in Cambodia are typically sold by their own family members into brothels because they aren’t valued. There's a saying in Cambodia that girls are like white cloth and boys are like gold. In essence, they believe that once white cloth is stained, it's worthless but gold can be polished and made clean again. But we know that what Jesus accomplished for us on the cross completely obliterates this lie. He made a way for all to be made new and gives worth and value to every life, male and female.
I know you’re probably thinking, “enough of the intensity!” but the story gets better. I’ve seen so many young girls and women receive healing and restoration in this area. Despite the statistics, I have hope that I will see an end to human trafficking in my lifetime. There are countless organizations rising up, dedicated to bring hope and healing to survivors. With any problem, there is an opportunity for God to break in and cut the injustice off at the root. I’m grateful that girls continue to be rescued, but I’ve come to see that until there is no longer a demand, the problem will remain.
Several years ago I heard a quote by David Batstone, the founder of Not For Sale, that really challenged me. He said, “Pulling drowning people out of the river is compassion but we have to walk upstream to solve the reasons they are falling in. That’s justice.” I saw this picture of compassion being fuel and justice being the vehicle. As we pour out compassion over people and situations, justice will then take us where we need to go. We can’t drive the car without the fuel. Both are needed. Holy Spirit wants to give us solutions that will bring lasting change and transformation in every area of life.
When I was in Cambodia, I witnessed this time and time again. Our team focused some of our time speaking to families and communities who sold their children into slavery. We talked about the importance of family and taking care of one another and communicated that every Khmer child has value and worth. Our team also visited a few organizations that teach families different skill sets to rise above poverty so they will stop selling their children to bring in income. We visited a gym where a famous Cambodian boxer trains young men to keep them off the street. He also disciples them to be responsible men and teaches them about the value of women and girls. Jesus is bringing amazing solutions and His light is overcoming a very dark injustice.
I’m praying that God would begin to show you what answer you carry inside of you to challenges in your family, your city or workplace. I pray that as you walk upstream, you would be filled with solutions that bring lasting fruit. You are qualified. There is nothing that our Father can’t do in and through you. I pray that you would be strengthened with might as you walk upstream, knowing Jesus took those very steps before you. He’s made a way for you and He is faithful to carry out the dreams He’s placed in your heart!
Love, Karena
Last year at this time I made a trip to Cambodia to help at a rescue home for young girls. I’ve been thinking about those precious girls a lot. It was a challenging experience but also life changing. Unfortunately, girls in Cambodia are typically sold by their own family members into brothels because they aren’t valued. There's a saying in Cambodia that girls are like white cloth and boys are like gold. In essence, they believe that once white cloth is stained, it's worthless but gold can be polished and made clean again. But we know that what Jesus accomplished for us on the cross completely obliterates this lie. He made a way for all to be made new and gives worth and value to every life, male and female.
I know you’re probably thinking, “enough of the intensity!” but the story gets better. I’ve seen so many young girls and women receive healing and restoration in this area. Despite the statistics, I have hope that I will see an end to human trafficking in my lifetime. There are countless organizations rising up, dedicated to bring hope and healing to survivors. With any problem, there is an opportunity for God to break in and cut the injustice off at the root. I’m grateful that girls continue to be rescued, but I’ve come to see that until there is no longer a demand, the problem will remain.
Several years ago I heard a quote by David Batstone, the founder of Not For Sale, that really challenged me. He said, “Pulling drowning people out of the river is compassion but we have to walk upstream to solve the reasons they are falling in. That’s justice.” I saw this picture of compassion being fuel and justice being the vehicle. As we pour out compassion over people and situations, justice will then take us where we need to go. We can’t drive the car without the fuel. Both are needed. Holy Spirit wants to give us solutions that will bring lasting change and transformation in every area of life.
When I was in Cambodia, I witnessed this time and time again. Our team focused some of our time speaking to families and communities who sold their children into slavery. We talked about the importance of family and taking care of one another and communicated that every Khmer child has value and worth. Our team also visited a few organizations that teach families different skill sets to rise above poverty so they will stop selling their children to bring in income. We visited a gym where a famous Cambodian boxer trains young men to keep them off the street. He also disciples them to be responsible men and teaches them about the value of women and girls. Jesus is bringing amazing solutions and His light is overcoming a very dark injustice.
I’m praying that God would begin to show you what answer you carry inside of you to challenges in your family, your city or workplace. I pray that as you walk upstream, you would be filled with solutions that bring lasting fruit. You are qualified. There is nothing that our Father can’t do in and through you. I pray that you would be strengthened with might as you walk upstream, knowing Jesus took those very steps before you. He’s made a way for you and He is faithful to carry out the dreams He’s placed in your heart!
Love, Karena
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Enjoying The Intimate Presence Of Our Good and Loving Father by pastor Todd Lout
Blazing Fire’s first Core Value is enjoying the intimate presence of our good and loving Father. This is so vital individually and corporately. When we foster an atmosphere of INTO ME YOU SEE with our perfect Father, we automatically walk in revelation of His goodness, His love toward us. God sees it all anyway and He loves us more than we understand. But when we open up and say, “OK, here I am! It’s all here and it’s all Yours!”, then our eyes open up more and more to the stark truth of His love and goodness.
When we come together we accomplish this by worshiping in spirit and in truth. We also experience this intimacy when we love on each other, seeing the treasures in each other, baring burdens and rejoicing with each other. Coming into a corporate worship atmosphere with defenses down, willing to give and receive, willing to learn beyond what you already know, will create this core value in ourselves and as a whole.
Here’s an acronym on the word T.R.U.S.T that helps foster this fellowship with our Father, through Holy Spirit:
T- Thank you: recognize the Spirit’s indwelling presence in you simply by thanking Him for it. Pray, “Thank you Holy Spirit, for Your bright presence in me. I love Your presence. Apart from connecting with You, I can do nothing that effectively (supernaturally) renews my love, sustains my zeal for righteousness, and releases revelation and power in my heart.
He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. (Jn. 15:5)
R- Release Revelation: ask the Spirit to release abundant revelation of God’s heart, word and purposes to you.
Pray, “Holy Spirit, release abundant revelation in me”.
May give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him… (Eph. 1:17)
U- Use me: ask the Spirit to use you more and more in the spiritual gifts to minister to others. Pray, “Thank you Spirit, for releasing the manifestation of Your gifts and power through me to help others”.
But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all… (1 Cor. 12:7)
S- Strengthen me: ask the Spirit to strengthen your mind, emotions and speech with His might. His power is alreadyin us (Gal. 5:22-23) therefore, pray, “Thank you for the presence of Your love, peace, patience, and self-control in me” or “Thank You for warring against my flesh and guarding my speech”.
…To be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man…(Eph. 3:16)
T- Teach me: ask the Spirit to teach you about God’s will and ways that He may manifest His leadership in every issue in your life including finances, schedule, circumstances, emotions, physical body (diet, health), relationships, alignment of the people you are responsible for (in the home, office, ministry), future, greatness in God, opportunities with divine appointments, fears, addictions and shortcomings. Ask that He establish God’s order in your home, job and ministry. Pray, “Spirit, I love Your will and ways, therefore, manifest Your leadership in me”. He will give us new ideas, order our steps and open doors of opportunity for strategic alliances in each area of our life as we ask Him.
The Holy Spirit…will teach you all things... (Jn. 14:26)
Love, Todd Lout
There’s nothing quite like enjoying
this relationship, you guys!
Here’s an acronym on the word T.R.U.S.T that helps foster this fellowship with our Father, through Holy Spirit:
T- Thank you: recognize the Spirit’s indwelling presence in you simply by thanking Him for it. Pray, “Thank you Holy Spirit, for Your bright presence in me. I love Your presence. Apart from connecting with You, I can do nothing that effectively (supernaturally) renews my love, sustains my zeal for righteousness, and releases revelation and power in my heart.
He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. (Jn. 15:5)
R- Release Revelation: ask the Spirit to release abundant revelation of God’s heart, word and purposes to you.
Pray, “Holy Spirit, release abundant revelation in me”.
May give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him… (Eph. 1:17)
U- Use me: ask the Spirit to use you more and more in the spiritual gifts to minister to others. Pray, “Thank you Spirit, for releasing the manifestation of Your gifts and power through me to help others”.
But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all… (1 Cor. 12:7)
S- Strengthen me: ask the Spirit to strengthen your mind, emotions and speech with His might. His power is alreadyin us (Gal. 5:22-23) therefore, pray, “Thank you for the presence of Your love, peace, patience, and self-control in me” or “Thank You for warring against my flesh and guarding my speech”.
…To be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man…(Eph. 3:16)
T- Teach me: ask the Spirit to teach you about God’s will and ways that He may manifest His leadership in every issue in your life including finances, schedule, circumstances, emotions, physical body (diet, health), relationships, alignment of the people you are responsible for (in the home, office, ministry), future, greatness in God, opportunities with divine appointments, fears, addictions and shortcomings. Ask that He establish God’s order in your home, job and ministry. Pray, “Spirit, I love Your will and ways, therefore, manifest Your leadership in me”. He will give us new ideas, order our steps and open doors of opportunity for strategic alliances in each area of our life as we ask Him.
The Holy Spirit…will teach you all things... (Jn. 14:26)
Love, Todd Lout
Friday, October 10, 2014
Blazing Fire's Vision & Core Values By Pastor Brent
God has given each of us the ability to see His purpose in our current and future lives and to imagine a better, brighter world around us because of the glory of God that we carry within us.
What I've described is the intersection of hope and vision, both of which are much needed gifts given to us by our heavenly Papa.
Hope is that "knowing in your knower" good is coming. It's the reason a little child can't get to sleep on Christmas eve--the excitement of what they know is coming feels so real, they can't calm their emotions. Romans 5:5 says that we have a hope that will not disappoint us because of the love of God that has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit!
Vision is a picture of that hope in action! That same child trying to get to sleep on Christmas eve can actually "see" the events that will unfold the next day (opening their stocking & presents, cousins coming over to the house, a big Christmas dinner, or whatever the family traditions are).
As a family, Blazing Fire has been given great hope and vision for our future! God has given us glimpes into a revived and transformed Tri-Valley & Bay Area region. We have already seen hundreds of lives dramatically changed by the presence of God over the years and we can "see" those changed lives impacting the culture all around us more and more with the love, grace and mercy we've received from the Lord. We truly are alive for such a time as this!
Last Saturday I shared our Vision and our updated Core Values. Vision helps us to see where we are going and core values helps us to stay on track with what is most essential to us. We plan to unpack these core values one at a time over the next 2 months. As part of our family, you will have an important role in walking these out, both in our family times together and also in the workplace and everywhere else you go and take the love and glory of God with you!
Blazing Fire's Core Values
1. Enjoying the intimate presence of our good and loving Father
2. Celebrating our freedom and healing paid for in full by Jesus
3. Following Holy Spirit’s brilliant leading
4. Affirming the intrinsic worth in all people
5. Living life whole-heartedly
6. Choosing connection as the family of God
7. Participating in God’s ever-expanding Kingdom
Hope is that "knowing in your knower" good is coming. It's the reason a little child can't get to sleep on Christmas eve--the excitement of what they know is coming feels so real, they can't calm their emotions. Romans 5:5 says that we have a hope that will not disappoint us because of the love of God that has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit!
Vision is a picture of that hope in action! That same child trying to get to sleep on Christmas eve can actually "see" the events that will unfold the next day (opening their stocking & presents, cousins coming over to the house, a big Christmas dinner, or whatever the family traditions are).
As a family, Blazing Fire has been given great hope and vision for our future! God has given us glimpes into a revived and transformed Tri-Valley & Bay Area region. We have already seen hundreds of lives dramatically changed by the presence of God over the years and we can "see" those changed lives impacting the culture all around us more and more with the love, grace and mercy we've received from the Lord. We truly are alive for such a time as this!
