Ewwwww! We don't want to become trolls. Embarrassingly, I must admit that there have been times when I was hiding under that bridge, waiting to pounce. Several time it was silently in my heart. Still, I was being an ugly troll and my heart knew it.
However, even if we have done this, there is a grace-filled Prince calling us back to the place of peace all the time. We can turn right around, walk away from the swamp and let the Prince of Peace, our Jesus, lead us into the Father's heart for our lives. And trust me, His plan is a whooooole lot better than the mayhem that is our current media situation.
Friends, as elections are on the horizon, let's let the Prince of Peace have the floor, not the controversy. This time around we can stay in a place of peace no matter what's going on out there. Then we'll know exactly how He would have us vote, how He would have us relate to people and most importantly, how He would have us pray.
God bless us all as we remember His place in all this.
Love, Todd |
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