Thursday, November 18, 2021

His Eternal Love Reached Into The Future

Todd and I recently had another foster teen placed in our care. One thing that often comes up when we get a new teen is their need to have things happen immediately, whether it’s signing up for extracurricular activities, purchasing things, going places. There’s typically a feeling that if it doesn’t happen instantly, it may not ever happen because many kids have experienced so much disappointment, constant change and instability. It’s difficult to visualize a tomorrow.
For so many, this pervading thought was brought on as we watched the world sit in a lot of uncertainty for the last year and a half. I can see in my own life where I’ve allowed worry and fear to disrupt my hopes for the future. Surrender has become a daily practice as I choose to trust Jesus with my life and with the world around me. I came across Romans 8:28-29 in the Voice translation the other day and it really resonated with me:

 “We are confident that God is able to orchestrate everything to work toward something good
and beautiful when we love him and accept his invitation to live according to his plan.

It’s so comforting to know that God, who is not bound by time, has already been in our future, making a way for us. When Jesus went to the cross, his blood poured out, covering our past, our present and future. His eternal love goes before us, into our tomorrow, guaranteeing that we don’t have to live a day without his presence meeting us there.
I want to encourage you to take some time and ask Jesus, “What does your eternal love in my future look like? What truth do you want me to know about it?”
Worry and fear begin to lose their power when we know Jesus is with us and has gone before us. I pray he fills your heart with new hope today.
Love, Karena

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