Last Saturday I shared our Vision and our updated Core Values. Vision helps us to see where we are going and core values helps us to stay on track with what is most essential to us. We plan to unpack these core values one at a time over the next 2 months. As part of our family, you will have an important role in walking these out, both in our family times together and also in the workplace and everywhere else you go and take the love and glory of God with you!
Blazing Fire's Vision:
Encountering God's transforming presence
Enjoying Kingdom life as His family &
Awakening World Changers!
Blazing Fire's Core Values
1. Enjoying the intimate presence of our good and loving Father
2. Celebrating our freedom and healing paid for in full by Jesus
3. Following Holy Spirit’s brilliant leading
4. Affirming the intrinsic worth in all people
5. Living life whole-heartedly
6. Choosing connection as the family of God
7. Participating in God’s ever-expanding Kingdom
Friday, October 3, 2014
Are We There Yet by Pastor Susan Fochler
Dear Family:
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked the question, “when will my healing process be over?” So often inner healing has been viewed as a process of getting rid of lies and demons, repenting of sin and proclaiming the truth. More and more, I am realizing that the “healing process” looks more like the ministry of reconciliation, both within our own heart as well as with the heart of God. It involves reconnecting parts of our hearts that have carried different perspectives and belief systems due to painful relationships and experiences we had growing up. Jesus refers to this as “binding up the broken-hearted”, from Isaiah 61.
Facing Lies
Early on during our recent Sabbatical, I began to feel like someone reached into my heart, found a stray thread and started unraveling some foundational misperceptions I had about myself. They didn’t line up very well with the great worth and inherent value Jesus ascribes to my life. I was shocked to see how deep-seated these issues were, particularly concerns about what other people thought of me. My left brain, of course, knows without a doubt that I am “Blessed and Highly Favored” without ever having done a thing to deserve it, but my heart struggled to fully comprehend and accept this as my experiential truth.
Allowing Him In
So part of my process involved doing what I have helped so many others do: allowing those hurting parts of my heart that had never known fellowship to be met. Too often our families don’t know what to do with a child’s messy emotions, so the child is left alone to process their own feelings. And being young and immature, this typically results in faulty conclusions about themselves. And those thoughts hurt so much they then wall off that pain.
Reconciliation Heals
Eventually, however, that pain will come up again. Once more a decision will need to be made regarding what to do with those oh-so-uncomfortable feelings. With Jesus, we have a much more life-giving option: not to stay there, wallowing in the mess and despair, but to allow the hurt, anger, discouragement, even hatred to be met, understood and then released to the One who is willing to go to every place our heart goes. Nothing can shock or surprise Him, and nothing will cause Him to reject or be repulsed by you. Nothing.
God’s Kindness leads to Repentance
As I could sense His tender compassion and depth of understanding regarding how I felt, the trauma and intensity of pain released to Him. I got in touch with how very alone I felt in my family, how much I felt I only caused problems and that no one seemed to be “for” me. As I felt Jesus come with unconditional acceptance and infinite kindness, I began to realize I had never been a “problem” for Him. He understood exactly how it felt, in every way. He’s been there. A new truth began displacing that old lie: “If God is for me, who can be against me?” Yes, He was for me, always has been and always will be. I can feel the truth of that Scripture inside my true heart as never before.
How Long?
So my response regarding “How Long” is best answered like this: “How long does it take to come to realize, with your whole heart, that you are just as known, just as valued, just as important to Father God as His own Son is?” It is a truth so good, so unfathomably precious, so able to fill any black hole within, that it will likely take all eternity to continue moving from glory to glory in our understanding of this Perfect, Unconditional Love. But what a grand journey to embark on; let’s all jump aboard, OK? We are in this together, forever!
With much Love,
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked the question, “when will my healing process be over?” So often inner healing has been viewed as a process of getting rid of lies and demons, repenting of sin and proclaiming the truth. More and more, I am realizing that the “healing process” looks more like the ministry of reconciliation, both within our own heart as well as with the heart of God. It involves reconnecting parts of our hearts that have carried different perspectives and belief systems due to painful relationships and experiences we had growing up. Jesus refers to this as “binding up the broken-hearted”, from Isaiah 61.
Facing Lies
Early on during our recent Sabbatical, I began to feel like someone reached into my heart, found a stray thread and started unraveling some foundational misperceptions I had about myself. They didn’t line up very well with the great worth and inherent value Jesus ascribes to my life. I was shocked to see how deep-seated these issues were, particularly concerns about what other people thought of me. My left brain, of course, knows without a doubt that I am “Blessed and Highly Favored” without ever having done a thing to deserve it, but my heart struggled to fully comprehend and accept this as my experiential truth.
Allowing Him In
So part of my process involved doing what I have helped so many others do: allowing those hurting parts of my heart that had never known fellowship to be met. Too often our families don’t know what to do with a child’s messy emotions, so the child is left alone to process their own feelings. And being young and immature, this typically results in faulty conclusions about themselves. And those thoughts hurt so much they then wall off that pain.
Reconciliation Heals
Eventually, however, that pain will come up again. Once more a decision will need to be made regarding what to do with those oh-so-uncomfortable feelings. With Jesus, we have a much more life-giving option: not to stay there, wallowing in the mess and despair, but to allow the hurt, anger, discouragement, even hatred to be met, understood and then released to the One who is willing to go to every place our heart goes. Nothing can shock or surprise Him, and nothing will cause Him to reject or be repulsed by you. Nothing.
God’s Kindness leads to Repentance
As I could sense His tender compassion and depth of understanding regarding how I felt, the trauma and intensity of pain released to Him. I got in touch with how very alone I felt in my family, how much I felt I only caused problems and that no one seemed to be “for” me. As I felt Jesus come with unconditional acceptance and infinite kindness, I began to realize I had never been a “problem” for Him. He understood exactly how it felt, in every way. He’s been there. A new truth began displacing that old lie: “If God is for me, who can be against me?” Yes, He was for me, always has been and always will be. I can feel the truth of that Scripture inside my true heart as never before.
How Long?
So my response regarding “How Long” is best answered like this: “How long does it take to come to realize, with your whole heart, that you are just as known, just as valued, just as important to Father God as His own Son is?” It is a truth so good, so unfathomably precious, so able to fill any black hole within, that it will likely take all eternity to continue moving from glory to glory in our understanding of this Perfect, Unconditional Love. But what a grand journey to embark on; let’s all jump aboard, OK? We are in this together, forever!
With much Love,
Saturday, September 20, 2014
What I Believe By Pastor Brent
This past Saturday at Blazing Fire, I encouraged you that God's truth--the real truth--sets you free like nothing else can. (you can listen to the podcast right now here:
I promised you I would send you the declarations we made together. I encourage you to speak these out loud OFTEN, especially when you are feeling down or insignificant. First, we declared this:
I don't believe fear, I believe God
I don't believe doubt, I believe God
I don't believe shame, I believe God
I don't believe depression, I believe God
I don't believe despair, I believe God
And then I encouraged you to ask God this question when you are struggling: "Lord, what is the truth about who You are in this situation?" Let Papa remind you about the goodness of His heart in the midst of anything you are facing, because His perfect care over you as a loving Father NEVER changes! So ask Him now...
Later, we declared these truths out loud together. I strongly encourage you to do the same right now!
I believe YOU, Daddy!
I believe your Kingdom and your reality supersedes this one.
I believe your truth is the only truth there is and that your truth sets me free.
I believe you when you tell me I’m yours, I’m special and I’m valuable to you.
I believe you approve of me as your child.
I believe I’m the apple of your eye.
I believe I make you smile.
I believe I carry your infinite goodness in my heart.
I believe peace reigns in my innermost being.
I believe joy is my constant companion.
I believe hope prevails.
I believe love wins.
I believe I’m alive to make a difference and my life does just that.
I believe my belief in your sovereign goodness and I doubt my doubts.
I believe you’re the best daddy in the world, the universe, and the cosmos!
I believe I’m a wanted child held in your arms for eternity.
I believe I am blessed and highly favored every day of my life.
I believe you are on the throne and everything is working towards a brilliant fulfillment that you have planned before the world was created.
I believe nothing can or will change the truth as you declare it to be.
Nothing I do, and nothing I don’t do, will change the timeless truth of your love, your grace, your mercy, your tenderness, your compassion, and your ability and desire to care for me and for each and every child of yours alive on the earth or alive in heaven.
I’m alive for these truth encounters with You.
I’m alive to love well.
I trust you, Papa!
I trust you, Jesus!
I trust you, Holy Spirit!
I love you, Daddy!
You know the instructions on a shampoo bottle: Wash, rinse, repeat? I encourage you to say these truths (or others that the Lord impresses upon you) every time the enemy or your own limited perspective gets you down.
Wash, rinse, repeat!
(you can listen to the podcast right now here:
I promised you I would send you the declarations we made together. I encourage you to speak these out loud OFTEN, especially when you are feeling down or insignificant. First, we declared this:
I don't believe fear, I believe God
I don't believe doubt, I believe God
I don't believe shame, I believe God
I don't believe depression, I believe God
I don't believe despair, I believe God
And then I encouraged you to ask God this question when you are struggling: "Lord, what is the truth about who You are in this situation?" Let Papa remind you about the goodness of His heart in the midst of anything you are facing, because His perfect care over you as a loving Father NEVER changes! So ask Him now...
Later, we declared these truths out loud together. I strongly encourage you to do the same right now!
I believe YOU, Daddy!
I believe your Kingdom and your reality supersedes this one.
I believe your truth is the only truth there is and that your truth sets me free.
I believe you when you tell me I’m yours, I’m special and I’m valuable to you.
I believe you approve of me as your child.
I believe I’m the apple of your eye.
I believe I make you smile.
I believe I carry your infinite goodness in my heart.
I believe peace reigns in my innermost being.
I believe joy is my constant companion.
I believe hope prevails.
I believe love wins.
I believe I’m alive to make a difference and my life does just that.
I believe my belief in your sovereign goodness and I doubt my doubts.
I believe you’re the best daddy in the world, the universe, and the cosmos!
I believe I’m a wanted child held in your arms for eternity.
I believe I am blessed and highly favored every day of my life.
I believe you are on the throne and everything is working towards a brilliant fulfillment that you have planned before the world was created.
I believe nothing can or will change the truth as you declare it to be.
Nothing I do, and nothing I don’t do, will change the timeless truth of your love, your grace, your mercy, your tenderness, your compassion, and your ability and desire to care for me and for each and every child of yours alive on the earth or alive in heaven.
I’m alive for these truth encounters with You.
I’m alive to love well.
I trust you, Papa!
I trust you, Jesus!
I trust you, Holy Spirit!
I love you, Daddy!
You know the instructions on a shampoo bottle: Wash, rinse, repeat? I encourage you to say these truths (or others that the Lord impresses upon you) every time the enemy or your own limited perspective gets you down.
Wash, rinse, repeat!
(you can listen to the podcast right now here:
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Cracks and Stains of Life by Pastor Karena Lout
“I can never escape from your Spirit.
I can never get away from your presence.
If I go up to Heaven, you are there.
If I go down to the grave, you are there.”
Psalm 139:7-8
I recently read this post by Mick Mooney, author of God’s Grammar. All of Mick’s books revolve around the love and grace of God. I read this at a time I needed to remember how present Jesus is, not only in my “highs” but through the challenges too. There is so much life and truth in the “cracks” of life we get to experience. If you’re going through something difficult right now, I pray Jesus shows you just how present He is with you in it and who He is for you.
I can never get away from your presence.
If I go up to Heaven, you are there.
If I go down to the grave, you are there.”
Psalm 139:7-8
I recently read this post by Mick Mooney, author of God’s Grammar. All of Mick’s books revolve around the love and grace of God. I read this at a time I needed to remember how present Jesus is, not only in my “highs” but through the challenges too. There is so much life and truth in the “cracks” of life we get to experience. If you’re going through something difficult right now, I pray Jesus shows you just how present He is with you in it and who He is for you.
