Saturday, October 31, 2009

A Perpetual Party! Oct 31, 2009

Last Saturday at Blazing Fire Church we had a blow-out party at our Father's house where He shares His full inheritance with us forever! (And can I say that you all know how to party in the Spirit?!!) This was just after having the finest robe of righteousness put over our shoulders, the ring of power and authority to represent our Father put on our finger, and the shoes of sonship and daughtership placed on our feet! We had to celebrate because we BELONG!

At this point in the evening, I forgot the to share with you the significance of killing the fatted calf which was the punchline of the story. As the story is told in Luke 15, they killed the fatted calf that had been prepared for this celebration. The Bible tells us that Jesus, as the sacrificial lamb, was slain before the foundation of the earth for our sins (Rev. 13:8). In other words, Jesus' sacrifice was not in reponse to man's sin, but was prepared ahead of time for us by God, who being completely outside of time, knew of and prepared for our desperate need for a Savior from the very beginning. Wow!

But there did come a time when the fulness of that salvation plan came to pass in our time line of history. And when Jesus died on the cross two thousand years ago, the perpetual celebration party of the Father's unconditional love and acceptance of his wayward children officially began!

Absolutely EVERYONE has been invited to this party! The offer has gone out to each and every child of God to come back home to the Father's house and enjoy His deep pleasure. This is the exceptionally Good News that we must continue to convey to a world who has been lied to by the enemy that God is angry and does not love them or want them. We cannot make people come to the party, but we sure can speak of the goodness of the Father's heart until they come to their senses and make their way back to the One who adores them! And we never have to be apologetic for continually celebrating in the truth of God's passionate love, enduring faithfulness and unending mercy towards us!

If you happened to miss the fun, please re-live it with us on the free podcast that you can find on our home page at

Also, if you missed some or all of the Holy Spirit conference with Jason Upton, Sean Smith & Dennis Rainier, you can purchase CD's or DVD's of the various sessions by going to:

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