I have learned that trials, troubles, griefs and difficult circumstances resolve themselves favorably, return to near normal, or turn into something wonderfully new as long as I am willing to be flexible, expecting the Lord to do good in my favor. Some things take longer to resolve and perhaps a lifetime. If I hang in there I will reap relief and many beneficial things. If it takes a long time, God is always with us through the process. Sunshine and joy will emerge and in the meantime there are blessings all around if we can see them and if we ask Him to show us. Of course we all want difficulties resolved now and in this lifetime so we can experience financial freedom, relationship harmony, perfect health, freedom from pain, job security, a committed partner, various possessions to work properly, (you fill in what you need resolved now).
Some situations we can’t help, undo or change for now, but we still can choose how we react. We can choose to worship and thank Him. We can choose to show compassion to others and to be mature. We can choose to live in the now and not with yesterday’s regrets or lost moments. We can choose to stay connected to the body or ask for support and prayer, especially if we are suffering terribly or grieving losses.
The Lord knows everything we go through and He cheers us on by giving us that precious scripture in Rom 8:28 “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”
We love God. We are called and invited by Him. We are one in Jesus and Jesus is happy. Therefore, we can find joy now and in our future. We have relief and resurrection into new vistas and if not now, then absolutely later. Because we belong to Him, whatever circumstance we are in, it will be resolved somehow, some way. There is an answer. There is a way. It will not be partially resolved, but completely and totally resolved!
If it’s going to be resolved for absolute certainty it will be done His way for His perfectly good reasons. In other words, we must let go of our expectations, let go of control, trust Him and reap the benefits of how He works it all out for us--meaning for God, for ourselves and for others. God has a plan and purpose. One of those purposes is a gush of love from His heart to your heart. Papa knows best! His adoring heart is totally focused on your wellbeing and destiny. He will remove pitfalls, roadblocks and anything that gets in the way of His doting love for you and He will promote His blessings to you again and again.
Our big Brother Jesus’ suffering worked out for incredible good in the end and ours too will work out because God is on our side. God will honor and bless us for all we’ve been through and will go through. If Jesus gets to be happy and loved on by Papa, well, hey, so do you and I! That is an unchangeable truth.
Please repeat this, write it on your wall, fridge or mirror – “I trust You Lord because it’s going work out for good.” Repeat this often. May His kingdom come to you now as it is in heaven!
Bill Hernandez
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