Friday, April 30, 2010

His Banner over You is LOVE!! And He's NOT changing His mind!

When the Lord says to you, "I've brought you to my banqueting table and my banner over you is love" (Song of Songs 2:4), he is saying so much more than "I got a great meal for you with a love sign posted over your head!" You see, it's not actually a banquet table, but more literally a wine cellar! And the banner is not a sign, it is a HUGE flag that is hoisted and wildly waved as a sign of victory and triumph! So look at it this way...God ushers you into the deepest places of intimacy with him and as you are toasting to your everlasting relationship together, he breaks out the biggest, most glorious flag you have ever seen because he can't help himself! The love-embroidered flag is leaving splashes of His glory as it rips through the air, trumpeting the finality of your love relationship with Him which has been sealed forever because of the victory of Jesus on the cross!! He is beside himself with joy and laughter, reveling in the unchangeable status of you and He engaged in an eternal gaze of mutual adoration! Lest you think I am stretching the truth, remember His words to you: "You ravish my heart with a single one of your glances" and "You are wholly beautiful, my beloved, and without a blemish!" (Song of Songs 4:9,7)

How is it possible that He sees you without a blemish? With great joy I remind you that Jesus loves the church, his bride, and "gave himself up for her so that He might make her holy, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless!" (Ephesians 5:25-27)

When you know that you are loved like this, you feel lovable and look radiant! Ask God for his eyes to see yourself and then go look in the mirror. I think you're going to be shocked at just how good you look!!

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