Friday, February 3, 2012

Everyday Kisses by Pastor Karena Lout

There is nothing I love more than enjoying the sweet presence of God. Sometimes He shows up like a big glorious explosion and sometimes He reveals Himself in the quiet whispers of a gentle breeze. I often encourage people to stop, be still and pay attention to the subtle ways Jesus wants to communicate His love for them. Though I really love when God rocks me like a hurricane, manifests in a thunderous roar or shows up with Glory signs and wonders, I'm just as thrilled when I notice a new flower blooming in my yard or when He saves me time at the grocery store by leading me to just the right line. If relationship is your goal, then you will never be disappointed!

Since we are ONE with Christ, there is never a time that He is distant, separate or disinterested in our day to day lives. It may feel like it at times, but the truth remains that He is closer than the very air we breathe. "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ." Rom. 8:38

Brother Lawrence, author of "The Practice of the Presence of God," found no distinction between a time of business and a time of worship. He was just as aware of God's presence while worshiping at church as he was washing the dishes. God is not withholding an encounter from us. As His children, He has lavished every good gift upon us. He is simply waiting in excitement for us to acknowledge the "kisses" He has placed in front of us every day. When you see the world through the lenses of love, you see Christ in everything.

I pray each of you become more and more aware of the simple, yet powerful ways Jesus is communicating His love for you. Enjoy your union with the ONE who loves to encounter you with His presence without measure!

Karena Lout

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