Monday, April 3, 2017

Becoming As One by Pastor Susan Fochler

When I first got married, it was a big adjustment getting used to being “us” and not just “me”.  I gave up my maiden name Wilson and became a Fochler.  Where previously I had made decisions on my own without a second thought I now needed to consider my husband’s desires and plans.  All those things I had taken care of myself became ours and not just mine…the bills, the bank account, choices about vacations, events, etc.  I had been raised to think and act very independently, oblivious to how my actions and choices might affect someone else.  It took a lot of time and process to recognize my husband was a partner and not an adversary when making decisions together!
Living in Union
Coming into a relationship with Jesus we make that same leap from independence to partnership.  Jesus yearns for us to have the same relational experience with His Father that He has.  It’s a mystical, supernatural but very real transformation; for when we choose Him, we become one with Him.  And even more, we come to  “live in union with (Him) as our source.” Jn 15:5 The Passion. 
Engrafted directly into His Heart
In this scripture where Jesus is preparing His disciples for His imminent death, He uses the analogy of a branch being engrafted into a vine.  We are that branch, which in and of itself cannot live.  But when the branch lives engrafted directly into Jesus, His roots draw deeply from the river of life which then flows through Him into us.  Our role is simple: receive all He has for us, unconditionally with abundance!  The more I have learned to dial in and be present with His life in me, the sweetness of His presence becomes tangible, my heart softens and soars and the cares of the world flee….so good.
His Joy is Our Joy
Jesus desires that we would live fulfilled and enter into the same joy and affection that exists between Him and His Father.  May we all come to comprehend with ever increasing measure His heart for us when He says,  “My purpose for telling you these things is so that the joy that I experience will fill your hearts with overflowing gladness!”    Jn 15:11
Make it so for us all, Lord!

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