Friday, August 21, 2009

A Good, Generous Benefactor - August 21, 2009

Hi Friends!

Unless you have had a truly good, generous & benevolent parent or guardian in your life to know what that's like, it can be difficult to believe that our Heavenly Father is exactly that--Good AND Generous AND Benevolent!

2 Corinthians 9:8, 10 describes Him like this:
"God has the power to cause all kinds of gifts to overflow to you, so that you will be wealthy in all things at all times, and will have much left over for every good work. God who fully supplies every single expense, plus more, to pay for the seed for the sower, and to pay for all the expenses for bread to the eater, will supply all the expenses to pay for, as well as multiply, the seed you sow, and make the crops of your righteousness grow!" (from The Source N.T.)

The verb for "fully supplies every single expense, plus more" (epi-khoregeo) refers to the paying of all expenses, every single one of them, even additional, unplanned expenses. In other words, no stone is left unturned! The word used is the same one used for 5th century Greek drama where a private citizen, known as a khoregos, would vie for the great honor of paying for the entire drama--elaborate stage sets and costumes, training--whatever was needed. The expenses were considerable, but it was considered a huge privilege to pay the costs to make it all happen. At the end of the drama, the khoregos would be brought forward to the thunderous applause of the crowd.

Our Father is the One who knows every word of every scene of every act in the drama called "our lives." He considers it his great honor and huge privilege to pay for what is needed on your behalf! And not just what you need to get by, but to include the added touches--the extra kisses from heaven--to show you his good, generous and benevolent heart! A Day is coming soon when we will all be with God and see how all of our lives were perfectly woven together in this "Story of Christ through the ages", in which we all were given a significant part to play--and we will rise as one in a THUNDEROUS OVATION in gratefulness to the One who supplied everything we needed to do our part and to get us home safely!!!

Yeah...He's THAT good!

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