Love, Karena
"Life from a distance is beautiful; unblemished, perfect, seamless--but life is far more beautiful up close, where we see the warts and blisters, where we see the cracks and stains, where we see the brokenness and the uncertainty. Why? Because life can only be truly experienced up close. Sure, we can observe it from a distance, but to experience it, to participate in its true beauty, we have to embrace it, we have to allow the imperfections to touch us, and we have to embrace the cracks and stains of life. For the cracks and stains of life are as much part of the experience as the sunsets and the waterfalls are.
Life is messy. That's beautiful, because it's real, it's living and active; it's a gift that may not glitter and sparkle, because this gift does not come off the factory's production line. No, this gift comes from above.
It is easy enough to set up an illusion of life, though it is not truly living at all, but more of a fantasy in which to imprison ourselves in. But if we are willing to embrace life as it is--not chasing after perfection, but rather, participating within the reality of an imperfect life--we soon find something within that imperfection we never expected to find there.
We find God there.
God has made his home in the cracks and stains of life, and it is there he can comfort us in his arms, it is there he can wash our feet. It is there that he laughs and cries with us.
It is within the cracks and stains of life we realize that God's perfection is only truly experienced when we are willing to embrace, accept and experience our own imperfections.
Be brave. Embrace your life. Let God reveal himself to you within it in ways you never imagined possible." -Mick Mooney
"Life from a distance is beautiful; unblemished, perfect, seamless--but life is far more beautiful up close, where we see the warts and blisters, where we see the cracks and stains, where we see the brokenness and the uncertainty. Why? Because life can only be truly experienced up close. Sure, we can observe it from a distance, but to experience it, to participate in its true beauty, we have to embrace it, we have to allow the imperfections to touch us, and we have to embrace the cracks and stains of life. For the cracks and stains of life are as much part of the experience as the sunsets and the waterfalls are.
Life is messy. That's beautiful, because it's real, it's living and active; it's a gift that may not glitter and sparkle, because this gift does not come off the factory's production line. No, this gift comes from above.
It is easy enough to set up an illusion of life, though it is not truly living at all, but more of a fantasy in which to imprison ourselves in. But if we are willing to embrace life as it is--not chasing after perfection, but rather, participating within the reality of an imperfect life--we soon find something within that imperfection we never expected to find there.
We find God there.
God has made his home in the cracks and stains of life, and it is there he can comfort us in his arms, it is there he can wash our feet. It is there that he laughs and cries with us.
It is within the cracks and stains of life we realize that God's perfection is only truly experienced when we are willing to embrace, accept and experience our own imperfections.
Be brave. Embrace your life. Let God reveal himself to you within it in ways you never imagined possible." -Mick Mooney
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Earnest Expectations by Pastor Karena Lout
”For I know that this will turn out for my deliverance through your prayer and the supply of the spirit of Jesus according to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed but with all boldness as always so now also Christ will be magnified in my body whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Philippians 1:19-21
For some time I’ve been thinking about this phrase “earnest expectation.” In the Greek it means properly thinking forward like an Olympic runner looking forward to the end goal with their head outstretched. The runner most definitely relies on their physical capabilities and endurance but to reach the end goal, they need to BELIEVE that they will actually win the race.
We already know the end of the story: Jesus won! Although I know this to be true, I have to be completely honest, with all of the catastrophic events happening around the world, I found myself asking God questions that still remain a mystery. I’ve come to a place where I’m okay with that. In a culture that wants answers quick, mystery can be a difficult thing to live with. We may not understand why there is so much suffering in the world but it’s extremely vital that we understand who God is in it. He governs the earth with justice, He is a righteous King, He is moved by suffering, He weeps with those who weep, He isn’t distant, He is victorious and HE IS GOOD.
Once God began to remind me about who He is, my question changed from, “why is this happening?” to “what is my position and response to injustice?” When I first became aware of human trafficking, I remember feeling that the problem was so enormous that I couldn’t possibly do anything to help. When we believe that to be true, we become immobile. So I began with prayer and soon after, I started volunteering working with survivors. This is the greatest moment in history for the church to rise up and respond. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been so aware of the fear and unrest around the globe. We can either give in to that fear and worry or we can look for the opportunity to bring comfort, to be peacemakers on the earth. We are ambassadors of Christ. What an honor and privilege!
I still find myself weeping, especially over the lives taken in Iraq. We’ve been given a new, soft heart that is moved by pain and suffering. At the same time, I am filled with earnest expectation in who Jesus is and the infinite possibilities to represent Him. You carry the most valuable commodity in the world inside of you, Christ in you, the hope of glory. I pray that God would begin to release strategies and ideas to you that will shape history and transform lives around you. I pray that He would fill your hearts and minds with earnest expectation and remove any fear of the future. You are loved and adored by the King of the Universe. The life and love you carry is a gift the world is eagerly waiting to unwrap.
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” John 1:5
Love, Karena
For some time I’ve been thinking about this phrase “earnest expectation.” In the Greek it means properly thinking forward like an Olympic runner looking forward to the end goal with their head outstretched. The runner most definitely relies on their physical capabilities and endurance but to reach the end goal, they need to BELIEVE that they will actually win the race.
We already know the end of the story: Jesus won! Although I know this to be true, I have to be completely honest, with all of the catastrophic events happening around the world, I found myself asking God questions that still remain a mystery. I’ve come to a place where I’m okay with that. In a culture that wants answers quick, mystery can be a difficult thing to live with. We may not understand why there is so much suffering in the world but it’s extremely vital that we understand who God is in it. He governs the earth with justice, He is a righteous King, He is moved by suffering, He weeps with those who weep, He isn’t distant, He is victorious and HE IS GOOD.
Once God began to remind me about who He is, my question changed from, “why is this happening?” to “what is my position and response to injustice?” When I first became aware of human trafficking, I remember feeling that the problem was so enormous that I couldn’t possibly do anything to help. When we believe that to be true, we become immobile. So I began with prayer and soon after, I started volunteering working with survivors. This is the greatest moment in history for the church to rise up and respond. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been so aware of the fear and unrest around the globe. We can either give in to that fear and worry or we can look for the opportunity to bring comfort, to be peacemakers on the earth. We are ambassadors of Christ. What an honor and privilege!
I still find myself weeping, especially over the lives taken in Iraq. We’ve been given a new, soft heart that is moved by pain and suffering. At the same time, I am filled with earnest expectation in who Jesus is and the infinite possibilities to represent Him. You carry the most valuable commodity in the world inside of you, Christ in you, the hope of glory. I pray that God would begin to release strategies and ideas to you that will shape history and transform lives around you. I pray that He would fill your hearts and minds with earnest expectation and remove any fear of the future. You are loved and adored by the King of the Universe. The life and love you carry is a gift the world is eagerly waiting to unwrap.
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” John 1:5
Love, Karena
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Casting All Our Cares Upon Him - By Bill Hernandez - Blazing Fire Overseer
I tend to be a worrier sometimes becoming obsessed by a situation where I fear the worse possible outcome. It's called catastrophizing. I was relieved when I discovered the behavior actually had a name and that in essence it meant my state of mind was not unique. We all catastrophize to one degree or another. The origins vary, some of it may be inherited, some of it learned from being raised in a non nurturing environment, some as a result of spiritual attacks and so many other ways. The end result is discouragement, hopelessness, anxiety and general suffering that affects us emotionally or physically. Some of us go through phases where it comes and goes without rhyme or reason just like when heavy traffic on the freeway mysteriously clears with few cars in sight. There is a relief and hope from this emotional roller coaster ride and it takes a bit of being preemptive. The definition of preemptive: "Taken as a measure against something possible, anticipated, or feared; preventive; deterrent."
The solution is simple. In I Peter 5:7, "Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your care upon Him, because He cares for you..." It takes an act of humility by giving the situation to Him and acknowledging and knowing that He is genuinely involved with everything that concerns us. Easier said than done. I've been working on this for decades, but it can be easier now as I have slowly learned. We will all make progress as we practice casting our cares upon Him. Why can it take so long? We each have unique backgrounds that can take a lifetime of unraveling, but it does say in Isaiah 40:28, "He will not grow tired or weary..." He really cares!
What does it look like to cast our cares upon Him? I've done it symbolically by imagining a stone in my hand as being the problem and then I throw it into the sea and say, "I give this to You Lord." I sometimes place my hand over my heart and pretending I'm pulling something out, I gesture into the air away from myself to the Lord and give the issue to Him. Journaling can help because in a way the paper is the sounding board or my confessor/confidant and I try to be as honest as I can with what I am feeling. When I am done the anxiety can really clear. Similarly you can do this with a trusted friend or counselor. You can talk with the Lord as well. I imagine Him sitting in a chair at home and I rattle off all that I am feeling. In a way, you are expelling all the stuff that is swirling around in your heart and once you are done, then it's very important to be silent and wait. He will speak and offer solutions or just say kind and affirming things. The enemy has no place in this intimate moment with the Lord.
Does it always work to cast our cares upon Him? Sometimes it takes several applications. Sometimes it has to be renewed daily or hourly and especially if it's something deeply serious and disturbing. I know emotional pain and heartbreak often takes time to heal. Most of us have been through really tough things. The hope is that we really have someone on our side rooting for us and drawing our hearts up into becoming men and women of sublime valor and serene character eternally nestled comfortably in the arms of our great Lover.
We inherited eternal life through the work of the cross. As a result we became the possession of the Lord in which He took ownership of all of who we are including our cares. His tender love bathes us daily as it says in Lamentations 3:22-33, "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
We are not alone, we are adored by the most important person in the universe who is attentive. He checks in daily with fresh goodness for our sakes because He cares for us His beloved.
The solution is simple. In I Peter 5:7, "Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your care upon Him, because He cares for you..." It takes an act of humility by giving the situation to Him and acknowledging and knowing that He is genuinely involved with everything that concerns us. Easier said than done. I've been working on this for decades, but it can be easier now as I have slowly learned. We will all make progress as we practice casting our cares upon Him. Why can it take so long? We each have unique backgrounds that can take a lifetime of unraveling, but it does say in Isaiah 40:28, "He will not grow tired or weary..." He really cares!
What does it look like to cast our cares upon Him? I've done it symbolically by imagining a stone in my hand as being the problem and then I throw it into the sea and say, "I give this to You Lord." I sometimes place my hand over my heart and pretending I'm pulling something out, I gesture into the air away from myself to the Lord and give the issue to Him. Journaling can help because in a way the paper is the sounding board or my confessor/confidant and I try to be as honest as I can with what I am feeling. When I am done the anxiety can really clear. Similarly you can do this with a trusted friend or counselor. You can talk with the Lord as well. I imagine Him sitting in a chair at home and I rattle off all that I am feeling. In a way, you are expelling all the stuff that is swirling around in your heart and once you are done, then it's very important to be silent and wait. He will speak and offer solutions or just say kind and affirming things. The enemy has no place in this intimate moment with the Lord.
Does it always work to cast our cares upon Him? Sometimes it takes several applications. Sometimes it has to be renewed daily or hourly and especially if it's something deeply serious and disturbing. I know emotional pain and heartbreak often takes time to heal. Most of us have been through really tough things. The hope is that we really have someone on our side rooting for us and drawing our hearts up into becoming men and women of sublime valor and serene character eternally nestled comfortably in the arms of our great Lover.
We inherited eternal life through the work of the cross. As a result we became the possession of the Lord in which He took ownership of all of who we are including our cares. His tender love bathes us daily as it says in Lamentations 3:22-33, "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
We are not alone, we are adored by the most important person in the universe who is attentive. He checks in daily with fresh goodness for our sakes because He cares for us His beloved.
