Friday, June 7, 2019

The Power of Testimony by Pastor Susan Fochler with Shannon Downs

When we tell our story of what Jesus has done for us, we release power for someone else to step into that same victory.  This is how the “testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”  Rev. 19:10.  When Peter and John were challenged by the religious leaders to explain “in what name” they were going around healing and preaching, their answer was simple:  “there is only one name to whom God has given authority by which we must experience salvation: the name of Jesus”. Acts 4:12 TPT.

The leaders were dumbfounded by the bold confidence of these simple fishermen and concluded it was because “they had been with Jesus.”  After three years of sitting at His feet, receiving His love and watching Him release heaven on earth, they had been transformed.  Peter and John absolutely believed they could walk in the same anointing Jesus had walked in.  And with that conviction they changed the atmosphere and released His glory  everywhere they went.

Following is a testimony by Shannon Downs about how she has been transformed by being in His presence, moving out of the shadow of loneliness and into the light of belonging.  Allow these tender words it to speak to your heart and prophecy hope and life to your spirit!

Find You
by Shannon Downs

Oh, my Lord I give you all of my worship
Oh, my Lord I give you all of my praise
Oh, my Lord I give you all of my thanks
I give you all of me, all of me

I am no longer on the island of a loneliness,
the place called I don’t care or
the cave of does anyone see me out there

In you I have the faith in this journey ahead
Even in the midst of the winds and the waves
I can still find you; I can still find you

No longer in the fog of despair
I can climb the mountains with hind’s feet
Steady as a gazelle, strong and bold as a lion
My heart continues to beat with the
One who calls me lovely
And looks upon me with His unrelenting love

I see your beauty, the beauty of heaven all around
You whisper its mysteries to my heart,
And as a child of God I fall upon holy ground
You are the lifter of my head
You look into my eyes with blazing fire
burning my heart within, it is here that
I have found you; I have found you
©Jennifer Shannon 05/24/2019

Susan Fochler and Shannon Downs
Last week at Blazing Fire we looked at Acts 4 and how we have been changed by being with Jesus.  Every single one of us has a unique and powerful story in Jesus.  You can hear the message along with several testimonies of what Jesus has done for His kids:

The Power of Being With Jesus

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