Friday, January 10, 2020

Why is the Goodness of God on Trial? by Pastor Brent Lokker

I can’t begin to imagine what it would be like to be the kindest, most compassionate, most generous, extreme lover of all humanity and yet be so completely misunderstood and blamed for so much evil that was never of His own doing. Of course, I’m referring to our gracious heavenly Father of whom David wrote: 
You’re kind and tenderhearted to those who don’t deserve it
and very patient with people who fail you.
Your love is like a flooding river overflowing its banks with kindness.
God, everyone sees your goodness,
for your tender love is blended into everything you do.
(Psalm 145:8-9, TPT)
The enormity of our misconceptions of God’s true heart is precisely why Jesus had to come and live among us and demonstrate the truth of our Father. He had to “show and tell” the Father’s love and connect the dots for us so that when Jesus said, “If you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father,” we would be more willing to come into agreement with truth.

In last week’s article, you read some of the prophetic promises we received from God and declared together on New Year’s Eve as we entered into 2020. You might be wondering, “With all the challenges going on in our world and in my life, how is it that God has so many good and kind and encouraging things to say to me? Is this for real?”

Click this link to hear how I answered this question last Saturday:
Why Would God Have Good Things To Say To You?
My answer was three-fold:
  1. Because God is good by His very nature! (He can be no other than who He is!)
  2. Because you are His dearly loved child! (His affection and goodness for you as His child never changes!)
  3. Because you are one with Him! (God will never tear himself down, therefore He will never tear you down--only build you up until you believe who He says you are!)
When we’re tempted to be discouraged, it’s so important that we hold firmly to that which is good (the good words from God that have been spoken over us), and to have confidence that God's nature and our secure relationship with Him are firm guarantees of good things coming our way! 

This Saturday at Blazing Fire’s worship service, (6 pm at 7485 Village Pkwy, Dublin), we’re going to go even deeper into the goodness of God and how you can know that you know His heart is always for you and never against you, working all things in your life for a greater good than you could possibly imagine!

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