Love and Blessings!
Bill Hernandez
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Life Lessons from a Sunflower By Pastor Brent Lokker
I want to share with you a pretty funny story. Suzanne likes sunflowers so several months ago I picked up a packet of sunflower seeds (the kind that grow actual sunflowers, that is) to secretly plant them in our front yard flower garden and surprise her. I read on the label that the sunflowers would be two feet tall. “Perfect!” I thought, “little miniature sunflowers will fit nicely in our garden.”
So I planted a few dozen seeds and faithfully watered them every few days even though it took about a month to see the first green buds breaking the earth’s surface. After another week or so, I thought, “These are getting close to two feet tall—the flowers should burst forth any day now.” Only that’s not what happened. The 2 feet tall stalks quickly turned into 4 feet which soon turned into 6 feet and before I knew it, these gargantuan botanical specimens were towering over me at a robust 9 feet tall!
Now, I had long since thrown away the package, but here’s what I figure must have happened. What I thought read the plants would be two feet in height must have actually read the sunflowers themselves would be two feet wide! Here’s a picture of our “miniature sunflowers” taken just yesterday! If you look carefully, you can see 4 feet high rose bushes that are now lost in our sunflower jungle!
Our heavenly Papa is a fun Father who wants to talk to us about anything and everything if we have ears to listen. In the midst of being able to laugh at myself (it’s very important that we not take ourselves too seriously!), I thought about what God has to say about sowing and reaping.
"Don’t be misled: No one makes a fool of God. What a person plants, he will harvest. The person who plants selfishness, ignoring the needs of others—ignoring God!—harvests a crop of weeds. All he’ll have to show for his life is weeds! But the one who plants in response to God, letting God’s Spirit do the growth work in him, harvests a crop of real life, eternal life."
Gal. 6:7-8 (The Message)
Here's what I heard the Lord telling me:
Son, sowing and reaping isn't about expecting to get an immediate return. Nor is it about getting back what you put in the ground. You placed a few dozen seeds that fit into the palm of your hand into the ground. You had a hopeful, expectant heart, and you thought you knew what the outcome would be. But as you waited a miracle was happening underground that you could not see. For a time, it seemed as if nothing was happening. Then out from the ground burst life, but not in the same measure to what you placed in the soil. No, you received abundantly more than all you could ask or imagine. You received a full measure, pressed down, shaken together and overflowing. You sowed sunflower seeds, so out from the ground came sunflowers, but each seed you planted produced hundreds more seeds. This is my heart. This is my Kingdom. This is why I want my children to sow good seed--seeds of love, forgiveness and generous giving. And I will make certain that what they release will come back. When they choose to love, the love returns. When they live a life of forgiveness, they are more readily forgiven by others. When they give with a generous heart, it comes back to them. Not instantly. Not on the same scale. No, I'm much better than that and you can fully trust my exceptionally good heart for you!
"So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith."
Gal. 6:9-10 (The Message)
So I planted a few dozen seeds and faithfully watered them every few days even though it took about a month to see the first green buds breaking the earth’s surface. After another week or so, I thought, “These are getting close to two feet tall—the flowers should burst forth any day now.” Only that’s not what happened. The 2 feet tall stalks quickly turned into 4 feet which soon turned into 6 feet and before I knew it, these gargantuan botanical specimens were towering over me at a robust 9 feet tall!
Now, I had long since thrown away the package, but here’s what I figure must have happened. What I thought read the plants would be two feet in height must have actually read the sunflowers themselves would be two feet wide! Here’s a picture of our “miniature sunflowers” taken just yesterday! If you look carefully, you can see 4 feet high rose bushes that are now lost in our sunflower jungle!
Our heavenly Papa is a fun Father who wants to talk to us about anything and everything if we have ears to listen. In the midst of being able to laugh at myself (it’s very important that we not take ourselves too seriously!), I thought about what God has to say about sowing and reaping.
"Don’t be misled: No one makes a fool of God. What a person plants, he will harvest. The person who plants selfishness, ignoring the needs of others—ignoring God!—harvests a crop of weeds. All he’ll have to show for his life is weeds! But the one who plants in response to God, letting God’s Spirit do the growth work in him, harvests a crop of real life, eternal life."
Gal. 6:7-8 (The Message)
Here's what I heard the Lord telling me:
Son, sowing and reaping isn't about expecting to get an immediate return. Nor is it about getting back what you put in the ground. You placed a few dozen seeds that fit into the palm of your hand into the ground. You had a hopeful, expectant heart, and you thought you knew what the outcome would be. But as you waited a miracle was happening underground that you could not see. For a time, it seemed as if nothing was happening. Then out from the ground burst life, but not in the same measure to what you placed in the soil. No, you received abundantly more than all you could ask or imagine. You received a full measure, pressed down, shaken together and overflowing. You sowed sunflower seeds, so out from the ground came sunflowers, but each seed you planted produced hundreds more seeds. This is my heart. This is my Kingdom. This is why I want my children to sow good seed--seeds of love, forgiveness and generous giving. And I will make certain that what they release will come back. When they choose to love, the love returns. When they live a life of forgiveness, they are more readily forgiven by others. When they give with a generous heart, it comes back to them. Not instantly. Not on the same scale. No, I'm much better than that and you can fully trust my exceptionally good heart for you!
"So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith."
Gal. 6:9-10 (The Message)
Monday, August 4, 2014
What Time is It? By Pastor Brent Lokker
Earlier today I looked up at the clock to see what time it was. Usually when we check the time it’s because we don’t want to be late for an appointment or because we are assessing how our time management is going for the day. If we’re being honest, we’re often trying to gauge how productive we are (As in, “Am I feeling good about myself that I’m getting enough done by this marker in the day?”).
My next flow of thought went to a very old (originally 1960’s) Dr. Pepper advertising slogan, “Drink a bite to eat at 10, 2 and 4.” (I know, pretty weird, but true and obviously this slogan came out long before we knew the toxic nature of consuming so much sugar.) Since the numbers have to do with the time of day, many Dr. Pepper clocks were made to highlight those three hours.
Upon doing a little research, I found out that doctors back in the day had discovered a natural drop in energy at 10:30 am, 2:30 pm and 4:30 pm. So I guess the logic is that if a person drains a bottle of carbonated sugar water 30 minutes beforehand, it will somehow offset the condition. Hmmmmm…
So then, this God-thought popped into my head. Because we have a Heavenly Father who adores His children, what if each time we looked at the clock, our first thought went something like this: It’s 10 am. I’m loved at 10 am! It’s 2 pm. I’m loved at 2 pm! It’s 4 pm. I’m loved at 4 pm! Clearly God’s love is the supernatural pick-me-up that we were born for and the only one that can offset any emotional or spiritual doldrums we might encounter along the way.
The best news is that His love and affection isn't just for 10, 2 and 4, but for 5 am, Noon, 8 pm, Midnight…you get the picture. God never turns His love off! What would happen if every single time we looked at the clock, it became a reminder of Papa’s affection for us at that precise moment? It would not only change your outlook in the moment, but it would change your day, your week, your month and your life!
I’m going to get really practical here. Most of you will read this article and think, What I great idea! and then promptly forget about it. So how about this: Put a little sticky note on at least one of your clocks that you view regularly—the one in your bedroom that you look at before you go to sleep and when you wake up. The one in the kitchen that you glance at several times during the rushing moments to get out the door. The one in the dashboard of your car that you glance at frequently to see if you will be on time to your destination. Or better yet, put a sticky note on each of them that says... “I Love You!”
Then when you check the time and see the note, you can remind yourself, “I’m tired this morning, but I’m loved!” “I’m a few minutes late getting my kids to school, but I’m loved!” “I have an appointment in 10 minutes and I’m loved!” “I have to get that report done in the next hour and I’m loved!” “I have some time to sit and be quiet with you Lord--You say I’m loved!” “I didn’t get all my to-do’s checked off today, but I sure am loved!”
Often, during the busyness of a day, I will intentionally look for Suzanne, my wife, and affectionately embrace her saying, “If we are too busy for this, we are too busy.”
Your heavenly Daddy says the same to you. Take the time to be loved. It’s what you were born for!
My next flow of thought went to a very old (originally 1960’s) Dr. Pepper advertising slogan, “Drink a bite to eat at 10, 2 and 4.” (I know, pretty weird, but true and obviously this slogan came out long before we knew the toxic nature of consuming so much sugar.) Since the numbers have to do with the time of day, many Dr. Pepper clocks were made to highlight those three hours.
Upon doing a little research, I found out that doctors back in the day had discovered a natural drop in energy at 10:30 am, 2:30 pm and 4:30 pm. So I guess the logic is that if a person drains a bottle of carbonated sugar water 30 minutes beforehand, it will somehow offset the condition. Hmmmmm…
So then, this God-thought popped into my head. Because we have a Heavenly Father who adores His children, what if each time we looked at the clock, our first thought went something like this: It’s 10 am. I’m loved at 10 am! It’s 2 pm. I’m loved at 2 pm! It’s 4 pm. I’m loved at 4 pm! Clearly God’s love is the supernatural pick-me-up that we were born for and the only one that can offset any emotional or spiritual doldrums we might encounter along the way.
The best news is that His love and affection isn't just for 10, 2 and 4, but for 5 am, Noon, 8 pm, Midnight…you get the picture. God never turns His love off! What would happen if every single time we looked at the clock, it became a reminder of Papa’s affection for us at that precise moment? It would not only change your outlook in the moment, but it would change your day, your week, your month and your life!
I’m going to get really practical here. Most of you will read this article and think, What I great idea! and then promptly forget about it. So how about this: Put a little sticky note on at least one of your clocks that you view regularly—the one in your bedroom that you look at before you go to sleep and when you wake up. The one in the kitchen that you glance at several times during the rushing moments to get out the door. The one in the dashboard of your car that you glance at frequently to see if you will be on time to your destination. Or better yet, put a sticky note on each of them that says... “I Love You!”
Then when you check the time and see the note, you can remind yourself, “I’m tired this morning, but I’m loved!” “I’m a few minutes late getting my kids to school, but I’m loved!” “I have an appointment in 10 minutes and I’m loved!” “I have to get that report done in the next hour and I’m loved!” “I have some time to sit and be quiet with you Lord--You say I’m loved!” “I didn’t get all my to-do’s checked off today, but I sure am loved!”
Often, during the busyness of a day, I will intentionally look for Suzanne, my wife, and affectionately embrace her saying, “If we are too busy for this, we are too busy.”
Your heavenly Daddy says the same to you. Take the time to be loved. It’s what you were born for!
Monday, July 28, 2014
The Importance of Prayer by Jim Stillwell - Director of East Bay Prayer Furnace
E.M. Bounds wrote, “God does nothing except by prayer.” The uncreated God can do whatever He pleases at any moment, yet invites us to play a massive role in changing the spiritual atmosphere of our cities in the place of prayer. The honor and dignity that God gives human beings to partner with Him in prayer is a brilliant strategy to draw us into His heart and unite us with what He wants to do on the earth.
Prayer Is Vital To Missions And Evangelism
The prayer movement is not the next “cool” thing to hit the body of Christ. It is the pivot point at which God moves in the hearts of individual, cities, states, nations and ultimately the planet. Throughout history we can see God’s plan to have humans approach Him in the place of prayer to bring about a demonstration of His power. Psalm 132:7-8 “Let us go into His tabernacle; Let us worship at His footstool. Arise, O LORD, to Your resting place, You and the ark of Your strength.” King David understood the value of calling people into perpetual 24/7 worship and prayer that would result in God displaying His power in his generation.
