Friday, July 5, 2013

Growing Our Hearts by Pastor Susan Fochler

I have always loved green, growing things. Ever since I was a child I loved to plant in the garden; flowers, fruits, vegetables. There is something I find very satisfying about tilling the soil, planting and watering seeds, then watching over the next few weeks as those seeds germinate and break through the soil to begin growing. I feel so much joy as I watch those little green leaves burst forth from the ground and grow into the plant their DNA coded them to grow into. My job is just to water and feed and pull weeds. They just keep growing!

Our Hearts Need Watering Too!
As I was looking over my growing vegetable garden the other day, Jesus began showing me some things about my own heart. Now it hasn't been until the last few years that I've realized how hard it has been for me to receive nurture and care from other people as well as God. Tenderness was simply not something I was familiar with growing up. And because it wasn't available, I stopped expecting it. I learned very effectively to just take care of myself. It has taken time and soaking in His presence to soften my heart and recognize the deep value of receiving His compassion. It is essential for spiritual growth to allow myself to receive God' loving touch in the deepest parts of my being.

God will Provide All your Heart Needs
Jesus started showing me how very tenderly He watches over my heart, how eagerly He anticipates watering and feeding my heart with everything it needs, even as I watch over my little vegetable seeds. As I look forward to watching the growth that will spring up from the seeds I plant, so does He. And Jesus waters, feeds, and nurtures us with His very life; His body and blood. He anticipates what we need, plans for it, knows what is needed and why. Jesus has made available everything that is needed for our heart to grow, flourish and develop into the fullness of being He intended our hearts to know. His seed has already been planted, He knows who you are to become. He is committed to your completeness! For (He is our) source of life, Christ, (who) puts us together in one piece, whose very breath and blood flow through us. He is the Head and we are the body. We can grow up healthy in God only as He nourishes us. Col. 2:19 MSG

You make His Joy Complete
Jesus sees the potential within that we can't yet imagine. He sees the growth coming, the fragrance and glory of the fruit of your life that He has planned for you since before the beginning of time. And His joy is just as full in the process of nurturing and loving on you, as it is in watching that growth take place.

With Love and Joyful Expectancy in our Growing Hearts;

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