Last Saturday night the elders of Blazing Fire Church shared what we felt God has been showing us lately in dreams, words, and experiences. We are each part of Jesus’ bride and there is growing joy and anticipation about what is to come. It’s about Jesus being revealed through us. Unified by our love for Him, we are learning to love even those who feel like enemies. We His bride radiate His light and humility to people walking in darkness and pride. Many, including some of our own loved ones will be freed to see Jesus as He is. The veil is being lifted! All are invited into fulfillment and true identity through simply knowing we belong — and not because of anything we do or know. On the cross, Jesus embraces us in our cruel confusion, going to the very depths with us and then bringing us up into new life with Him. The kingdom of heaven flows with abundant life that never runs out. It is beyond measure. You became aware of this flow of His grace when you first said “Yes” to Him. And now we continue to experience more and more of His fullness for each of us. He chose you, He wants you, He’s committed to you, He’s pleased with you, He understands you. Please speak these declarations over your life to remind yourself of who you really are! 1. I am clothed with the presence of my Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 13:14) 2. I am adorned as a beautiful bride in Christ’s righteousness. I am like a bridegroom dressed for his wedding or a bride with her jewels. (Isaiah 61:10) 3. I am a living, prophetic declaration of His presence here on the Earth! 4. As we become more intimate with Him, and recognize our true identity with Him, we will display His glory. (2 Corinthians 3:18) 5. God the Father wants to show us off a His true sons and daughters. Jesus wants to display us as His glorious Bride. (1 Corinthians 4:9) 6. God is restoring us to a place where we truly believe we are His favored ones. We are going from rags to riches in our thinking and actions. (Col. 3:12) 7. We agree that the enemy’s veil be taken down so our loved ones can perceive with the eyes of their hearts, the beauty and attractiveness of Jesus. (2 Corinthians 3:17-4:4) 8. Father I surrender and acknowledge and surrender to the fact that you know what you are doing in my life. (Romans 8:26-28) 9. I love You and You know I love You. 10. Please shape my life along the same lines as the life of Your beloved Son, Jesus. (Romans 8:29-30) You were chosen first by Father God to be His cherished son, His treasured daughter. In addition you are a beautiful, spotless bride for His Son Jesus. All we need do is agree with the truth of how much He really does value us and let the current of His love carry us! We encourage you to watch/listen to the service from last Saturday night. Brent begins speaking at about the 1 hour 26 min 29 seconds mark. The earlier parts of the service are also well worth watching. |