The great evangelist to Africa, Reinhard Bonnke, has said, “Evangelism without intercession is like a bomb without a detonator. Intercession without evangelism is like a detonator without a bomb.” Night and Day prayer is core to missions and evangelism having their full expression. In 1727 a German nobleman named Count Ludwig Zinzendorf gathered Christians together to his large estate in Germany, known as Herrnhutt, and began prayer meetings that continued 24 hours a day for 120 years. It resulted in the first Protestant missions movement in history. Night and Day prayer represents the reality that prayer will release people into evangelism to fulfill the call of Jesus to go and make disciples.
A Missionary Activity That Is Essential For Justice To Break In
Traditionally we think of missions as the “action side” of the Great Commission. There is also a “prayer side” to the fulfillment of the Great Commission. God is raising up missionaries who will express both of these dimensions that are necessary for the Great Harvest. In other words, God is establishing “intercessory missionaries.” Luke 18:7-8 “Shall not God avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, … 8 I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly.” Justice speaks of wrong things being made right. Through the finished work of Christ on the cross, He brought justice to everything contrary to God His Father. When we pray we are asking for God to release His justice over sick bodies, disunity in the church, crime in the streets, darkness that keeps humans in spiritual and emotional prison. Jesus connected night and day prayer to His justice being made known on the earth. It is God’s desire that men and women would be fully aware of His presence interacting with them and on their behalf. Night and day prayer is essential and a requirement for us to see the full expression of God in our society.
Prayer Is Vital To Missions And Evangelism
The prayer movement is not the next “cool” thing to hit the body of Christ. It is the pivot point at which God moves in the hearts of individual, cities, states, nations and ultimately the planet. Throughout history we can see God’s plan to have humans approach Him in the place of prayer to bring about a demonstration of His power. Psalm 132:7-8 “Let us go into His tabernacle; Let us worship at His footstool. Arise, O LORD, to Your resting place, You and the ark of Your strength.” King David understood the value of calling people into perpetual 24/7 worship and prayer that would result in God displaying His power in his generation.
The great evangelist to Africa, Reinhard Bonnke, has said, “Evangelism without intercession is like a bomb without a detonator. Intercession without evangelism is like a detonator without a bomb.” Night and Day prayer is core to missions and evangelism having their full expression. In 1727 a German nobleman named Count Ludwig Zinzendorf gathered Christians together to his large estate in Germany, known as Herrnhutt, and began prayer meetings that continued 24 hours a day for 120 years. It resulted in the first Protestant missions movement in history. Night and Day prayer represents the reality that prayer will release people into evangelism to fulfill the call of Jesus to go and make disciples.
A Missionary Activity That Is Essential For Justice To Break In
Traditionally we think of missions as the “action side” of the Great Commission. There is also a “prayer side” to the fulfillment of the Great Commission. God is raising up missionaries who will express both of these dimensions that are necessary for the Great Harvest. In other words, God is establishing “intercessory missionaries.” Luke 18:7-8 “Shall not God avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, … 8 I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly.” Justice speaks of wrong things being made right. Through the finished work of Christ on the cross, He brought justice to everything contrary to God His Father. When we pray we are asking for God to release His justice over sick bodies, disunity in the church, crime in the streets, darkness that keeps humans in spiritual and emotional prison. Jesus connected night and day prayer to His justice being made known on the earth. It is God’s desire that men and women would be fully aware of His presence interacting with them and on their behalf. Night and day prayer is essential and a requirement for us to see the full expression of God in our society.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Press the Pause Button by Pastor Karena Lout
Years ago, Todd and I performed in a few shows in Branson, Missouri. If you aren’t familiar with Branson, it’s an entertainment tourist attraction for families and seniors traveling by tour bus. Let’s just say, I hope most evidence from this time period will remain hidden. It was quite a funny and interesting time in our lives. We started out in the Andy Williams show at the Moon River Theater and later moved on to a musical about the life of Jesus called The Promise. The show ran six days a week, twice a day in a 2500 seat theater.
One of my roles in the production was an angel, where I got to fly over the audience, along with my twin sister. I had a lot of vision and expectancy in my heart as I took on this new job. During rehearsals, I remember the exhilaration I felt stepping off the catwalk and flying for the first time. I was excited to see how God was going to move in our shows. But over time, this “dream job” became very familiar and mundane. There were many times I would go out on stage and recite my lines without any thought or emotion attached at all. I was doing everything from a place of functionality. Even though we saw countless lives touched and changed through the Gospel, at times it felt like it was just another job I needed to make income.
One day as I was climbing the ladder up to the catwalk to prepare to fly, I felt an overwhelming sense of God’s presence begin to pierce my heart in a way I hadn’t felt before. I started weeping uncontrollably as the soldiers began to whip the actor who portrayed Jesus down the aisle below me. My heart was getting so moved by what Jesus endured for me that I forgot I was actually at work. I felt purpose behind what I was doing again. God started to tenderize my heart in a way that I really needed.
There are many times we succumb to going through the motions of life, forgetting the purpose behind it all. We get so busy with what we’re doing that we forget why we started in the first place. Whether you’re a pastor, at home raising your children or leading a business meeting, if you don’t have vision and passion for what you’re doing, you may find yourself steeped in dullness and burned out. We were created to be fully alive, our hearts connected so that we can thrive in the places God has put us.
Sometimes we need to press the pause button, to remember and ask why. Why am I at this particular job? Why am I giving my time to this or that? Why was I born at this particular point in history? If our hearts aren’t connected, aren’t moved, then even the really good things we’re doing can feel futile. I encourage you today to take time with Jesus and ask Him to remind you of the vision He has for your life. He really is involved in every aspect of our lives. There is no separation. It’s finding Him in the little things, the big things, even the not so thrilling part of our lives that we come to understand Jesus is ever present with us.
I pray that our loving Father will show you the endless opportunities He has for you each day you wake up. I pray that He will soften and tenderize your heart even more and that you will experience the real connection He paid for!
“My heart is confident in you, O God, my heart is confident. No wonder I can sing your praises. Wake up, my heart! Wake up, O lyre and harp! I will wake the dawn with my song.” Psalm 57:7-8 (NLT)
With Love, Karena
One of my roles in the production was an angel, where I got to fly over the audience, along with my twin sister. I had a lot of vision and expectancy in my heart as I took on this new job. During rehearsals, I remember the exhilaration I felt stepping off the catwalk and flying for the first time. I was excited to see how God was going to move in our shows. But over time, this “dream job” became very familiar and mundane. There were many times I would go out on stage and recite my lines without any thought or emotion attached at all. I was doing everything from a place of functionality. Even though we saw countless lives touched and changed through the Gospel, at times it felt like it was just another job I needed to make income.
One day as I was climbing the ladder up to the catwalk to prepare to fly, I felt an overwhelming sense of God’s presence begin to pierce my heart in a way I hadn’t felt before. I started weeping uncontrollably as the soldiers began to whip the actor who portrayed Jesus down the aisle below me. My heart was getting so moved by what Jesus endured for me that I forgot I was actually at work. I felt purpose behind what I was doing again. God started to tenderize my heart in a way that I really needed.
There are many times we succumb to going through the motions of life, forgetting the purpose behind it all. We get so busy with what we’re doing that we forget why we started in the first place. Whether you’re a pastor, at home raising your children or leading a business meeting, if you don’t have vision and passion for what you’re doing, you may find yourself steeped in dullness and burned out. We were created to be fully alive, our hearts connected so that we can thrive in the places God has put us.
Sometimes we need to press the pause button, to remember and ask why. Why am I at this particular job? Why am I giving my time to this or that? Why was I born at this particular point in history? If our hearts aren’t connected, aren’t moved, then even the really good things we’re doing can feel futile. I encourage you today to take time with Jesus and ask Him to remind you of the vision He has for your life. He really is involved in every aspect of our lives. There is no separation. It’s finding Him in the little things, the big things, even the not so thrilling part of our lives that we come to understand Jesus is ever present with us.
I pray that our loving Father will show you the endless opportunities He has for you each day you wake up. I pray that He will soften and tenderize your heart even more and that you will experience the real connection He paid for!
“My heart is confident in you, O God, my heart is confident. No wonder I can sing your praises. Wake up, my heart! Wake up, O lyre and harp! I will wake the dawn with my song.” Psalm 57:7-8 (NLT)
With Love, Karena
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Do it Again, Daddy! by Pastor Brent Lokker
I’ve loved playing with my boys at every age of their young lives, but some of my most tender memories are of my interactive play with them in their early toddler years, when I would show them my love and affection mainly through my touch and eye contact. We could play a simple game over and over again without it ever getting old, like when I would lie flat on my back and hold them straight up above me with outstretched arms, face-to-face, so that our twinkling eyes locked onto each other. After an anticipatory moment of waiting in that position, I would quickly collapse my arms and engulf them into my chest. They would squeal with delight and I would giggle right along with them in utter joy! Theywould say to me, “Do it again, Daddy!” I needed no coaxing. I would immediately hoist them up for another round of affectionate play. Just thinking about it all these years later instantly brings me back to the sweetness of those adorable toddlers of mine, making me laugh all over again.
My boys didn’t have to twist my arm to make me do that. They didn’t beg me and bug me until I somehow relented against my will. No. The truth is, I wanted to have fun with them, because I absolutely loved being with them and laughing with them. They couldn’t keep me away even if they tried (which, of course, they didn’t). At first,I had to initiate the playful love because they hadn’t experienced it before, so how could they know? Once I gave them the experience of how much fun I could be, there were times when they would approach me and initiate the playful encounters. Either way, it was every bit as fun for me as it was for them.
How much more your heavenly Father enjoys you! His tender affection for you isn’t something He has to conjure up, and He certainly isn’t waiting for you to beg Him to give you some attention. This is the way Papa’s heart always is toward you. He had to initiate true love first or you wouldn’t even know what it was. But the more you experience His genuine affection, the more you learn to initiate fun times with him. Either way, your Papa adores you.
My boys didn’t have to twist my arm to make me do that. They didn’t beg me and bug me until I somehow relented against my will. No. The truth is, I wanted to have fun with them, because I absolutely loved being with them and laughing with them. They couldn’t keep me away even if they tried (which, of course, they didn’t). At first,I had to initiate the playful love because they hadn’t experienced it before, so how could they know? Once I gave them the experience of how much fun I could be, there were times when they would approach me and initiate the playful encounters. Either way, it was every bit as fun for me as it was for them.
How much more your heavenly Father enjoys you! His tender affection for you isn’t something He has to conjure up, and He certainly isn’t waiting for you to beg Him to give you some attention. This is the way Papa’s heart always is toward you. He had to initiate true love first or you wouldn’t even know what it was. But the more you experience His genuine affection, the more you learn to initiate fun times with him. Either way, your Papa adores you.
Wild horses couldn’t drag Him away from you! He wants to be with you—not just for this moment— but for every moment throughout all eternity.
(This is an excerpt from Brent's book, Daddy You Love Me: Living in the Approval of Your Heavenly Father)
(This is an excerpt from Brent's book, Daddy You Love Me: Living in the Approval of Your Heavenly Father)
Saturday, July 5, 2014
A Quick Thought About Freedom by Pastor Brent Lokker
As I was thinking about the early fathers and mothers in America who sacrificed so much for us to have the freedom we enjoy, this thought struck me: Although we often think of freedom as synonomous with independence (which is one aspect of freedom) those who fought to gain our freedom were quite interdependent. They desperately needed each other and had to work together closely to make it through the extreme hardships they faced. Those who isolated themselves didn't fare well.
As followers of Jesus, we've been given a freedom beyond our wildest dreams. Yet, the way to live out that freedom is not in isolation, but in community, connection, and interdependence. We need each other! God planned that way.
"It is absolutely clear that God has called you to a free life. Just make sure that you don’t use this freedom as an excuse to do whatever you want to do and destroy your freedom. Rather, use your freedom to serve one another in love; that’s how freedom grows. For everything we know about God’s Word is summed up in a single sentence: Love others as you love yourself. That’s an act of true freedom. If you bite and ravage each other, watch out—in no time at all you will be annihilating each other, and where will your precious freedom be then?" (Galatians 5:13-15, The Message Bible)
I'm so glad this is God's plan--for us to need each other and learn how to love well. I'm also glad that so many of you have chosen to go there with us. We need you!
