Thursday, September 10, 2009

Waaaa Hoooo! - September 10, 2009

"Waaaaa Hoooooo!" That's what the Lord says when he looks at you!! He also says, "Wow! Look what I did when I made you! I really outdid myself!! Wow! Wow! WOW!!!" And He's not just saying it--He's feeling it and His whole being is deeply moved by you.

Now, if you think I am stretching the truth a bit, take another look at the Scripture that reads, "Yahweh, your God is there with you, the warrior-Savior. He rejoices over you with happy song, he renews you by his love, he dances with shouts of joy for you, as on a day of festival!" (Zeph. 3:17)

He's not putting up with you, he's CELEBRATING you!! His heart is longing and aching for us to see what he sees so that we can truly walk in the greatness of who we are! In fact, all of God's creation, in harmony with Him, is longing for the very same thing (Romans 8:19).

So, once again, it's time to agree with God's assessment of the truth about yourself. Anything else is believing in an inferior reality. Your Father says about you: "Child, You are Amazing! Inspiring! A delight! A joy to look at and be with! You cause my heart to dance, to sing, to leap with gladness because you are exquisitely made! I formed you with pleasure and fashinoned you with pride! You are my finest creation--one that I choose to intertwine myself with for all of eternity! Yes, YOU! You are the one who makes my heart beat faster each time you glance at me! You are the one who turns me inside out when you choose to worship and love me! YOU! You are the one I love and adore and cherish and's YOU!"

Time is much too precious and our place in Kingdom history is much too far along for us to be waylaid by incorrect thinking anymore. Rise up, Saints! Take your rightful place as the Beloved Sons and Daughters of the Most High God! Know that you are loved! Agree with it...Savor it...Revel in it...Operate from it...And share it with as many others as you possibly can! Tell me one person on this planet who in the depth of their being does not want to heart that there is an eternal Father who says about them..."Waaaaaa Hoooooo!"

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