Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Empty Tomb Is Our Launching Pad!

It's the week after Easter.

Last Saturday at Blazing Fire, we filled you with the unchanging, spectacularly Good News that because of Christ’s sacrifice, you are perfectly right with God and you have access to His presence ALL the time!

Admittedly, we can begin to lose sight of this truth when the long list of "to do's" and the circumstances of life start chipping away at our peace and joy. BUT WAIT!! We can choose to seek first God’s Kingdom (which is defined as Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit!) and all these things that we were worrying about will be added unto us (Matthew 6:33). We can go about our routine and still stay out of the rut because we know our lives have been forever redirected by heaven's power and Jesus' abiding presence. We will not allow circumstances to steal away the assurance, encouragement, and hope of what Christ finished on the cross for us! We will remember that the empty tomb is our launching pad for hope, transformation, and victory!

The Lord isn’t dead! Christ lives in you! He lives for you! His victory is yours! Nothing will ever change that!

Here is my paraphrase of Titus 3:4-7 that I read to you last Saturday night at Blazing Fire. Read this out loud and fully agree with the truth that never changes!

“Because Papa’s outrageous love and extreme kindness were undeniably displayed through Jesus’ sacrificial death on our behalf, it has become crystal clear that this action was all God’s doing and had absolutely nothing to do with us earning His acceptance and approval. We were completely and perfectly saved for one reason alone—God’s faithful love and desire for us compelled Him! We have been purified and made holy through and through with complete access to enjoy God’s glorious presence as a brand new creation of Christ-like glory! Because of Christ’s death on the cross--doing for us what we could never do for ourselves in a million years--we have already been tried and found not guilty. As a result, we are filled with child-like, giddy joy, knowing that everything Jesus purchased is already ours--especially eternal life with Papa who loves us, desires us and wants us to be with Him forever!”

The empty tomb is our launching pad to transform the earth with the love, joy and power of Jesus that fills us every day of our lives!! GO FOR IT!!!

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