Happy Independence Day and Interdependence Day! Use your freedom to love well!
As followers of Jesus, we've been given a freedom beyond our wildest dreams. Yet, the way to live out that freedom is not in isolation, but in community, connection, and interdependence. We need each other! God planned that way.
"It is absolutely clear that God has called you to a free life. Just make sure that you don’t use this freedom as an excuse to do whatever you want to do and destroy your freedom. Rather, use your freedom to serve one another in love; that’s how freedom grows. For everything we know about God’s Word is summed up in a single sentence: Love others as you love yourself. That’s an act of true freedom. If you bite and ravage each other, watch out—in no time at all you will be annihilating each other, and where will your precious freedom be then?" (Galatians 5:13-15, The Message Bible)
I'm so glad this is God's plan--for us to need each other and learn how to love well. I'm also glad that so many of you have chosen to go there with us. We need you!
Happy Independence Day and Interdependence Day! Use your freedom to love well!
Sunday, June 29, 2014
A New Door Has Opened: The new is Here! by Doug Addison
(Doug is a prophet and frequent guest at Blazing Fire Church. Here is a word from Doug posted on the Elijah List two weeks ago. As we are just now finishing our 6 month journey through "Winds of Change," it's a perfect now word!)
A Door Opened in the Spiritual Realm
I released a prophetic word in May about sudden changes coming and the Wind of Change angel. During the weekend of May 30, a new door opened in the spiritual realm that is going to usher in a new season of radical changes for the good.
We had two earthquakes in Southern California and I not only felt both of them, God spoke to me during the shaking.
The first one was on Friday, May 30, a 3.8 that was near San Pedro (Saint Peter, the rock). I heard the Holy Spirit say to "Prepare for something new." God is going to "rock" things and radical change is on the way.
I felt compelled to "prepare" so I bought some earthquake preparedness items. On Sunday, June 1, just before 8 PM and just as I was installing earthquake straps on our new television, another earthquake rocked the Los Angeles area. These were very mild earthquakes and there was no damage. It was a prophetic sign of something new coming. This is not a judgment word. The first earthquake was 3.8 and the second one happened as I was strapping down my "tell-a-vision". This is symbolic that God is bringing new visions and a new foundation for the way to bring these new visions into reality.
I was drawn to Revelation 3:8 that says:
"I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept My word and have not denied My name."
Doors represent new opportunities and seasons. New strength and spiritual authority is coming to those who are weak and have been holding on to prophetic words and promises. The new door has opened and we can expect to see things pick up.
I want to share a few things I have learned about responding to something of this magnitude.
Things Often Look Opposite
As God is on the move and opening news doors, keep in mind that things quite often look like the opposite just before a breakthrough. I keep mentioning this to people because it is crucial to understand this right now. As God is releasing something new in your life don't be surprised if the enemy comes and tries to distract you. A mesmerizing type of spirit is working overtime to get you to look at your problems and not solutions. Old thoughts and behaviors may have recently surfaced, and during a time we should be excited we end up feeling discouraged!
We have to be careful that we don't come into agreement with the attack of the enemy.
"Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven. Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by My Father in Heaven." Matthew 18:18–19
Here's some good news: Stay the course and you will break through the fog. June gloom will lift and July through September will have a different feel and spiritual freedom will come.
Limits Are Being Removed
God is limitless so what you can do through His love, power, and strength has no limits as well! You have access to everything you need to succeed. You have peace with God, the power that raised Jesus from the dead is in you, you have the Holy Spirit and God's network of angels. You have God's word and promises and you have friends and people who love you and can pray with you! Yes, you have lot's of resources so be sure to utilize them.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
"...but with God all things are possible."Matthew 19:26
The Outcasts Are Coming! The Outcasts Are Coming!
There's a commitment level coming on a generation of people who have been living in a dry time. They will soon come on the scene and have an amazing commitment to the Lord. My entire ministry and life calling is to help these individuals who are "spiritual outcasts." They are already starting to rise up. They are not really in a particular age bracket but they are the best of the best being saved to come on the scene at the right time. What God is doing right now is starting outside of church buildings and it may look strange at first to those who don't have spiritual "eyes to see" as Jesus said.
If you know someone who fits the outcast description, maybe your children, grandchildren, or someone you love is seriously adrift, here's a promise from God to you for them:
This is what the Lord says: "Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, for your work will be rewarded," declares the Lord. "They will return from the land of the enemy. So there is hope for your descendants," declares the Lord. "Your children will return to their own land." Jeremiah 31:16–17
The New is Here!
Expect to continue to see things happen at an accelerated pace. We are moving into a time that we can accomplish more with less effort. Keysfor this new time are to stay at peace and let go of doubt and fear. Ask God to show you what you should focus on specifically for this time.
This is an amazing time to be alive!
Doug Addison
InLight Connection
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Dream Fulfillment by Mark Paulson
(Mark is one of the Blazing Fire Winds of Change home group leaders in the San Jose area)
I remember getting out of rehab and asking God, “I have no idea where to go from here; what do you want me to do?” I don’t think I’ve ever been quite as furious at him as when he replied, “what do you want to do?” He flipped my “perfect will” paradigm on its head.
Life is exciting, spontaneous, and vibrant. Many of us have spent a long time in a culture of fear that feels like it needs umpteen confirmations for every decision. In the early church, however, they said, “it seemed good to us and the Spirit.” While I think a confirmation or two often brings peace and greater fellowship, I also think there is an adventurous spirit within each of us that God created to uniquely put on display. Don’t put your dreams on hold. More times than not, you’ll find God planted that dream. So don’t throw away dreams that seem too big for you. God relishes bringing about big dreams in your life.
When He convinces you of who you really are and you realize the unparalleled security of Abba’s loving embrace, old passions and dreams are awakened with even loftier expected outcomes. He blows the lid off limitations to your co-dreaming with Him! You don’t feel like you’re walking a tightrope because you see your boundary lines have fallen in totally pleasant places with tons of room for wonderment and exploration. Since you live from joyous sabbathing in what He has done, it will not feel like the weight of the world is on you for the fulfillment of your dreams. It will be a totally joyous unfolding of desires fulfilled as His powerful grace gift works marvelously through you and the family He places around you. Go ahead, ask Him for nations!
Psalm 2:8
Ask of me and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.
I remember getting out of rehab and asking God, “I have no idea where to go from here; what do you want me to do?” I don’t think I’ve ever been quite as furious at him as when he replied, “what do you want to do?” He flipped my “perfect will” paradigm on its head.
Life is exciting, spontaneous, and vibrant. Many of us have spent a long time in a culture of fear that feels like it needs umpteen confirmations for every decision. In the early church, however, they said, “it seemed good to us and the Spirit.” While I think a confirmation or two often brings peace and greater fellowship, I also think there is an adventurous spirit within each of us that God created to uniquely put on display. Don’t put your dreams on hold. More times than not, you’ll find God planted that dream. So don’t throw away dreams that seem too big for you. God relishes bringing about big dreams in your life.
When He convinces you of who you really are and you realize the unparalleled security of Abba’s loving embrace, old passions and dreams are awakened with even loftier expected outcomes. He blows the lid off limitations to your co-dreaming with Him! You don’t feel like you’re walking a tightrope because you see your boundary lines have fallen in totally pleasant places with tons of room for wonderment and exploration. Since you live from joyous sabbathing in what He has done, it will not feel like the weight of the world is on you for the fulfillment of your dreams. It will be a totally joyous unfolding of desires fulfilled as His powerful grace gift works marvelously through you and the family He places around you. Go ahead, ask Him for nations!
Psalm 2:8
Ask of me and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.
Friday, May 30, 2014
Learning to Love by Pastor Susan Fochler
Some years back, my daughter Karen decided she really wanted a dog. Like REALLY wanted a dog, so she started praying and scanning the want ads. Russ wasn’t quite so sure as his experience with pet dogs hadn’t always been the best. Eventually Karen found a promising ad, so we all hopped in the car to visit a family wanting to give away their dog because of a new baby.
Maisie wasn’t much to look at when we met her. She was covered with dirt from living in a dusty backyard. But the first moment she looked at us with those infinitely deep brown eyes filled with affection and acceptance, we knew she was ours. Even Russ was amazed, she liked him! After we brought her home and cleaned her up, we discovered a beautiful sable and white silky soft fur coat, funky “yoda” ears and soft, fluffy white paws. And those eyes that never stopped smiling.
Unconditional Love Feels Like Something
From then on, everyone who met Maisie encountered a dog that communicated, head to toe, that she loved them and was happy to see them. Even the mailman! We had a neighbor who had never liked dogs yet found her irresistible, and was constantly sneaking her food, much to our chagrin. When people came for ministry, particularly during a tender moment, Maisie would snuggle up as close as she could to provide comfort. Her presence oozed “I want to be with you, feel with you and breathe your air!”.
Learning to Receive
The day eventually came when Maisie’s health was failing so much we had to make the heart-wrenching decision to let her go. I had never known how painful it could be to lose a pet. She had taught me so much, and ministered to my heart a level of unconditional love I did not recognize fully until it was time to say good-bye. I weep even today as I’m thinking of her; how easy it was to feel safe and completely myself with her, hugging her and feeling her delight in being so close. I am amazed that God would use a family pet in such a way to help my heart heal; I appreciate now, as never before, how legitimately important a pet can be to a person.
Needing to Learn is Normal
Like many of you, I didn’t experience this kind of love growing up. My parents hadn’t either. The practical needs of my physical body were addressed, but rarely did I feel enjoyed or valued at home. I tried to keep myself scarce and out of the way so I wouldn’t cause any problems. It has been a process over decades to learn that someone might actually enjoy my presence and look forward to seeing me. It started with marrying into the Fochler clan, where I began to let down my guard and be seen and known. Russ and his sisters have helped me learn how to engage in true fellowship, communicating with and not just talking over one another. And I am ever grateful for how much they have taught me about love.
We are on this Journey Together
Like my beloved Maisie, I am learning to enjoy and value each one who comes my way, no longer feeling so threatened by misunderstandings and differing perspectives. Receiving God’s tender love, with yielded heart, then allowing His river to pour through me to others is vulnerable and unpredictable yet so much more fulfilling than the relative safety of emotional isolation. This love of Jesus Christ is much bigger and ever-available than we can comprehend; and it’s ours for the asking. Don’t give up on yourself; we’ve all had a lot to learn on this journey. Our God’s great joy is in helping us learn the profound power of genuine love while we are still living on earth; He is the best teacher and most faithful friend we could ever ask for!
With much love and appreciation for you;
Maisie wasn’t much to look at when we met her. She was covered with dirt from living in a dusty backyard. But the first moment she looked at us with those infinitely deep brown eyes filled with affection and acceptance, we knew she was ours. Even Russ was amazed, she liked him! After we brought her home and cleaned her up, we discovered a beautiful sable and white silky soft fur coat, funky “yoda” ears and soft, fluffy white paws. And those eyes that never stopped smiling.
Unconditional Love Feels Like Something
From then on, everyone who met Maisie encountered a dog that communicated, head to toe, that she loved them and was happy to see them. Even the mailman! We had a neighbor who had never liked dogs yet found her irresistible, and was constantly sneaking her food, much to our chagrin. When people came for ministry, particularly during a tender moment, Maisie would snuggle up as close as she could to provide comfort. Her presence oozed “I want to be with you, feel with you and breathe your air!”.
