Thursday, May 23, 2024

COLORS - by Todd Benjamin Lout

You know how you get a random, (or seemingly random), song stuck in your head? Maybe sometimes it's really worth paying attention to the lyrics. Maybe Holy Spirit put that song in your head for the day. 

Usually that song stuck in our head stays there with just you....but today I'm sending an email to all of ya'll so HEY, I'll share with you what's in my head / heart. Perhaps this one is for all of us right now. The song is "Stained Glass" by Keith Green, an oldie but definitely some great lyrics for us. They also go quite well with our theme at Blazing Fire as of late. 

Here's the lyrics below. Let them minister to you.

We are like windowsStained with colors of the rainbowSet in a darkened roomTill the bridegroom comes to shining through

Then the colors fall around our feetOver those we meetCovering all the gray that we seeRainbow colors of assorted huesCome exchange your bluesFor His love that you see shining through me

We are His daughters and sonsWe are the colorful onesWe are the kids of the KingRejoice in everything

My colors grow so dimWhen I start to fall away from HimBut up comes the strongest windThat he sends to blow me back into his arms again

And then the colors fall around my feetOver those I meetChanging all the gray that I seeRainbow colors of the Risen SonReflect the OneThe One who came to set us all free

We are His daughters and sonsWe are the colorful onesWe are the kids of the KingRejoice in everything

We are like windowsStained with colors of the rainbowNo longer set in a darkened roomCause the bridegroom wants to shine from you

This reminds of of the portion of the book, "The Shack", when the main Character, Mac, was taken into the spirit realm. He could see when people would see each other and have fellowship, there were pretty colors moving from each person and swirling around and mingling when two people met up with each other. Some would call that an "orah".  It's the colorful light that God sees when He looks at us. 

Love, Todd Benjamin Lout

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