Sunday, August 9, 2009

Planetary Revival! - August 7, 2009

Hello Amazing Friends!

The last several weeks at Blazing Fire's worship gathering, we have been receiving astounding kisses from heaven! Something very special is going on! Something special has been going on for many years, but this is greater and sweeter still. Holy Spirit has been drawing us so much deeper into the Father's heart in worship--two weeks ago we were taken into an extended time of spontaneous heavenly singing in the Spirit and last Saturday into an erupting crescendo of wild full-throated adulation. We are getting tastes of the Heavenly Throne Room where praise and worship abound unceasingly for our great and mighty God!! This past Saturday, we were at the bubbling-over point from worship all the way through to the fire tunnel at the end, led by our Wildfire youth and by the angels that sent us over the edge!

In the midst of difficult circumstances, God is pouring out the supernatural because WE NEED IT more than ever! It is his way of preparing His bride to go through anything and everything victoriously in Christ! Here is an amazing prophetic word given just after worship Saturday night by Blazing Fire's own Lani Langlais (

"Plenary (full; complete; entire; absolute; unqualified) and planetary revival—everywhere! You are revival--Each one of you! Where you go, you leave a trail of my fire. Where you go, I go. Where you walk, I walk. Nothing can stand before you. My word is in your heart. My word is in your mind. My word is in your mouth. My word is fire! My word is FIRE! My fire covers the earth. The fire of my glory covers the earth, covers you. There is no part of you that is not burning with my love, with my grace, with the attractive reality of who I am…of who I am…of who I AM. You will be surprised by the revelation of my glory where you do not expect it. You will be surprised, for my voice is given to you to hear under all circumstances and in the strangest places and from the most unusual sources. Speak my word. Speak my pure word. Speak my love at all times. Let all your communication be 'whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are right, whatsoever things are pure and holy and wonderful and Good News and great and awesome', because this is who I am in you!

The Lord has so much more to say to each and every one of us, but I am overwhelmed with his goodness—totally undone! Undone! Undone! Take this--this is yours! I can’t carry it—this is yours! This is yours! All the anointing. All that you want is in Christ! Take it all! Take it all! He gives it all to you—everything. You come behind in nothing—you do have it all. You do have all things necessary for life and godliness. You possess everything. You are the inheritors of the ages. You are heirs and heiresses of my love and nothing can stand before you. Nothing!

Each and every one of you is released to bring revival. Each and every one of you is a revivalist. God has prophesied your life—read all about it. You will go and do new things. New things! You are a new song!

Revival is breaking out all over the place. You are an epicenter of revival and you are in one right here and now!"

After this prophetic declaration, Leona Mendiola ( got up to say this about our upcoming Children's Conference, "Back to the Future: A Divine Invitation:"

"When you were talking about revival, I saw that it's pouring over the children. We are having a conference for the children and I am being reminded that the Spirit is being poured out on ALL flesh. I see the children being called and drawn by the Spirit of God to the waters, to God. This conference has the supernatural, heavenly divine anointing on it. God is forming this conference--It hasn't been put together by man. It has been inspired by this divine inspiration that has been hidden in the DNA that God used to birth it. When the children come, they are going to be imparted with this heavenly impartation of spiritual wonders and signs and dreams. The conference is saturated by so many prophetic people who have these gifts that God has given them. We're going to give the children the beauty of His love--just what we have here--we're pouring it out on them, and they are SO ready! They are so prepared, and they are going to leave that conference with something that's supernatural--this planetary revival! So we're going "Back to the Future" because our children are the future revivalists and the NOW revivalists!

And there's a parent conference at the same time. God is raising up beautiful parents and we're going to be part of that! This conference will give us the ability to raise up these supernatural, anointed children!"

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