Learning to Receive
The day eventually came when Maisie’s health was failing so much we had to make the heart-wrenching decision to let her go. I had never known how painful it could be to lose a pet. She had taught me so much, and ministered to my heart a level of unconditional love I did not recognize fully until it was time to say good-bye. I weep even today as I’m thinking of her; how easy it was to feel safe and completely myself with her, hugging her and feeling her delight in being so close. I am amazed that God would use a family pet in such a way to help my heart heal; I appreciate now, as never before, how legitimately important a pet can be to a person.
Needing to Learn is Normal
Like many of you, I didn’t experience this kind of love growing up. My parents hadn’t either. The practical needs of my physical body were addressed, but rarely did I feel enjoyed or valued at home. I tried to keep myself scarce and out of the way so I wouldn’t cause any problems. It has been a process over decades to learn that someone might actually enjoy my presence and look forward to seeing me. It started with marrying into the Fochler clan, where I began to let down my guard and be seen and known. Russ and his sisters have helped me learn how to engage in true fellowship, communicating with and not just talking over one another. And I am ever grateful for how much they have taught me about love.
We are on this Journey Together
Like my beloved Maisie, I am learning to enjoy and value each one who comes my way, no longer feeling so threatened by misunderstandings and differing perspectives. Receiving God’s tender love, with yielded heart, then allowing His river to pour through me to others is vulnerable and unpredictable yet so much more fulfilling than the relative safety of emotional isolation. This love of Jesus Christ is much bigger and ever-available than we can comprehend; and it’s ours for the asking. Don’t give up on yourself; we’ve all had a lot to learn on this journey. Our God’s great joy is in helping us learn the profound power of genuine love while we are still living on earth; He is the best teacher and most faithful friend we could ever ask for!
With much love and appreciation for you;
Friday, May 23, 2014
Love Looks Like Something by Brent Lokker
One of the amazing privileges I’ve had is to go out with other believers to the streets of San Francisco late at night to bring a warm meal and a kind word of God’s love and acceptance to the homeless who are huddled in doorways or along back alleys. One particularly impactful experience for me occurred on my very first venture out. Feeling somewhat unsure of ourselves, our group approached several homeless men who were sheltered in the entryway of a store long after closing time, the smell of urine lingering. The men were jovial with us, clinging to their alcoholic beverages of choice concealed in crinkled-up brown paper bags. We handed out prepared meals to the grateful men. While pouring out a cup of hot coffee to an outstretched trembling hand, I was suddenly drawn to the side, where another of their group was lying flat on the ground, intoxicated beyond the ability to sit up or stand with his friends.
I approached him, knelt down to be close to his face, and asked, “Do you want something to eat?” His closed eyes flickered open for a moment, attempting to focus on the face of this unfamiliar voice that was addressing him. Without uttering a word, his eyes closed again and he retreated to his inebriated, semi-conscious state. Undeterred and filled with an inexpressible compassion for this young man, I leaned in closer and said in a soft and warm tone, “You have a Father in heaven who loves you with all His heart.”
I wondered if my words were registering with this man in his present condition, but I continued. “God hasn’t forgotten you. He’s with you all the time and He is always for you.” Still no response or acknowledgement of my affirming words. Yet somehow I knew that my voice of hope was not falling on deaf ears. “He’s so proud to call you His son,” I told him. In that instant a tear welled up in his eyes and rolled down his cheek. He opened his eyes again, this time with more clarity, and looked directly into my eyes with an expression of shame mixed with hope.
I could almost hear his thoughts pleading, Could this possibly be true?
Peering into his precious soul through the gateway of his eyes, I reiterated the truth of the Father’s acceptance and approval. He never actually spoke a word to me, but his eyes communicated his sincere gratitude, and there was a glimmer of hope that had not been present before. I prayed a blessing of peace over his heart before our team continued on in our journey to encounter others who needed food for their stomachs and hope for their souls. I will probably never know on this side of heaven what impact those words of the Father’s love and acceptance had on that young man, but I know they weren’t wasted.
Love is never wasted, because love always wins!
Our Papa of love says:
I approached him, knelt down to be close to his face, and asked, “Do you want something to eat?” His closed eyes flickered open for a moment, attempting to focus on the face of this unfamiliar voice that was addressing him. Without uttering a word, his eyes closed again and he retreated to his inebriated, semi-conscious state. Undeterred and filled with an inexpressible compassion for this young man, I leaned in closer and said in a soft and warm tone, “You have a Father in heaven who loves you with all His heart.”
I wondered if my words were registering with this man in his present condition, but I continued. “God hasn’t forgotten you. He’s with you all the time and He is always for you.” Still no response or acknowledgement of my affirming words. Yet somehow I knew that my voice of hope was not falling on deaf ears. “He’s so proud to call you His son,” I told him. In that instant a tear welled up in his eyes and rolled down his cheek. He opened his eyes again, this time with more clarity, and looked directly into my eyes with an expression of shame mixed with hope.
I could almost hear his thoughts pleading, Could this possibly be true?
Peering into his precious soul through the gateway of his eyes, I reiterated the truth of the Father’s acceptance and approval. He never actually spoke a word to me, but his eyes communicated his sincere gratitude, and there was a glimmer of hope that had not been present before. I prayed a blessing of peace over his heart before our team continued on in our journey to encounter others who needed food for their stomachs and hope for their souls. I will probably never know on this side of heaven what impact those words of the Father’s love and acceptance had on that young man, but I know they weren’t wasted.
Love is never wasted, because love always wins!
Our Papa of love says:
Rain and snow fall from the sky. But they don’t return without watering the earth that produces seeds to plant and grain to eat.That’s how it is with my words. They don’t return to me without doing everything I send them to do. (Isaiah 55:10–11 CEV)
Every person on the planet is hungry for love. Who can you love today?
This is an excerpt from Brent Lokker's book, Daddy, You Love Me: Living in the Approval of Your Heavenly Father(
Every person on the planet is hungry for love. Who can you love today?
This is an excerpt from Brent Lokker's book, Daddy, You Love Me: Living in the Approval of Your Heavenly Father(
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Born to be Loved! By Brent Lokker
Last weekend I had the extreme joy of performing my nephew’s wedding in Idaho. While there, I was able to go golfing with my brothers. On one particular hole, I was feeling the wind in my face and simultaneously feeling a great love for myself and I said out loud to no one in particular,
“I love me when I love me!”
It was a carefree, joy-filled moment that I instantly began to ponder. It’s almost as if the Lord was saying, “I don’t want you to miss the significance of this moment. Capture this more and more because I want you to live in this reality.”
We all know that we are supposed to love ourselves and love others (Jesus did say, “Love your neighbor as yourself” in Mark 12:31), but when we actually do feel love for our own selves, something changes. We’re able to enjoy ourselves and enjoy the life we have instead of being saddled with discouragement.
Clearly the million dollar question here is, “How can I have this kind of love for myself?”
To get the answer, look no further than to Jesus (now that makes sense!) who said,
“As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” (John 13:34)
“As I have loved you…”
Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross proves once and for all that you are worthy of being loved! Jesus says to you, “I choose to love you because you’re altogether loveable! I’m the one who decides your worth because I made you. And I say you are worth being loved. It’s settled forever. I love you!”
You might be thinking, “But I feel like I’m failing in life—I have so far to go.”
Yes, it’s true that you have a journey ahead of you still, but look behind you and see how far you’ve already come!
It’s one thing to intellectually agree with what I am saying, but it’s an entirely different matter to put it into action. I urge you—no, I challenge you—to go look in a mirror right now, staring directly into your own eyes, and tell yourself, “I love you!”
Now try it again like you mean it—with more feeling and being gentle and kind to yourself.
How did that feel? For most people, it almost feels wrong. That’s a clue we aren’t used to loving ourselves and we're still doubting our worth the way Jesus sees us. Agree with His assessment that you are loveable and look in the mirror one more time.
“I love you!”
By the way, don’t be afraid that this will lead to being prideful. Think about it—people who are arrogant and conceited actually don’t love themselves enough and so they have a need to tear others down to try and make themselves feel better. People who genuinely love themselves because they experience the love of the Father are humble—they know where the love is coming from!
Now here’s the amazing part: when you actually love yourself, others around you will feel loved as well because it’s oozing right out of you! Really! Classmates, co-workers and, yes, even family members will want to be around you more as you love yourself more.
I am declaring over you today a heightened awareness of the Father's love that is cascading over you at every moment! You were born to be loved and you are designed to freely give what you have freely received!
“I love me when I love me!”
It was a carefree, joy-filled moment that I instantly began to ponder. It’s almost as if the Lord was saying, “I don’t want you to miss the significance of this moment. Capture this more and more because I want you to live in this reality.”
We all know that we are supposed to love ourselves and love others (Jesus did say, “Love your neighbor as yourself” in Mark 12:31), but when we actually do feel love for our own selves, something changes. We’re able to enjoy ourselves and enjoy the life we have instead of being saddled with discouragement.
Clearly the million dollar question here is, “How can I have this kind of love for myself?”
To get the answer, look no further than to Jesus (now that makes sense!) who said,
“As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” (John 13:34)
“As I have loved you…”
Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross proves once and for all that you are worthy of being loved! Jesus says to you, “I choose to love you because you’re altogether loveable! I’m the one who decides your worth because I made you. And I say you are worth being loved. It’s settled forever. I love you!”
You might be thinking, “But I feel like I’m failing in life—I have so far to go.”
Yes, it’s true that you have a journey ahead of you still, but look behind you and see how far you’ve already come!
It’s one thing to intellectually agree with what I am saying, but it’s an entirely different matter to put it into action. I urge you—no, I challenge you—to go look in a mirror right now, staring directly into your own eyes, and tell yourself, “I love you!”
Now try it again like you mean it—with more feeling and being gentle and kind to yourself.
How did that feel? For most people, it almost feels wrong. That’s a clue we aren’t used to loving ourselves and we're still doubting our worth the way Jesus sees us. Agree with His assessment that you are loveable and look in the mirror one more time.
“I love you!”
By the way, don’t be afraid that this will lead to being prideful. Think about it—people who are arrogant and conceited actually don’t love themselves enough and so they have a need to tear others down to try and make themselves feel better. People who genuinely love themselves because they experience the love of the Father are humble—they know where the love is coming from!
Now here’s the amazing part: when you actually love yourself, others around you will feel loved as well because it’s oozing right out of you! Really! Classmates, co-workers and, yes, even family members will want to be around you more as you love yourself more.
I am declaring over you today a heightened awareness of the Father's love that is cascading over you at every moment! You were born to be loved and you are designed to freely give what you have freely received!
Friday, May 2, 2014
In the Midst of Uncertainties It's Time to Soar! by By Misha Quezada Blazing Fire Intern
It's been a crazy month. The days seem to fly by faster and faster as the days turn into weeks, which quickly transforms into months. My life is starting to feel like a whirlwind and I'm fighting hard from being swept up in it. I've been using different healthier coping techniques to stay grounded, and I definitely notice the difference as the usual cycle was skipped over, and I've continued to mostly remain leveled. I feel the beating of my heart as I write this. The thoughts try to swirl but I take in a deep breath and let it out. It's amazing how much a moment can make a difference, how one thought released can change it all. I reflect on this past year, and I don't know how I ended up here. How did I come to this moment? I see regrets and triumphs, warnings and success. This isn't where I expected to be, but I feel a sense of relief.
I'm not always good with change. Time is ticking behind every door as I wait to see if it will all explode. Seasons have come and gone, but ahead all I see is twists and turns, each filled with new life and hope, but cautions of misstep. I can't fight for life to remain the same anymore. I realize that I need the change and that power comes in movement. It's weird to be in a state of knowing, but to feel fear creeping in. I don't know what to expect if I move forward. Do I risk letting it all go and turning the corner? There's so much promise in the future, the chance of goals and dreams becoming a reality, but I'm afraid that it could all lead to disappointment. What if I fall backward, no longer able to catch myself? What if I'm not ready to fly?
