Friday, August 9, 2019

When Heaven's Realities Overtake Our Impossibilities by Pastor Brent Lokker

By Pastor Brent Lokker

Jesus said something that seems downright crazy…except that crazy is a word that would never fit for Jesus.  He said,
“I tell you this timeless truth: The person who follows me in faith, believing in me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do—even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my Father! For I will do whatever you ask me to do when you ask me in my name. And that is how the Son will show what the Father is really like and bring glory to him.  Ask me anything in my name, and I will do it for you!”
(John14:12-14, TPT)
There was a particular time in my life when this verse went from theory to reality for me. In my late 20’s I had a serious backpacking accident. I was several days out into the wilderness when, in a split second, I lost my footing and slid helplessly, watching my right knee slice right into the sharp edge of a protruding rock. The cut went so deep that I could see the white cartilage. I bandaged it up as best I could and toughed it out the several days hike back but my knee was never the same after that. I couldn’t run or kneel down without pain. This pain persisted for about a year before a miracle took place one day.

Up to this point, my spiritual journey had taken me from my childhood years where I learned to trust there is a God, but didn’t actually know much about His nature; through my college years where I encountered a Jesus I could know, but was unaware of His power and authority; to this place in my life in my late 20’s where I had experienced a crisis of faith after witnessing the tragic death of my father-in-law that I couldn’t stop that caused me to search for the true nature, power and authority of the Jesus I had given my life to.

Most miracles have an element of faith attached—the belief that what God says is actually true. On this particular day in my spiritual journey I made a distinct choice to believe that the words of Jesus were true: If I believed in Jesus, I could do the same miracles and even greater miracles than he did!

So on a hot day in June while taking the kitchen trash out to the garbage bin of our apartment complex, I suddenly stopped smack dab in the middle of the hot parking lot pavement and put the trash can down. “If healing is true, then I’m going to do something about it!” I placed my hand on my knee and commanded, “Cartilage, tendons and muscles, be healed in Jesus’ name!” That was it. No pleading. No long prayer. And to be honest, I didn’t feel anything. Since it didn’t seem like anything miraculous had happened, I picked up the trash can, finished dumping it and went back to my apartment. Moments later I got down on my knees to do a set of push-ups and suddenly realized that there was zero pain! Without thinking about the possible consequences, I put all my weight on my right knee and kind of rolled around on it. No pain!! I then went out and ran 3 miles and, you guessed it…no pain! Not then and not once since then. I was completely healed! On that day, heaven's reality of healing overtook my impossibility and that opened the door to seeing hundreds more miracles since that time.

We’ve been making our way through the book of Acts, but not just to look back in amazement at how the early church exploded all over the world through the power and love of Jesus. We’re also reading it to be reminded and amazed that we have the very same Holy Spirit within and that the miracles have never ceased! Our life with Jesus was meant to usher in heaven’s realities in the midst of what appears to be our impossibilities.

This Saturday night at Blazing Fire, we’re going to teach you and show you practical ways to step out into the realities of heaven. Come ready to believe and participate. We'll also take communion where we will make a choice to believe that we are the very Body of Christ representing the One who fills us to a world of people seeking truth, freedom and love.

It’s time for God’s Spirit to awaken us again to the truth that He has placed Himself within us to usher in heaven’s realities!

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