Thursday, July 30, 2020

Restoring Vision

Not long ago I started to recognize I was losing focus and a sense of direction. I felt like I was going through the motions. I couldn't quite put my finger on what the problem was. I was journaling and processing with God, but felt pretty stuck. Then I saw something in a movie, a biography about a woman who herself was doing a lot of "processing with God" and a truth about God's heart jumped out at me. I was focused on getting a specific answer when He was wanting me to gain a greater understanding of His heart for me. 

The message to me was that when things start going sideways in my life, it's time to remember who I am and what I'm alive for. I looked back over my journals and recalled the important prophetic words over my life. I started to agree with what God said about me, even if I couldn't see it fully yet. I focused on the primary calling in my life, and heard Jesus as He validated that call. I sat with Him, simply experiencing Him enjoying me, as I enjoyed Him.

As I started to re-focus on "the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 3:14), His beauty and His goodness regained pre-eminence. That sense of wonder and awe at His kindness and relentless, attentive love, softened my heart and restored the confidence of His favor that ever shines on my life.

God created us to seek a sense of purpose and direction. The need for a sense of reward and wellbeing is engrained in the very neurobiology of our brain. So if we aren't finding satisfaction in our lives, it can be tempting to seek out something, whether it's a substance or an activity, to help fill that void. These things aren't always bad, in and of themselves, but can quickly become recurring habits or addictions that drain the vitality of our lives and keep us from God's best. Our need for a reward is not the problem, but the way to seek to get that need met is.

God has a better plan for each of us! He is calling us to sit with Him to learn, just as He spoke to Abraham, that He is our exceedingly great reward. The more we live in that reality, seeing Him in everything we do, the more satisfied we will be in life, in both the big things and the little things.

I bless you with fresh vision and a renewed sense of purpose in your life. That you may recognize how He is growing you in the experiential knowledge of the height, the depth, the width and the length of His love in you. God is doing a work right now to establish the reality of our union with Him as never before!

With love on this journey with you,

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