Romans 8:19 in The Passion says, “The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see the unveiling of God’s glorious sons and daughters!” When we look at the context of Romans 8:14-39, it talks a lot about our glorious destiny. In verse 22, creation is groaning for our glorious freedom. In verse 23, we are groaning to experience the fullness of our status as God’s sons and daughters. A few verses down in verse 26, the Holy Spirit groans for our complete destiny to be fulfilled here on earth and in verse 34, Jesus is praying for us, as He is seated at the right hand of the Father making intercession on our behalf. So we see two divine intercessors that pray for us everyday which means, two-thirds of the Trinity are actively engaged in intercession for us. All of creation is groaning for us, the sons and daughters of God, to come of age and become who we were created and designed to be according to His original plan and blueprint for our lives, to function in our authority affecting all spheres that He places us in. I believe in this season that the Lord is removing old constructs and paradigms from us in how we have encountered and “done” life. What moves you? I believe God is in the midst of restoring our wholeness, who we were originally created and formed as in the image and likeness of the Trinity (Genesis 1) that will begin to reflect the original truth and way of our being. God is unveiling the things off of us that have kept us from being fully revealed. Colossians 1:27 says, “it is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” In this unveiling, He is restoring our garden; He’s restoring His original design, intent and plan for our lives, His original beauty. We are predestined as Jesus was the perfect Lamb slain before the foundation of the world and that’s why our destiny is a prophetic promise. Genesis 1:26-27a in The Good News translation reads, “Then God said, “And now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us. They will have power over the fish, the birds, and all animals, domestic and wild, large and small.” So God created human beings, making them to be like himself.” Authenticity in being ourselves is simply choosing to partake of the Tree of Life, whereas partaking from The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil produces a counterfeit. Creation is the fruit of purpose. It is the outgrowth of a heart, willing and determined to accomplish a definite goal. Behind creation, our existence was the decision to give us (human beings) a place in the fellowship circle of Father, Son & Holy Spirit. Through a journey of evolving into our authentic selves, the Holy Spirit keeps reminding us and leading us to the place of who we already are in God. He is restoring us back to our “former glory” (Psalm 126:4) where it all began, a place that invites us in the process of discovering, becoming and embracing our authenticity. 2 Corinthians 3:18 in The Mirror says, “Now, we all, with new understanding, see ourselves in him as in a mirror. The days of window shopping are over! In him every face is unveiled. In gazing with wonder at the blueprint of God displayed in human form, we suddenly realize that we are looking into a mirror, where every feature of his image, articulated in Christ, is reflected within us! The Spirit of the Lord engineers this radical transformation; we are led from an inferior mindset to the revealed endorsement of our authentic identity.” Have you ever asked yourself, “God, why am I the way I am?” His heart in response to your question is, “Because I’ve always wanted to have a son/daughter like you”. Holy Spirit, thank you for leading us into a beautiful journey of authenticity requiring vulnerability that leads us into our original blueprint life with You. With Love, Joel Pollard |