Friday, July 12, 2013

Rest in This Moment by Pastor Brent Lokker

Today, I’ve been at my computer quite a bit, preparing for my sermon tomorrow, returning e-mails, and doing many other seemingly needful tasks. Yet, there's a restlessness inside that’s been rising up because self-reliance has inadvertently taken over.

Let me explain.

I consider myself one who sincerely desires to be fully reliant on the Lord and to be continually led by the Holy Spirit.  Holy Spirit always lives in me and I am fully one with Christ.  There is never any separation.  I have talked with Papa many times today and have felt His pleasure over me as His son. But I’ve also been immersed in my own tasks for hours at a time without “lifting my head up” to enjoy the journey more with Him and to tap into His brilliant wisdom that He is all to happy to share with those who take time for intimacy with Him along the way.

So, as I was thinking (pretty much on my own) about writing this encouragememt e-mail, I finally paid attention to my restlessness and wisely allowed God access to my heart to pinpoint its origin.  His simple solution?  Papa God let me know, “I am everything you need!  I have every resource you require. Center your heart on me and ask me what I want to say to my children.” In that very moment, the restlessness of self-reliance gave way to the joy of the moment with Him. And in that enjoyment came the peace He promised that surpasses our own understanding (Philippians 4:7—read: our self-reliance that has to have everything figured out on our own).  Once the demand to figure it all out on our own is gone, our head is clear once again and our spirit can rise up to receive and embrace everything we need at the moment.

So as I quiet my mind and center my heart, I hear Papa saying to you right now: “I long to take the burden off of you, my child.  I long to enjoy life with you, moment by moment. I am already in your future with you and I know how to get you there safely.  As my beloved child, I long for you to rest in Me and my ability to care for you.”

And then He reminded me of a verse I have shared with you on many other occasions.  It is a heart to heart message, from God's heart to yours…

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
   ~Matthew 11:28-30 (The Message)

In this very moment you are being invited by Papa God to experience His rest and peace.  Will you accept?  Will you give up your right to be in control of whatever task or situation that’s consuming you?  Resting in His goodness is the wisest and most fruitful choice you have.

Enjoy the journey with Him in this very moment!

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