There's something special in knowing you’re loved. It's what people live for, hope for, die for. I want to love people well. I want to look someone in the eyes, but speak to their spirit the tenderness of love. It breaks my heart to see people who have never felt accepted, never been told they are beautiful. I want to be the one to set them free, but I keep finding it all to be a trap. How do you let someone see reality without being pulled into their world? How do you let people go who want to pull you in instead of stepping out into the light? What if they choose to remain behind the looking glass?
Love is all around. I find it in the peaceful breeze, in the delight of the sun’s rays, in the smile of another's face, the laugh of a baby, the warmth of a hug. The precious moments you have to grasp onto and cherish when all else seems to disappear. There's peace out there if you're just willing to lift your gaze and see the promise that lies ahead. To realize that it's you who holds onto the chains, and that they can't overcome you without your permission. It's about realizing when to let go and to trust the one who sees the truth in it all to take care of the rest.
Our past doesn't have to haunt us. It can become a foothold, a building block of how far you've come and the stepping stone for which you leap from. It's time for new heights. It's time to soar.
I'm not always good with change. Time is ticking behind every door as I wait to see if it will all explode. Seasons have come and gone, but ahead all I see is twists and turns, each filled with new life and hope, but cautions of misstep. I can't fight for life to remain the same anymore. I realize that I need the change and that power comes in movement. It's weird to be in a state of knowing, but to feel fear creeping in. I don't know what to expect if I move forward. Do I risk letting it all go and turning the corner? There's so much promise in the future, the chance of goals and dreams becoming a reality, but I'm afraid that it could all lead to disappointment. What if I fall backward, no longer able to catch myself? What if I'm not ready to fly?
There's something special in knowing you’re loved. It's what people live for, hope for, die for. I want to love people well. I want to look someone in the eyes, but speak to their spirit the tenderness of love. It breaks my heart to see people who have never felt accepted, never been told they are beautiful. I want to be the one to set them free, but I keep finding it all to be a trap. How do you let someone see reality without being pulled into their world? How do you let people go who want to pull you in instead of stepping out into the light? What if they choose to remain behind the looking glass?
Love is all around. I find it in the peaceful breeze, in the delight of the sun’s rays, in the smile of another's face, the laugh of a baby, the warmth of a hug. The precious moments you have to grasp onto and cherish when all else seems to disappear. There's peace out there if you're just willing to lift your gaze and see the promise that lies ahead. To realize that it's you who holds onto the chains, and that they can't overcome you without your permission. It's about realizing when to let go and to trust the one who sees the truth in it all to take care of the rest.
Our past doesn't have to haunt us. It can become a foothold, a building block of how far you've come and the stepping stone for which you leap from. It's time for new heights. It's time to soar.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Present With Jesus by Katherine Sinnon
I’m sitting in seat 12A on a flight headed to Denver for a long weekend business trip with thoughts going "mach 5" in my head like a bad newsreel that’s on loop. I really hate busyness, honestly. I cry out to God on the plane apologizing for being so busy and get into my usual daily rant of how I want to quit my job, sell my house, sit in a cave somewhere (usually Redding is my default, or sometimes Southeast Asia if I really wanna go “Walter Mitty” on Him) and be with Jesus.
But this morning was a little different. I cried to God and told Him that I was tired and wished I could just be still. I felt far away from Him because I had not “done” anything to get in His presence. In the middle of my crying, this “thing” comes over me. And this sweeet small voice says, “You don’t have to go there. What if I was with you in everything you did? What if you count everything you do as being with Me, because I’m with you… always?" (Matt 28:20)
And then, everything…stopped. No more noise. No more filmstrips of the week’s happenings. And I was brought back to the supernatural grace of God to just be real. I realized in this one instance when I was on the plane, that God doesn’t just all of a sudden change His love or turn it off when I’m not scheduling “formal” quiet times or when I’m on “work mode”.
But then again, neither do I.
I love God. He knows that. If anything, in one quick hour on a plane, not at a 2-day conference, not a 30-day fast (which are both good things, by the way), I realized that my relationship with God has not changed, from His perspective anyways. All the sayings about “if you feel far away from God, it’s because someone moved and it’s not God,” always made me feel guilty but today I realized – I didn’t move. I’m not in sin. I just needed a new way of thinking about His location, and mine. The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth (Ps 145:18). I am seated with Christ in Heavenly Realms (Eph 2:6). He’s inside of me (Col 1:27).
Because He’s in my heart – He feels the effects of busyness and feeling overworked first, before I do. I just got a revelation that every day I can know He is present – not just when I’m at church but when I am busy too. Most of my prayers the past month have been, “I just want to be with you.” When, in reality, I was.
What if I could enjoy His presence at work? What if I could enjoy His presence wherever? Whenever?
I would love to spend 3 hours daily with the Lord before going to work. That doesn’t always happen. I still want that. But what if I realized that He was with me, and I was with Him, all hours of the day, as much as when I was up all night doing reports or trying to meet deadlines? What if my connectedness with Jesus is based onHis omnipresence (not just in my physical or chronological location, but in my emotional and psychological state) and His love? What if I actually believed what His Word says about Hisfeelings towards me, versus how I feel about it?
In no time, I felt close to God again, and the feelings of guilt were gone. I have been way too hard on myself, which has kept me from entering His presence. I can easily just say, “Thank you,” and receive the gift of grace God has given me to work, play, or to be still, in His presence. His grace removes the barriers of our own hearts so that we can run into His presence without shame or hesitation.
The captain’s just told us that it’s snowing in Denver; and this California girl didn’t dress for the party. Looks like I’ll be going with Jesus to the store to buy a new jacket.
(Katherine is a long-time part of the Blazing Fire family, and even more importantly, Abba-Papa-Yahweh's daughter!)
But this morning was a little different. I cried to God and told Him that I was tired and wished I could just be still. I felt far away from Him because I had not “done” anything to get in His presence. In the middle of my crying, this “thing” comes over me. And this sweeet small voice says, “You don’t have to go there. What if I was with you in everything you did? What if you count everything you do as being with Me, because I’m with you… always?" (Matt 28:20)
And then, everything…stopped. No more noise. No more filmstrips of the week’s happenings. And I was brought back to the supernatural grace of God to just be real. I realized in this one instance when I was on the plane, that God doesn’t just all of a sudden change His love or turn it off when I’m not scheduling “formal” quiet times or when I’m on “work mode”.
But then again, neither do I.
I love God. He knows that. If anything, in one quick hour on a plane, not at a 2-day conference, not a 30-day fast (which are both good things, by the way), I realized that my relationship with God has not changed, from His perspective anyways. All the sayings about “if you feel far away from God, it’s because someone moved and it’s not God,” always made me feel guilty but today I realized – I didn’t move. I’m not in sin. I just needed a new way of thinking about His location, and mine. The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth (Ps 145:18). I am seated with Christ in Heavenly Realms (Eph 2:6). He’s inside of me (Col 1:27).
Because He’s in my heart – He feels the effects of busyness and feeling overworked first, before I do. I just got a revelation that every day I can know He is present – not just when I’m at church but when I am busy too. Most of my prayers the past month have been, “I just want to be with you.” When, in reality, I was.
What if I could enjoy His presence at work? What if I could enjoy His presence wherever? Whenever?
I would love to spend 3 hours daily with the Lord before going to work. That doesn’t always happen. I still want that. But what if I realized that He was with me, and I was with Him, all hours of the day, as much as when I was up all night doing reports or trying to meet deadlines? What if my connectedness with Jesus is based onHis omnipresence (not just in my physical or chronological location, but in my emotional and psychological state) and His love? What if I actually believed what His Word says about Hisfeelings towards me, versus how I feel about it?
In no time, I felt close to God again, and the feelings of guilt were gone. I have been way too hard on myself, which has kept me from entering His presence. I can easily just say, “Thank you,” and receive the gift of grace God has given me to work, play, or to be still, in His presence. His grace removes the barriers of our own hearts so that we can run into His presence without shame or hesitation.
The captain’s just told us that it’s snowing in Denver; and this California girl didn’t dress for the party. Looks like I’ll be going with Jesus to the store to buy a new jacket.
(Katherine is a long-time part of the Blazing Fire family, and even more importantly, Abba-Papa-Yahweh's daughter!)
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Today is an Exceptionally GOOD Friday! By Pastor Brent
What kind of love would lead a man to willingly die for something that he did not do in order to pay the full price for a debt that was not his?
Jesus was gripped with a deep love for His Father in heaven as well as for a future Bride that would be His perfect match and so, "for the joy set before Him, Jesus endured the cross, despising the shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God." (Hebrews 12:2)
Jesus was gripped with a deep love for His Father in heaven as well as for a future Bride that would be His perfect match and so, "for the joy set before Him, Jesus endured the cross, despising the shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God." (Hebrews 12:2)
Are you ready to boast? We are given permission to do so!
"Far be it from me to boast in anything except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of that cross, I have been crucified in relation to the world, set free from the stifling atmosphere of pleasing others!" (Galatians 6:14, The Message Bible)
So we can boast in an exceptionally Good Friday that changed our eternal destinies. Because of Jesus' sacrificial death on our behalf...
* We're Loved! (John 3:16; Romans 5:7-8; Galatians 2:20)
* We're Forgiven! (Matthew 26:28; Ephesians 1:7)
* We're Justified! (Romans 3:24; 5:9) Justified means that we have been tried and found NOT GUILTY!! This happened because Jesus took the wrath of God (Galatians 3:13) and He cancelled the legal demands of the law against us (Colossians 2:13-14; Romans 7:4).
* We're Free! (Ephesians 1:7-8)
"Far be it from me to boast in anything except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of that cross, I have been crucified in relation to the world, set free from the stifling atmosphere of pleasing others!" (Galatians 6:14, The Message Bible)
So we can boast in an exceptionally Good Friday that changed our eternal destinies. Because of Jesus' sacrificial death on our behalf...
* We're Loved! (John 3:16; Romans 5:7-8; Galatians 2:20)
* We're Forgiven! (Matthew 26:28; Ephesians 1:7)
* We're Justified! (Romans 3:24; 5:9) Justified means that we have been tried and found NOT GUILTY!! This happened because Jesus took the wrath of God (Galatians 3:13) and He cancelled the legal demands of the law against us (Colossians 2:13-14; Romans 7:4).
* We're Free! (Ephesians 1:7-8)
* We're Holy and Blameless! (Colossians 1:21-22; Jude 24)
* We're Perfect! (Hebrews 10:14)
* We're Healed! (Matthew 8:16-17)
* We Belong to God forever! (Romans 7:4; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
* We're in His Family! (Hebrews 2:11)
* We're Alive Forever With Jesus! (Romans 6:5; 15:55-57; John 11:25-26; 14:3)
Now that's a whole lot of boasting, and it's ALL because of a Savior who first loved us and who says to us, "You are worth it, and if I had it to do all over again, I would do it in a heartbeat!"
Take a moment right now to read at least one of the Bible passages mentioned above and pray through it thanking Jesus for what He willingly did for you.
And please join us this Saturday night (6 p.m.) as we worship our hearts out for this Lover of all lovers! He's SO worth it!!
* We're Perfect! (Hebrews 10:14)
* We're Healed! (Matthew 8:16-17)
* We Belong to God forever! (Romans 7:4; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
* We're in His Family! (Hebrews 2:11)
* We're Alive Forever With Jesus! (Romans 6:5; 15:55-57; John 11:25-26; 14:3)
Now that's a whole lot of boasting, and it's ALL because of a Savior who first loved us and who says to us, "You are worth it, and if I had it to do all over again, I would do it in a heartbeat!"
Take a moment right now to read at least one of the Bible passages mentioned above and pray through it thanking Jesus for what He willingly did for you.
And please join us this Saturday night (6 p.m.) as we worship our hearts out for this Lover of all lovers! He's SO worth it!!
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